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My normal edition is being picked and packed, hopefully sent tomorrow so I can have everything ready. I still can't believed I missed the CE. How much was it anyway?

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My normal edition is being picked and packed, hopefully sent tomorrow so I can have everything ready. I still can't believed I missed the CE. How much was it anyway?


£49.99 though I used £2.50 worth of points on it to bring it down a bit.


Apparently Asda's website still has it for pre-order if you're still interested.


I would but since it's nearly getting sent from GAME, can't be bothered with the hassle.


Don't even think my account has money in it just now for ordering stuff what with this, Family Guy, Guitar Hero, Dawn of the New World and some books being paid for in the space of a week :heh:

£49.99 though I used £2.50 worth of points on it to bring it down a bit.


Apparently Asda's website still has it for pre-order if you're still interested.


Guess not anymore. (Just had a quick look) :(


My very first install of wow was friday, I have to say I quite like wow and played about two hours.


But I can see already that there's not a chance I'll be able to get hooked on the game, it's nice every so often, but it's definately not my type of game.


I'm going to give it abit more thought before I decide to pay for it, if I do indeed do that.


One thing I couldn't believe is how long and how many patches, apprently I could have let them run whilst playing, but silly me did it all in about 20hours instead. haha nightmare.

10/11/2008 Your order is waiting for authorisation and release for packing.




Hopefully we'll get it tomorrow. I demand it early :heh:



My very first install of wow was friday, I have to say I quite like wow and played about two hours.


But I can see already that there's not a chance I'll be able to get hooked on the game, it's nice every so often, but it's definately not my type of game.


I'm going to give it abit more thought before I decide to pay for it, if I do indeed do that.


One thing I couldn't believe is how long and how many patches, apprently I could have let them run whilst playing, but silly me did it all in about 20hours instead. haha nightmare.


It starts of like that since your very limited with what you can do due to being a low level and not having too many things open to you and also because of the lack of knowledge of what you can do.


It starts of like that since your very limited with what you can do due to being a low level and not having too many things open to you and also because of the lack of knowledge of what you can do.


Oh it's not that, I know quite abit about world of warcraft and I've played it before (I was horde then instead of alliance) for me it's always been the same, I don't think it's very limiting at all, but then I played guildwars first.


I was very much a bit part player of WoW until a few months back. I forced myself to get to level 70. Purely because I'd put so much money into the game and had previously got no where. Since being 70 I can't stop playing, been back tracking doing classic raids I missed, getting reputation with factions up. I think at low level you only see the lack of story, and think its all to do with levelling, once you get passed levelling it opens up.


As for my order, card has been authourised, order is about to be picked. So looks like they'll despatch it tomorrow, which should mean a nice early Wednesday install and midnight fun. :p


^ classic raids, huh? Done Ahn'Qiraj? Just curious as no one on my server ever does it. My bro's horde guild did it but I think they're the only people to have done it in over a year.


@ Nightwolf - I'm the same as you. Although I have got a lvl 70 character, I played it on and off, in short stints to do it. It's not the kind of game that I'd sit down for hours on end and play. Just in small chunks. Can't stand it for more than that. Which is why I haven't done raids. Don't have the time or patience for them.

^ classic raids, huh? Done Ahn'Qiraj? Just curious as no one on my server ever does it. My bro's horde guild did it but I think they're the only people to have done it in over a year.


Erm, we went to AQ40 with about 20 level 70s, and got a few bosses from the end, but people had to leave, and it got complicated with half the group dying and trying to get back to us.


I've not done AQ20, but the guild has gone back and done it quite a few times for the achievement.


Mines been sent!!! Please oh please let it come tomorrow so I'm not worrying on Wednesday!


Can't wait to get to level 80 and do some more Naxx. That was me favourite instance pre-tbc, so doing it again will be <3.


Damn, I've never been so excited over a game before ^_^

Guess the new phase of the invasion has started, Orgrimmar is under attack :heh:








yea! nice to see Thrall, Garrosh Hellscream and Lady Sylvanas all in one place :P :D :P


Yeh, just read about this. Shame I don't have a horde character to check it out, and can't be bothered to make one. Might just run my N-elf in and have a run on the players. :heh: Shouldn't be long before there's an alliance attack and I'll be ready.

Yeh, just read about this. Shame I don't have a horde character to check it out, and can't be bothered to make one. Might just run my N-elf in and have a run on the players. :heh: Shouldn't be long before there's an alliance attack and I'll be ready.


It's also happening in Stormwind :smile:


My CE was despatched as of 8:11 this morning. If GAMEs online track record continues it will arrive tomorrow.


Though the email was a bit odd, I was being tight and went for the cheap dlivery, but it said;


"If your order is being sent by Special Delivery your tracking number is:"


Then obviously a tracking number. The plot thickens.




On a side, my friend lent me Warcraft 3 and the Frozen Throne expansion about 2 months ago. I only want to know the back story, so yesterday I used a cheat powered my way through WC3, I have today and tomorrow to power through FT.

On a side, my friend lent me Warcraft 3 and the Frozen Throne expansion about 2 months ago. I only want to know the back story, so yesterday I used a cheat powered my way through WC3, I have today and tomorrow to power through FT.


If you do that, make sure you go through the level and do the objectives. I just used instant win cheats only to discover i had no idea what was happening and had to replay the levels :p


MY WotLK was sent yesterday as well. I was hoping to have it for today but, I guess I will just have to wait untill tomorrow.

If you do that, make sure you go through the level and do the objectives. I just used instant win cheats only to discover i had no idea what was happening and had to replay the levels :p


Ah yeah I'm not skipping the story parts, thats the whole reason I'm powering my way through the game.


Gonna get my arse up early tomorrow and listen for the postman/parcelforce man, some bastard stole our doorbell. Better arrive. :blank:


Disable the 3.0 shadows if you're having FPS issues. My computer plays Crysis on max pretty smoothly for 80 per cent of the game but it cannot handle these new shadows - drops me from 60 FPS to 30.


Argent Dawn rep from killing the horrors.

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