Ramar Posted November 18, 2008 Posted November 18, 2008 Just did the Wrathgate quest chain. Amazing. Better than any quest chain I'd done before. It would appear Blizzard have realised what the missing ingredient was before and that was the story. Before the story was happening but you didn't really feel part of it or you weren't as aware of it. Now it's all falling into place and making sense, and I feel a part of it. Great stuff.
nightwolf Posted November 18, 2008 Posted November 18, 2008 hmm, so my mates decided today to disband their guild, alliance, boo. now I've got nobody to play with boring.
Bren Posted November 19, 2008 Posted November 19, 2008 The soundtrack is quite amazing for this expansion. Totems of Grizzlemaw, Arthas, my son and Howling Fjord are just a few of my favourites. The music is part of wot made WoW so good i thought, i loved goin into stormwind just for that bit with the choir singing. If you like the music you might find this interestin : http://kotaku.com/5084025/composing-the-soundtrack-to-blizzards-world Looks like im gonna have to get back on WoW around xmas, aint played it in like 5 months. This new expansion is soundin gooood. Dont know wether to start fresh, or just one of those new knights..?
Ramar Posted November 19, 2008 Posted November 19, 2008 I would definitely buy that! Got to agree Stormwind's music is amazing.
gmac Posted November 19, 2008 Posted November 19, 2008 been 80 since Saturday night/Sunday Morning, got into Naxx today and cleared 2 wings, was fun guild will be going again tomorrow on the reset now I know it was a bit excessive, but I didn't skip any content and it was enjoyable
Haver Posted November 19, 2008 Posted November 19, 2008 Totems of Grizzlemaw - yes! Been back there for that tune a few times. Gz on 80 gmac. Wrathgate was sweet! Onwards to 78! mainnnnteeeeeneneneccccceeeeee kick-ass offhand from the Wrymrest at only honoured rep if any rogues are reading. also Red Drakes for 1600g - thank god for that - I could never face the rep grind in TBC.
AeroScap Posted November 19, 2008 Posted November 19, 2008 Tbh I am pimped out in S.2 gear with epic gems and so far I havent found a single upgrade Same with DK... have to go out of my way to get a marginal upgrade.. Maintenance!!!!! till 12!! gar! I guess I might have to do some... dare I say it.. Exercise...
Haver Posted November 19, 2008 Posted November 19, 2008 UNTIL THREE NOW ON MY FUCKING DAY OFF WAH WAH WAH NERD RAGE P.S. Upgrades are in dungeons, not quest rewards.
nightwolf Posted November 19, 2008 Posted November 19, 2008 just to ask, I log in but my account isn't there! Is that because of the updates? I hope so ^_^
Ramar Posted November 19, 2008 Posted November 19, 2008 just to ask, I log in but my account isn't there! Is that because of the updates? I hope so ^_^ Yeah they're doing some extra maintenance it would seem. Bastards, I could've gained another level by now.
nightwolf Posted November 19, 2008 Posted November 19, 2008 Yeah they're doing some extra maintenance it would seem. Bastards, I could've gained another level by now. Ah phew, I was worried when I logged in and was asked to pick a realm and my character was gone! Bit annoyed myself, I only play every so often, so the one time I can get help from a friend and it's offline, booo.
nightwolf Posted November 19, 2008 Posted November 19, 2008 auchindoun was up at 13:50, managed to bag two quests in before 14:50, whoop.
Ganepark32 Posted November 19, 2008 Posted November 19, 2008 It's soooooooooooo bloody boring levelling again as it takes soooooooo long. Don't know what other people's characters are but levelling with my dps fury warrior is taking ages. And his gears and stats are amazing for him.
Strider Posted November 19, 2008 Posted November 19, 2008 It's soooooooooooo bloody boring levelling again as it takes soooooooo long. Don't know what other people's characters are but levelling with my dps fury warrior is taking ages. And his gears and stats are amazing for him. Arms Warrior here. Level 72 so far. My kill speed varies based on if i get a string of crits, where the mob goes down in seconds, or if i get normal hits and i'm stood there loosing life for about 10-15 seconds. I'm thinking about going Fury, although i'm not really sure of what gear i should have (I've been out of the game for a year). Is it something like +80 chance to hit? Also i'm not really sure of the talents for that matter.
Ramar Posted November 19, 2008 Posted November 19, 2008 Dinged 74 just now. Ret Paladin here, have been since the beginning of TBC. Questing isn't going too bad, just got to do multiple quests in the same area.
UziT Posted November 19, 2008 Posted November 19, 2008 Dinged 74 just now. Ret Paladin here, have been since the beginning of TBC. Questing isn't going too bad, just got to do multiple quests in the same area. Sweet man, I dinged 74 2day aswell...I didnt complete the Grizzly Hills quests, didnt like that area much. Really liking Zul Dark though!
Twozzok Posted November 19, 2008 Posted November 19, 2008 Those Nihilum guys already had the instances on farm status in the beta, so they already knew the instances inside out, it was just a matter of getting to 80 for them. Also, those few instances are only the beginner instances for WotLK, though I'm hoping they won't have another Sunwell Plataeu to soon . (Not that it matters as I'm not even 60 yet )
Ganepark32 Posted November 19, 2008 Posted November 19, 2008 Naxx wasn't a beginner instance. That was the main one. A guild on my server, Old School - horde one, did Naxx as well at the weekend. Seems all of the best guilds on everyone's servers are finished with the raids now. Shame as I haven't done one proper raid, and that includes both pre- and TBC stuff. Did Onyxia but that doesn't count as a raid. It's just a boss battle that was over in just over a minute. Plenty of people in my guild to do raids but we never do any. They used to do Kara but I never got a look in. Oh and that Old School guild on my server has Black Temple on farm with just over 5 peeps. It's ridiculous.
gmac Posted November 19, 2008 Posted November 19, 2008 Onyxia did count as a raid at 60 and Naxx is the beginner raid instance in WotLK, there is at least 3 more being added
Ramar Posted November 19, 2008 Posted November 19, 2008 Sweet man, I dinged 74 2day aswell...I didnt complete the Grizzly Hills quests, didnt like that area much. Really liking Zul Dark though! I've been Borean Tundra and just finishing in Dragonblight, either going Grizzly Hills or might try and do Howling Fjord (should be easy kills etc).
Haver Posted November 20, 2008 Posted November 20, 2008 Got a little irritated today (nerdrage) because Blizz seemingly didn't manage to maintain the zone-progression for players who only Solo, no grouping or instances. I thought the deal was that you could either solo it 0-80 or group it - that's the spiel. I went Tundra-DB-Grizzly-Zul Drak (having been sent there each time from the previous zone after completing all the solo quests), then to Sholazar because of the quest directing me there in Dalaran, but after Sholozar is completed you are not sent anywhere. Can anyone shed light on this? There was an invitation to K3 in the Peaks deep, deep down in the Dalaran canals but I doubt that is intended to push players to the Peaks. I have done 93/100 quests in ZD and I'm left with a group quest - anyone know if that group quest leads to a solo quest that points the player to perhaps Crystalsong or the Peaks? I went to the Peaks but I was annoyed because I am a nerd and I like my progression to be neat. EDIT: My lord what have I become posting stuff like this.
Strider Posted November 20, 2008 Posted November 20, 2008 Now this is something i could sit and listen to for hours. I love this kind of music. Click if it doesn't work or This
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