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The Official Emotion Thread


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Flame, flame, flame.

This thread is going to shits. Unless you guys get some actual conversation going on i'll lock this one too.


And old_gregg

1, don't flame other users and

2, don't PM mods with threats, i will take it further.

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I'm cursed and it makes me very sad... I mean you guys know the problems I've had recently that I made obvious in my other thread, but since then things have got worse.... I mean it's so bad that damn stuff around me is trying to make me think about suicide. hehe For example I was balencing a oven pan thing in one hand whist trying to put another in the oven...... I droped it on my arm and instant scar.... Looks like I've cut my wrist... It seriously looks bad. lol Never cut myself in my life but now it looks like I have and I'm scared for life. v_v Damn... Oh well me and my gf had a great time last night at the cinema, getting dinner and then messing about in an arcade until like 1am. lol *sigh* Hopefully things can stay good for a while now. :P

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Its just that the MAN said we can't post threads about specific emotions hence this thread. If you got a problem with it go take it up with Admin not me. It seems you guys (not you in perticular) are not on the same wavelenghth. I mean from the Admin we get told to stop posting irrelvent threads. Then when we post a new thread about a new topic, cos all the other topics have been covered, we get told by the Moderaters to stop posting werid threads. Then the normal posters complain cos people are posting werid threads and posting the same ones. Make your minds up people do you want a lot of threads about everything or a few regular threads covering the basic topics.


"The MAN" said not to post any more similar threads. I was getting irked about threads being similar to others. Someone sees a successful thread and tries to replicate it. Its like Surface, Invasion and all the other new shows that are around because Lost was so successful. If I wanted the others to be gone I would have locked them.


I siad I wanted no more threads for different emotions. As I said, there are hundreds of emotions and at the rate we were heading we would have got them all. Wanna share every emotion? Go see a shrink. Its threads like this one I don't want, its just trying to replicate the success of the Happy/Angry/Indifferent ones. And it isnt just seperate emotions I want not to be bought up. It would be like creating a different thread for each actor in Lost all at once.


This thread will only be kept open to resolve this issue. So in essence, its going off topic but for a good reason.


(and yes, child porn is very very bad and should not be joked about. as some of you know its been quite an issue for me this summer and call me jaded but any more joking and i may have to get personal.)

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Guest Ray Falling
I'm cursed and it makes me very sad... I mean you guys know the problems I've had recently that I made obvious in my other thread, but since then things have got worse.... I mean it's so bad that damn stuff around me is trying to make me think about suicide. hehe For example I was balencing a oven pan thing in one hand whist trying to put another in the oven...... I droped it on my arm and instant scar.... Looks like I've cut my wrist... It seriously looks bad. lol Never cut myself in my life but now it looks like I have and I'm scared for life. v_v Damn... Oh well me and my gf had a great time last night at the cinema, getting dinner and then messing about in an arcade until like 1am. lol *sigh* Hopefully things can stay good for a while now. :P


I hope things will start to get better soon for you ;_; I hate it when life goes so bad, and then it gets even worse...

Now I don't like comparing situations, but yeah my life has been gone from bad to worse alot too ;_;


I'm now finally at a point were I can start solving things and it feels okay, but soon I will again have to give up so much...


A lesson to everyone, health comes before anything. ;_;


Despite all this crap, I can hopefully see my girlfriend who lives on the other end of the planet this winter. Im gonna see the doctor tomorrow and yeah start fixing my health.


So mixed emotions all around now...I'll move back in with my mom soon, which means giving up alot and I mean ALOT, mostly comfort and my great view over the sunset, which has been keeping me alive lately...


Hmmm, yeah...life is bad...but it sometimes has some nice things too...mostly crap though...


I just want my girl really n_n


take care everybody n_n. Happiness = good. Fire = bad



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I hope things will start to get better soon for you ;_; I hate it when life goes so bad, and then it gets even worse...

Now I don't like comparing situations, but yeah my life has been gone from bad to worse alot too ;_;


I'm now finally at a point were I can start solving things and it feels okay, but soon I will again have to give up so much...


A lesson to everyone, health comes before anything. ;_;


Despite all this crap, I can hopefully see my girlfriend who lives on the other end of the planet this winter. Im gonna see the doctor tomorrow and yeah start fixing my health.


So mixed emotions all around now...I'll move back in with my mom soon, which means giving up alot and I mean ALOT, mostly comfort and my great view over the sunset, which has been keeping me alive lately...


Hmmm, yeah...life is bad...but it sometimes has some nice things too...mostly crap though...


I just want my girl really n_n


take care everybody n_n. Happiness = good. Fire = bad



I know its hard when so many bad things are happening but try and block out all the bad stuff and concentrate on the good stuff ie: seeing your girlfriend, when things seem bad they are bound to get good again sometime. Good luck! ;) hope everything goes well with your health.

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Guest Ray Falling
Damn must be hard living so far away from your girlfriend... How did you end up being so far apart or meet?


Well, we met on deviantart.com. We started talking on msn and that was about 8 months ago.

At some point we started to get feelings for eachother, but I didnt really recognize them cause it was all so new to me (the whole being in love thing). Then I had several crushes on girls and I guess I learned alot from that...eventually I knew the difference between crushes and love...


At some point we didnt really talk anymore on msn cause she was busy with school and then someday she told me she met a guy but all she could think about was me, and then the feelings for me came back when we talked again...

And then I felt my feelings for her coming back too.


We were aware of the risks that come with long distance relationships and we can talk about everything that worries us and its really awesome. We connect so well its not like any other girl so I simply knew I had to pursue this.

Id do anything for the love of my life n_n.


So yeah, then we started talking about meeting and since she isnt used to the cold climate I have here, it would make more sense that I visit her (In florida) first and then she'd come here during summer n_n.


So yeah its pretty hard to live so far away, but this is something worth pursueing, but it simply cannot be done just now cause my health. But I'm gonna work so hard for this... I just have to make this work.


Which is what im gonna do...and if it doesnt work out then id be devastated but its a risk im willing to take n_n


I know its hard when so many bad things are happening but try and block out all the bad stuff and concentrate on the good stuff ie: seeing your girlfriend, when things seem bad they are bound to get good again sometime. Good luck! ;) hope everything goes well with your health.


Agreed n_n And thank you very much. Though the past months I had more bad stuff than good stuff but soon everything should be okay.


Thanks for taking interest.



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(and yes, child porn is very very bad and should not be joked about. as some of you know its been quite an issue for me this summer and call me jaded but any more joking and i may have to get personal.)


Well I wouldent know about this summer. But at what point do I say I was joking about it. I was trying to raise a proper point and as I have pointed out there was a good adult disscussion going on and no one was joking about anything. Personnally I think the issue has been done so lets just shut the hell up about it, regardless of whethrer it was right or wrong. Oh and as I said before i would appreciate it if anyone still wants to disscuss it with me or just have a general go, please do it by PM's and not this or any other of my threads. I made this before that thread, as i have pointed out previously. So Ash if you want to reply to this post could you PM me and not on this thread which as far as I am concerned is a totally different issue all together.


PS. I would like to thank those people who PM'd me in support of said thread, i appreciate your support in the matter.




1, don't flame other users and

2, don't PM mods with threats, i will take it further.


Again as I have Pointed out to the Admin a threat is somethiing you say you will do to someone and not what I did. In fact you threatend me so if anyone will be taking it further it should be me. But I won't, as I don't hold ridiculaos grudges against people.



This thread is in no way related or has ever been related to my previous thread(s). So will everybody concentrate on the point of this thread and not any of the other threads. The point of the thread is to give people a chance to say what they are feeling about something that happend to them earlier in the day in the real world and not something that happend on this or any other website.

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