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Mods! Are they coming back?


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Me and my friends are (slightly) Mods. Do you guys know any Mods. They were there in the 60's, then in the 80's will they be here again in the 00's? Like some sort of alien creatures that only appear every 20 years and mate with our women.


What do you guys think?


PS: if this thread is wank just lock it.

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I thought Mod hair cuts were back in fashion.


But the whole idea of having classes at our age based on music taste and clothes etc is all a bit silly, really.



Indeed very silly. Apart from Chavs, they just need to be as far away as possible.

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the mod look has never really gone away to be honest but yes lately that kinda fashion is coming back in, with the clothes and haircuts. Im an Indie guy myself so my wardrobe could be classed a tiny bit mod like (maybe not 60's style) but no i dont dress a certain way cos of the music i listen to but simply cos i like wearing jeans and a t-shirt and my converse so thats what i wear :P

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