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How did you both manage to get the funds for mounts Zero and Shadow?!


I feel sorta bad - just sold a Perfume Bottle for 5 gold on the AH. Not bad considering it sells got 85 copper at the Innkeeper :heh:


Mount money isn't hard, Professions are the key, mining/herb and skinng get awsome amounts of cash, mining more so than the others (Sell both Ore and Bars, JC need the ore and others need the bars so do a mix of them both), then later levels, jewlcrafting is gold heaven, on my drood i'm on 13k, Scarlet Ruby cuts bring home about 100-150 gold per cut. Plus JC trinkets and Dragon eye cuts are amazing, gotmyself 2 +41 Stam cuts in my crab trinket


Sorted; got nearly 50 gold now after notorious questing and selling of items. Gonna get my mount tomorrow as well as my new skills, as I dinged 38 (very nearly 39) too. Active active day!


Reached 34 last night so, i'm all ready for some Scarlet Monestry runs. I think i might level my druid and wait for people to catch up. Mabye not though :p


Sorry I'm so far behind, I just can't seem to drum up any enthusiasm for WoW at the moment; I haven't been playing as any of my characters, even those in the more engaging Northrend.


Something i've been meaning to post, always forget though >>;;


Whats everyone in the guilds Proffessions?


Mainly cause 2 Enchant gloves - Fishing dropped for me while I was doing my Felhunter quest, so I thought instead of selling them i'll give them to anyone that wants them but don't even know what everyone has =p


(Tailoring and Herbalism for myself)

  • 2 weeks later...

Are you guys playing together now? I wouldn't mind coming and chatting with you all.


This picture demonstrates how WoW consumed me, just as it did our old friend Bowser57. Maly finally down, finally an xpac where I am there from the beginning :P


I'm the female dwarf rogue (best and only on the server, lol)




I don't know what's happened, I think it's the same as what's happened every other time an N-E guild or group has tried to form. But nobody is on anymore; people got up to about level 30 before disappearing, which is a shame. I'd like to try and get everyone back to continue playing but I dunno if anyone particularly wants to. Think nightwolf and Aimless would but Shadow and Zero have DK's they're looking after :heh:

I don't know what's happened, I think it's the same as what's happened every other time an N-E guild or group has tried to form. But nobody is on anymore; people got up to about level 30 before disappearing, which is a shame. I'd like to try and get everyone back to continue playing but I dunno if anyone particularly wants to. Think nightwolf and Aimless would but Shadow and Zero have DK's they're looking after :heh:


I stopped to let everyone else catch up and no one else played after that so, Shadow and I have been playing on our horde characters just now and even got a raid on sunday. I've logged on a couple of times to see if anyone has leveled but they never have. I'm playing as a druid just now. Don't know what this DK talk is about :p


I've been trying this week to get some levelling under my belt, but its hard work with nobody to chat too. I think the only person who has been online at the same time was UZit and he was busy playing his DK for about ten minutes.


See this is the problem - lack of organization :heh:


I neeed to get back in to this, I do absolutely nothing else with my days. nightwolf, are you freeish now? I'll come to wherever you are and give you a hand. I'd like for you to be closer to my level so maybe I can advance too :heh:


My bad Zero, not DK's after all :D


I thought I was the only one who logged on, everytime I log thers no one there ;-; Just check auctions and then log off, I do need to level though only 34, I liek my lockiewoo, do have t oadmit i've been Druiding on my main, jsut respecced resto for when 3.1 is out so I can get some of that sweet dual spec w00t


And thers no discussion on 3.1 shame..shaaammmmee, you hunters are gonna love the not having to buy new ammo all the time feature now you got unlimited arrows in one little space.



I thought I was the only one who logged on, everytime I log thers no one there ;-; Just check auctions and then log off, I do need to level though only 34, I liek my lockiewoo, do have t oadmit i've been Druiding on my main, jsut respecced resto for when 3.1 is out so I can get some of that sweet dual spec w00t


And thers no discussion on 3.1 shame..shaaammmmee, you hunters are gonna love the not having to buy new ammo all the time feature now you got unlimited arrows in one little space.




That is going to be awesome. I like the fact that you can call stabled pets as well. Alot of changes going on for hunters there. I can't say I like lifebloom being doubled though. I'm a resto druid as well and that will just be painful on the old mana.


To be honest, I couldn't say anything about lifebloom..I've only been Resto for a few days..only done one bastard dungeon and that was a Normal one just to get the hang of things, managed to do an Heroic..but I got kicked cause I didn't have enough mana >> Bastards

To be honest, I couldn't say anything about lifebloom..I've only been Resto for a few days..only done one bastard dungeon and that was a Normal one just to get the hang of things, managed to do an Heroic..but I got kicked cause I didn't have enough mana >> Bastards


Well lifebloom is like my main heal and I always stack 3 times so doubling it will reduce mana quite a bit. What instance was it you done that was hard. We done old kingdom the other night on heroic and it was a bastard, complete wipe fest, although me and the tank managed to solo the last boss which made it worth while.


It's not really about how much mana you have anyway. I would say as long as you have about 600 spirit, at least 1.2k spell power and something around 12k mana unbuffed you should be fine. See if you can get some blues from the auction house. I got some stuff from and it only cost around 40g at most for it. A guild that will help you gear also really helps.


All seems like high level changes unfortunately, and nothing for Feral specced Druids which annoys me. Was hoping they might balance it out with an extra form. I find it annoying that the Feral spec is the only talent tree without a unique form :heh:


Yeah, I actually jsut ran VOA 25 and managed to grab the Dreamwalker Robes, my Mana unbuffed is 15k, I'm on 1,444 bonus Spell and healing, it's just my spirit that lacks, i'm on 669 spirit, can't remember off the top of my head, and it was AN Heroic.


We did wipe plenty of times mainly cause the DK was taking aggro from the tank, and wasn't protecting me in the whole Hardrox fight where theres laods of little mobs...and everyone wasn't running away from the ground spikes on the last boss, so my mana was getting burned pretty quickly, which pissed people off.

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