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Sigh, now I have my S3 helm I don't really have anything I want to do. All I wanted was full S3 and with the ratings on S3 shoulders and all of S4 I'm not going to be getting any more gear before the expansion comes out. I have decided I'm just going to make some money, a little bit each time I play. Then when Wrath hits I can send it all to my Death Knight (which will by new main). In the mean time I plan to catch up on all the games I have missed out on in the last 3 years lol.

  • 2 weeks later...
Did you add me Spirited Away? Haven't seen you about.


Just about to get my epic mount :D


I couldn't find your username in the thread :heh:. I've changed server now anyway. I got my human mage to level 20 in the trial, then switched over to another normal server where all my mates play.


I sent it by PM. Nevermind, hope you're having fun. Just about to ding 65 then bedtime. Farmed 500g last night and today *yawn*

I sent it by PM. Nevermind, hope you're having fun. Just about to ding 65 then bedtime. Farmed 500g last night and today *yawn*


Yer, it's great fun thanks. Any tips on how to get quick easy money to fund my armour purchases? Can you actually sell products from leatherworking, or are the highest level products, the only ones in demand in the AH?


I started again the other day, well a week ago. It's my first time on since last september and i've done quite alot in a week. Managed to get 4 new epics on my 70 warrior and level from 35 to 42 on my warlock.


(Im on Silvermoon server)

Yer, it's great fun thanks. Any tips on how to get quick easy money to fund my armour purchases? Can you actually sell products from leatherworking, or are the highest level products, the only ones in demand in the AH?


Short answer: sell your leather. Farm and sell leather.

Short answer: sell your leather. Farm and sell leather.


Not my precious leather :( I'm enjoying levelling leatherworking so I won't be doing that for a while! Also do you people know any websites that show an up-to-date price of things in the AH. I mean the price of leather seems to change quite erratically. How do people know it's supply/demand and what to price it at?


If you want to keep levelling your LW then just sell your drops to make money. You don't really need to buy that much gear off the AH anyway. You can gear yourself in dungeons primarily.


(When you get to 70 you can make A LOT of money from leather.)


As far as AH prices go, they really do swing up and down depending on player behaviour. Prices on Dragonblight are sky high right now. So: you need to price match. See what the lowest price is and beat it by a few silver.


Prices tend to stay relatively steady however for things like leather where there is a regular flow of supply/demand.


(As an aside, I tend to check Thotbot comments for prices on drops.)


Hit 67, got my Hit Rating up to 115 although I've dropped a couple per cent crit which is a little annoying. Cleared Terr bar the instances, on to Nagrand.


Spend 3 days revising, or 3 days to get to 70. Tough!


Just getting to grips with earning money now - I purchase 20 medium hides for 60 - 140 silver and then seel them on as cured medium hides for 8-9 gold...I don't understand the huge difference in prices. All i'm doing is curing them with salt and people pay so much more than normal hides?!


Back to level 20 on my new char now :)


Yeah, there are certain disparities. Everything gets factored in eventually, when you consider that each character can only really make money in one or two ways and will have to pay for other goods.


I'm 68 and a half, very excited. Cursed exams! Once I hit 70 I'm going to go get the S1 epic swords then try and round up the Assassination set. I have the money for a flying mount.

Guest Stefkov

I was wondering today if I wanted to install this and play it. I've not played it since July last year, I wasn't a very high level and I've forgotten everything about it. It's just that I see all you guys at level 60 and whatnot, with mounts and saying all these Epic armour and stuff and I just think wtf this game seems so big I don't know if I can really start.

I was wondering today if I wanted to install this and play it. I've not played it since July last year, I wasn't a very high level and I've forgotten everything about it. It's just that I see all you guys at level 60 and whatnot, with mounts and saying all these Epic armour and stuff and I just think wtf this game seems so big I don't know if I can really start.


I just started a few days back and it's fine. People are generally really helpful when you're at a low level ( alot of the low levellers are people on alts, who know alot about the game, and are happy to help with questing or whatnot).


I've only just started and the fact that the game is so big, isn't so much daunting, than exciting. It would be cool if you started an account on my server, so I would have someone to level with :heh:. My guild is made up of mates and higher levels that will help and assist levelling or whatever as well. It really is awesome fun tbh, if you're into this kinda thing!


You're looking at about 3 months play from 0-70 if you play a lot of video games. I started in March and I just hit 70 this morning. And the most popular phrase in WoW is: 'the game starts at 70'. That's when the Dungeon Game starts.


I had nearly given up on games before this. Console games are either short and simple and cinematic (Gears of WoW, Halo 3) or completely casualized (Wii). I hadn't really been satisfied since the big platformers on the 64 and Pokemon on the GB.


WoW is long and huge and deep and fun and great value for money. That emptyness you feel when you buy a £40 game and after a few levels you are kinda unsatisfied? You never get that. It's as easy or as hard as you want it to be, you can work alone or with a group, there are unlimited possibilities for play...It would take you years and years to see all the content. I could go on about it all day but I either want to sleep or play.


It's the ultimate video game. And I'm going to roll a female dwarf shadow priest as my second char while I get ready for Karazhan :P


Harg!!! News just announced in two weeks there is going to be s.4!! stuff coming out on par with the sunwell stuff!


Good news for us though the s.2 gear will now become honour and badges specific so easy to gear up! which is great news for my 4 out of 5 s.1 retri belf pally:P


The game doe start 70 especially with the banter and the tactics and a realy sense of achievement you get from raiding.


Damn it! I'm so stupidly addicted to this game now. Happens every summer after exams, i make a new character with my mates and fall back in love.


ATM i am playing a cute lil lvl 21 BElf Priest on Genjuros PvP. My bronzebeard fave, lvl 30 Tauren Shaman, is left to gain rested EXP *sigh*


Wonder if he ever thinks about me . . .


Dinged 67 today. Just finished Nagrand, awesome area. Some of the quest elites are solid mind.


Good job my mate is some crazy awesome level 70 shaman.

Dinged 67 today. Just finished Nagrand, awesome area. Some of the quest elites are solid mind.


Good job my mate is some crazy awesome level 70 shaman.


Gratz dude :D


Got to 27 myself today . . . hoping to get to 28 and a bit by the end of tonight.

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