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anyone tried many of the new daily quests? they're immense.


my armoury


Are you a Fury Warrior yeah? Thats what I'm thinking of making my new main character (Only level 16 yet :heh:) but I have doubts still, do you find it easy to get into many groups of instances end-game or do you go with your guild?


yeah I am


getting a spot is fine so far (although i get more people /w-ing me with 'tank?' than I care to mention atm with the new 5 man out.


my build is 17/44/0 and it's called 'Rogue In Plate' for a reason: the dps is crazy. Although you don't do as much direct target damage as Rogues, the fury warrior is basically a kind of aoe melee class which makes you a shit kicker of epic proportions in instances with large groups of trash.


also, you can offtank easily which makes you pretty valuable.


been through the new 5 man 3 times now, twice on normal, once on heroic, it's pretty fun :)


plus my guild is now 3/9 in Black Temple


annoyingly, when I cleared MrT (that's the new acronym) I died and our priest didn't res me before he left so I had to run back in to loot Kael's head...except that I got dc. I've still not completed the quest chain.


Bah, the latest patch is seeding thoughts of renewing my subscription. I don't even care about the end-game!


I'm fairly certain that WoW will be the thing that ultimately destroys humanity.


I've been sucked back in proper :( lol


Started a lil Tauren Shammy yesterday, today he's lvl 14 and getting to be a big strong boy ^_^

I've been sucked back in proper :( lol


Started a lil Tauren Shammy yesterday, today he's lvl 14 and getting to be a big strong boy ^_^


I know what you mean, only started two days ago but my Warriors already level 20! I forget how broke you are when you first start up a character though, so annoying not being able to buy stuff :(


So I got a friend to do a scroll of resurection on my account. Thought I'd give it a blast during my break from Uni.


One problem bastard wants to download a 1.1GB patch. I'm trying to do the incremental updates, but filefront has served me at 2.2.3->2.3. Anyone know of any legit, sites or torrents.

So I got a friend to do a scroll of resurection on my account. Thought I'd give it a blast during my break from Uni.


One problem bastard wants to download a 1.1GB patch. I'm trying to do the incremental updates, but filefront has served me at 2.2.3->2.3. Anyone know of any legit, sites or torrents.


I just decided to wait 5 hours for the fucker to download. I hate hate hate the blizz downloader!


I got a scroll of rez from UziT and paid for my first month back, and it feels good. Got one of my uni mates playing too now. He's really into the undead backstory and stuff, it's shocking. I'm giving him my spare copy of the burning crusade as it was his birthday at the weekend ^_^


I'm a good man!


I caved and gone for the mahoosive download. Though coz i'm on crappy half meg its slow, and because BT are lame I will most definitely pass the download cap at the end of the month. :P

Anyone know of any legit, sites or torrents.

A bit late, but here you go.


I wish rekindling your account wasn't so easy; all it took was five minutes of weakness and suddenly I'm doing loads of daily quests...

A bit late, but here you go.


I wish rekindling your account wasn't so easy; all it took was five minutes of weakness and suddenly I'm doing loads of daily quests...


I suppose that's why they give you the option to kill it for good. World of War-crack makes me happy.


Anyone know a good place to level up at 23/24ish? Currently in Stonetalon Mountains, have got a good few quests but I absolutely hate the place, always have.


Did anyone else know you can only use your BC copy once? Tried to use my key from my old copy to authenticate it, and even though I deleted the old account it was on it won't work :(

Anyone know a good place to level up at 23/24ish? Currently in Stonetalon Mountains, have got a good few quests but I absolutely hate the place, always have.


Ashenvale? Thousand needles at 25? Hilsbrad foothills?


My lord are shaman at level 20 fun to play ^_^ nice list of spells and ghost wolf form takes much of tedium out of questing-wooof!


my status as an altoholic seems to have waned- I made a druid because I want a healer and druids are good for it but the thought of the first 30 levels again actually makes me so apathetic I fear for my brain activity.



still. I would like one. Conundrum.

my status as an altoholic seems to have waned- I made a druid because I want a healer and druids are good for it but the thought of the first 30 levels again actually makes me so apathetic I fear for my brain activity.



still. I would like one. Conundrum.


Maybe do a Tauren Druid and play some horde funzies?


nah. As much as I like the horde, I already have my warlock to see their stuff with and one of the only things I can say is getting me any alt play is the knowledge that i never have to save up for a mount again, now that 80g is a light daily session away.

my status as an altoholic seems to have waned- I made a druid because I want a healer and druids are good for it but the thought of the first 30 levels again actually makes me so apathetic I fear for my brain activity.



still. I would like one. Conundrum.

I'd actually be quite happy if Blizzard offered some way to buy characters, such as a one-off payment of £15 for a level 60 character equipped with some competent green gear. They could restrict the service so that only accounts which have already levelled a character to 60/70 could make use of it, similar to way Hero Classes will work.


I know that levelling is a lot faster than it used to be, but you're still looking at a time investment of around 60-100 hours playtime per level 60. As someone that has two level 70 characters plus untold amounts of level 10-40 alts, the thought of retreading all that content I've been through so many times before is really off putting. As such I can't see my starting any new characters until the Death Knight arrives on the scene.

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