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looks like the emblems from resi 5


I don't think it is. If you've been on Home over the past couple weeks, there has been weird messages and everything. Just look at today's message of the day.


Also if you go to the screen in the main square you'll get a weird security video feed after a few minutes.


Apparently something is going to be announced next week. That coincides perfectly with GDC.


I think it's a game announcement.

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I think for now its manual. You have to log into playstation.com and update it.


Having trouble accessing the store. Want to try stuff on the US and UK store. Might buy Socom though KZ2 has me by the balls.


The clan and tournament system is really simple and works! We lost our own tournament but we went against a top team.

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The store has been down all night due to the sheer amount of people trying to download the new CoD W@W Map Pack. This happened last time with the CoD4 Variety Map Pack. Sony should have learned from that balls up.


I need me that new Nazi Zombie Horde map.

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I tried updating my sig also like u mentioned above Diageo and it fixed mine!


They must not update automatically so you have to sign in on the sony site and on the sig page go to the bottom and click update! Added my missing trohies straight away!


Now everyone can see my lovely platinum! :grin:

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Congrats. I got the Killzone 2 platinum two days ago.


The store has been down all night due to the sheer amount of people trying to download the new CoD W@W Map Pack. This happened last time with the CoD4 Variety Map Pack. Sony should have learned from that balls up.


Servers were absolutely fine for COD4 map pack back then. The current one has nothing to do with load as CODWAW packs cant be that big.


I need me that new Nazi Zombie Horde map.


Cant get into COD or R2 anymore after Killzone 2 though its nice they are adding more dlc. Seems like COD really is the new MOH type game.

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Servers were absolutely fine for COD4 map pack back then. The current one has nothing to do with load as CODWAW packs cant be that big. QUOTE]


Erm, no they were not. I had major snags trying to download the Variety Map Pack, so I actually phoned Sony Customer Support who confirmed that due to high demand of the Map Pack, were having difficulties taking transactions.


The current one is just a repeat performance.


And W@W is massive, along with CoD4 and Halo, its the most played game on LIVE, so I would imagine it is pretty big on PSN as well.

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Servers were absolutely fine for COD4 map pack back then. The current one has nothing to do with load as CODWAW packs cant be that big. QUOTE]


Erm, no they were not. I had major snags trying to download the Variety Map Pack, so I actually phoned Sony Customer Support who confirmed that due to high demand of the Map Pack, were having difficulties taking transactions.


The current one is just a repeat performance.


And W@W is massive, along with CoD4 and Halo, its the most played game on LIVE, so I would imagine it is pretty big on PSN as well.


Yeah its pretty big on PSS as well. Doubt the issue is due to the map pack though. My mates and I had no issue with COD4 at the time.


Well going to download the stuff today. Only could do videos earlier. Will try the C&C Red Alert demo and get the LBP Killzone pack to finish off my level.

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The only thing interesting I saw on the store was Socom for £19.99.

Just mulling over whether it would work well as a downloadable title. Thing is I will have to get the official headset somewhen, but I don't want to spend £30 in one go.


Not interested in the KZ LBP add on because

a) I haven't had the will to play LBP since losing save data

b) KZ2 characters aren't that special other than the slightly iconic Helghast mask.

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The only thing interesting I saw on the store was Socom for £19.99.

Just mulling over whether it would work well as a downloadable title. Thing is I will have to get the official headset somewhen, but I don't want to spend £30 in one go.


Not interested in the KZ LBP add on because

a) I haven't had the will to play LBP since losing save data

b) KZ2 characters aren't that special other than the slightly iconic Helghast mask.


Socom is good, very hardcore and defo worth £20. But if I had to choose between that and Burnout, then Burnout would win every time.

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I don't like Burnout, which is weird because I like Wipeout. I just think that the tracks are too linear, which sounds daft when the game is compared to Wipeout.

Basically driving big cars on narrow tracks with relatively little freedom isn't my thing. It all seems a bit too simple for some reason. Don't really know if I phrased it right.


Racers like GT I like because it is more about the skill in the driving and drifting rather than seeing who can crunch who.

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The only thing interesting I saw on the store was Socom for £19.99.

Just mulling over whether it would work well as a downloadable title. Thing is I will have to get the official headset somewhen, but I don't want to spend £30 in one go.


Works fine with regular headset - is bloody hardcore though.

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I don't like Burnout, which is weird because I like Wipeout. I just think that the tracks are too linear, which sounds daft when the game is compared to Wipeout.

Basically driving big cars on narrow tracks with relatively little freedom isn't my thing. It all seems a bit too simple for some reason. Don't really know if I phrased it right.


Racers like GT I like because it is more about the skill in the driving and drifting rather than seeing who can crunch who.


Your description of Burnout hurts my eyes and is giving me nerd rage...must..remain...cool!

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I like Burnout both ways. Also like Wipeout and GT. Need to try Midnight Club. Its on my rental list.



a) I haven't had the will to play LBP since losing save data


Please tell us how many games have you lost data for! I would have nerd rage over just that.

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Just let it out, you know you want to. :p




I don't like Burnout, which is weird because I like Wipeout. I just think that the tracks are too linear, which sounds daft when the game is compared to Wipeout.

Basically driving big cars on narrow tracks with relatively little freedom isn't my thing. It all seems a bit too simple for some reason. Don't really know if I phrased it right.


Racers like GT I like because it is more about the skill in the driving and drifting rather than seeing who can crunch who.


This is not a flame!


You phrased it wrong trust me. Basically highlighted what I had a problem with, which is mainly all the points you made :heh:

Linear tracks?! You gotta be high. You can pick your own path MID RACE and then you can shoehorn in LOADS of shortcuts, often with huge jumps thrown in the middle for kicks.

Big Cars?! If you look at the pilots in wipeout, they are dwarfed (no pun intended) by the crafts the fly but I know you dont mean that. The roads are nowhere near narrow. If 4 cars can drive down one at the same time as dodging traffic, you know you have some space. Anyways, if they were insanely wide, it would be so difficult to acheive those takedowns.

Relatively little freedom?! I can't believe you seriously think this. Look at the linear tracks as that covers some of this but the game is essentially freedom of choice on what you want to do within the confines of a car/bike, which is what I think you would want from a racing game.


Simplicity is sometimes why games are so fun. Unneccessary complexities can sometimes obscure the objective of making and enjoyable game. Armored core 4 sadly springs to mind.


I could continue, I really could, but I need a poo. AGAIN! :blank:

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Why does his look better than the official one?


I guess its an option if you want a custom background. For me its doesnt even work...


Playfire take the data from SCEE and are the provider. Their version is an alternative.

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Awesome! I've been wanting some R&C merchindise for ages.




And here we were thinking for a game series to get some action figures it had to be about men, blood and bloody men. No! Because DC Direct are bringing us Ratchet & Clank figures.


At the moment, we've got a single picture to go off, which reveals that there'll be at least three figures (Ratchet, Doctor Nefarious and Captain Quark), with each also including a bonus midget figure as well. Ratchet looks great, but what's wrong with Clank? Last time I checked, he had legs between his feet and his shiny metal ass...

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This is not a flame!


You phrased it wrong trust me. Basically highlighted what I had a problem with, which is mainly all the points you made :heh:

Linear tracks?! You gotta be high. You can pick your own path MID RACE and then you can shoehorn in LOADS of shortcuts, often with huge jumps thrown in the middle for kicks.

Big Cars?! If you look at the pilots in wipeout, they are dwarfed (no pun intended) by the crafts the fly but I know you dont mean that. The roads are nowhere near narrow. If 4 cars can drive down one at the same time as dodging traffic, you know you have some space. Anyways, if they were insanely wide, it would be so difficult to acheive those takedowns.

Relatively little freedom?! I can't believe you seriously think this. Look at the linear tracks as that covers some of this but the game is essentially freedom of choice on what you want to do within the confines of a car/bike, which is what I think you would want from a racing game.


Simplicity is sometimes why games are so fun. Unneccessary complexities can sometimes obscure the objective of making and enjoyable game. Armored core 4 sadly springs to mind.


I could continue, I really could, but I need a poo. AGAIN! :blank:

Haha I knew after I wrote that I would be questioned. Look, when I was talking about linearity (is that a word?) I was thinking about Motorstorm where you have huge variations in track height, width and paths intervene with vast gulfs between them. Burnout has SSX like tracks where there are a few variations in tracks but will after a short while will get you in the same place as everywhere else.


As for big cars - yes on some parts you can fit 4 cars in a row but it always feels narrow - It's like there's an open road where you can't actually go to all of it - it's cordened off. With most racing games you can go where you see even if it means falling off or skidding out - with this you are strictly caged in by the gates and fences. In this point I wasn't really talking about the proportion between man>car, more car>man


I think this is my main quibble; with the cars you are more or less just constantly accelerating without need for vast drifts or movements - It feels more like reaction tests in turning left and right past oncoming pillars and traffic more than feeling in control of the car - it's not really anything like driving a car.


I've probably just caused more damage but I think I explained myself a bit clearer. Thing is I can understand problems with what I have said I just can't really express it in a way that makes sense.

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