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First Pic of ICO 3


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(ripped from neogaf)


"What you're looking at is the world's first 'ICO 3' screenshot to be released. Sony has just revamped its careers section and changed the old sketches image with the one you see above. The posts still available are for planners, animators, artists and effects designers. Hit the link below to see the full page"


Team ICO recruitement page updated: First ever "ICO 3" screenshot revealed!


Super hyped, even at this unexciting shot. SOTC is my second or third favorite game of all time so yeah, hoping this comes out in 2009(or sooner!).

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Guest Stefkov

So Shadow of the Collossus was a sequal to the first?


I've not played either but I've seen both been played. They looked fantastic.

This looks good.

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So Shadow of the Collossus was a sequal to the first?


I've not played either but I've seen both been played. They looked fantastic.

This looks good.


No, it's the prequel and in the same universe, This game in all likelyhood will have different gameplay from the others, but as it's the third in the same universe, it has the codename "ICO 3". SOTC is better than any zelda in my opinion.

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This is why I'm buying a PS3! The ICO games are landmarks in videogames in terms of design and art direction and should be played (and enjoyed) by everyone.


I just hope whatever Team ICO have got cooking up is even more magnificent than Shadow of the Colossus; I can't bear to think if it were to be a disappointment.

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No, it's the prequel and in the same universe, This game in all likelyhood will have different gameplay from the others, but as it's the third in the same universe, it has the codename "ICO 3". SOTC is better than any zelda in my opinion.


better than TP yes. not better than pretty much all other zeldas. how silly! only a fan boy would say such a thing!

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*shrugs* each to their own, I can't say whether it's "better than any Zelda" having not played SOTC but I must admit that if I were to buy a PS3 (which I most likely will eventually) then Ico 3 would be the type of game that I may buy, along with Ico and Sotc, just to see of course... :wink:

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Guest Stefkov

Maybe it's holding down something. The bump in the shadow at the top looks like something.


Looking at it more, where's the chains shadow?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Somewhat related, I finally finished SoTC for the first time earlier

(don't worry i didn't buy it untill way after release)


I don't think i'll ever be impressed by a boss in a game after all of them. Just stunning... and 13 was great fun. Makes me wish i had a ps3 for ICO 3

And also, in SoTC,

Was it just me or was Agro's death one of the saddest moments in any videogame? It was so unexpected and ahww...


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