Zero Posted February 1, 2009 Posted February 1, 2009 I've not been on as much lately either. It's hard to level with no motivation
ShadowV7 Posted February 1, 2009 Posted February 1, 2009 If we were horde, our motivation would be restored Or atleast mine...
Pantsu Man! Posted February 1, 2009 Posted February 1, 2009 What server are people playing on on this forum? I was thinking of re-installing the game and maybe wasting away a few months when I've finished my year. It would be fun to know other people on the game.
ShadowV7 Posted February 1, 2009 Posted February 1, 2009 Darn newcomers to the thread. Read it then ask questions Answer is we're on Terokarr.
Zero Posted February 1, 2009 Posted February 1, 2009 If I was a horde character I would have been well over 30 by now :p
nightwolf Posted February 1, 2009 Posted February 1, 2009 Then go make Horde characters already and be done with it >_> Some people..
Zero Posted February 1, 2009 Posted February 1, 2009 Then go make Horde characters already and be done with it >_> Some people.. But that would defeat the purpose of making a character on Terokkar if I didn't have anyone else to play with. I already have Horde characters on a different server. One is at 80.
nightwolf Posted February 2, 2009 Posted February 2, 2009 I will join on Terrokar. Need to transfer my lvl 71 Orc. Edit: I am PVP. Cant change to PVE Whats the N-Europe PVP server? There isn't one, we started a group because I asked Dyson which server he played on and everybody joined in, we didn't do it just to have different servers. I'd say it'll take us a while to get to level 71, so it might be better for you to level a new character anyway, considering the highest level we have is dyson at 36. Unless you wish to hang around with the three death knights..?
RoadKill Posted February 2, 2009 Posted February 2, 2009 Pff, The Venture Co is where it's at, I have an 80 warrior, an 80 hunter, a 60 death knight, a 55 death knight (yeah, I know they're created at 55), a 54 warlock, a 47 priest, a 29 druid.. then a couple of others lower and bank alts, and and for tradeskills, 149 inscription / 300 tailoring / 423 jewelcrafting / 428 leatherworking / 444 blacksmithing / 450 mining / 364 enchanting / 339 herbalism / 335 skinning >_> That's what wasting your time looks like *folds arms*
Zero Posted February 2, 2009 Posted February 2, 2009 ShadowV7 and I have Horde characters on the Ahn'Qiraj server. I have a 80 Blood Elf Hunter and a 75 Tauren Druid. We aren't on them often because of the whole new N-E group playing together. What class is your Orc?
Dyson Posted February 3, 2009 Posted February 3, 2009 Been away for a few days and will be for a few more. Apologies once more for not being on at all. C'mon everyone, catch up
nightwolf Posted February 3, 2009 Posted February 3, 2009 I think were nearly there, karuso is at 26 now and I'm just now 24, don't rush us, couple more instances and we'll all have mounts!
ShadowV7 Posted February 3, 2009 Posted February 3, 2009 I haven't been on too much in the past week or so, so haven't really levelled too much but hopefully some instances will boost me up. When we doing Shadowfang Keep anyways?
nightwolf Posted February 3, 2009 Posted February 3, 2009 What level is it? I've done a few levelling bits and pieces with random people these past couple of days because I've had time to do so.
ShadowV7 Posted February 3, 2009 Posted February 3, 2009 Not sure of the exact level recomendation, but we can do it easy enough with a group of us.
arnold Posted February 3, 2009 Posted February 3, 2009 SFK is 18-25 so I think everyone can do that at some point..bes thing is getting there, oh the joy of running through plaugelands/southshore
nightwolf Posted February 3, 2009 Posted February 3, 2009 I can imagine some of us can be summoned, unless we ask Dyson or somebody to help us get through. I usually find there's alot of Horde wandering around being annoying. Thank god we aren't pvp.
Dyson Posted February 3, 2009 Posted February 3, 2009 No problem, I'll run you through at some point, never been there anyway and would like to see it.
nightwolf Posted February 3, 2009 Posted February 3, 2009 It reminds me of the stockades, but worth doing.
Zero Posted February 3, 2009 Posted February 3, 2009 I'm going back on tonight with a renwed vigour. Your healer will be catching up very soon. We can probably do Shadowfang Keep easily now and Razorfen Kraul very soon as well. I'll try for 24 tonight.
Dyson Posted February 3, 2009 Posted February 3, 2009 Good to hear, Zero. The AH is fine. It's a pretty new server I think, I believe it was brought up with TBC but I might be wrong. Was low pop when I joined, think it's medium now. I've been able to find what I want on there anyway. Anyway, we're Alliance players, playing on Terokkar, but you don't have to play with us, it's your choice. I'm not moving to another server though *shrug*
nightwolf Posted February 3, 2009 Posted February 3, 2009 I'm going back on tonight with a renwed vigour. You healer will be catching up very soon. We can probably do Shadowfang Keep easily now and Razorfen Kraul very soon as well. I'll try for 24 tonight. Good to hear, if my stomach feels better in a few hours I'll grab those last few bars to 25 and push to 26.
ShadowV7 Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 Reached 28 easy enough, got 11 bars killing things from quests, then got another 10 from some quest hand ins. Probably be spending less time on him now to get my Rogue to 80.
Zero Posted February 5, 2009 Posted February 5, 2009 Got to 26 there. If i'm not playing football tomorrow i'll probably get to 28. Who is doing Razorfen Kraul with ShadowV7, Nightwolf and I?
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