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^ Shadowfang Keep is a nice alternative, and plus it has the best music in an instance once you get into the courtyard. Only problem is getting there through Arathi Highlands but it's not too hard.

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I think we sould go for Shadowfang Keep. I reckon if, it's just the 4 of us again we should be able to do it about level 22. Would anyone else be up for it?

I can't see why not, I'm at level 20 now, but I'm sure I could get to level 22 quick enough.


Would you be able to get to 22 for Thursday then? I'm 19 but, i'll manage somehow.


Yeha i'd be up for it. Though I won't be back on WoW till Thursday.


Your 23 so, you don't have to worry.

Would you be able to get to 22 for Thursday then? I'm 19 but, i'll manage somehow.


Hmm, probably, I'm not going to give it several hundred hours just to level to 22 though, but I'll try!


Got lectures and commitments (Hopefully) tomorrow, but probably be on late evening anyway.

What server are you all on? I'm thinking of starting it up again, either this week or next.


Terrokar? I think the lowest leveller is Uzit atm, but he doesn't seem to be on much, otherwise you need to be at 20..well for the instances anyway. :yay:


Ahhh okay, it'll probably be Friday i'll install it. I really can't be bothered to install it from disc, so i'll just nab it from my brothers comp when he's home from Uni. :)

Hmm, probably, I'm not going to give it several hundred hours just to level to 22 though, but I'll try!


Got lectures and commitments (Hopefully) tomorrow, but probably be on late evening anyway.


Even if you are only 20 it should be fine. As long as Shadow and I are a high enough level, we should be able to last long enough for you and Aimless to take them down.


Ahhh okay, it'll probably be Friday i'll install it. I really can't be bothered to install it from disc, so i'll just nab it from my brothers comp when he's home from Uni. :)


Shadow and I can make Death Knights on any server (Shdaow actually has one on Terokkar) so, getting you leveled up should be quick. I recommend going a DPS class of your choosing. Right now Shadow is a tank and i'm a healer.


Since we have 2 Hunters in the group, how about a Rogue?

Even if you are only 20 it should be fine. As long as Shadow and I are a high enough level, we should be able to last long enough for you and Aimless to take them down.





I'm sure I can managed at least 21, half way there anyway! But I'm getting bored of questing and as a result have decent herb, alchemy and first aid levels.


I'm kinda waiting on everyone to catch up before getting back in to it properly. Got up to 36 because I was healing in a pug for SM, 2 levels out of it, and about 8 gold or so. Woo :D


Only got to 21 tonight. I'll get to 22 tomorrow when I get in. I have to go play football as well tomorrow so, i should be back online for about 8pm. What time are we doing the instance?

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