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Any reason I shouldn't buy a second hand Wii?


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So yeah, I can get a second hand Wii for £150, which sounds like a pretty good deal. I was just wondering if there are any reasons I shouldn't buy one - for instance, does all the online malarkey and Wii channels and so on work on a second hand one? And are there any other reasons that make buying a Wii second hand a bad idea?


Sorry to be so lacking in knowledge in such matters, but hopefully with your support I shall be playing Mario Galaxy soon!

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The shopping channel information (such as what games you've downloaded and what nintendo-europe club nintendo account your attached to) can be changed/deleted rather easily. Just go into settings on the shop channel.


If anybody here does get a second hand Wii, if they've downloaded any games then ask them to not delete their account. There's no information kept on the Wii (like credit cards) from what I'm aware of. There's no point in deleting games you might like.

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Yeah, no games and only one other controller. I can smell a rip off when I see one.


£250 for a second hand Wii with no games and one other controller. Guy is probably a crack fiend high as a kite if he thinks he can get away with that.


Status Quo bias we call that in my business studies module, where an individual values something greater than it's worth because he owns it.


Geez I got my Wii only on tuesday with 3 games and some third party accessory crap for £239.99 from argos so I say set yourself a budget, prepare to go over it a bit, chech this site out, wii-consoles.co.uk, and where it says, give them your email address so they can inform you of any new wiis in stock. Don't think many people are going to be parting with theirs this chrimbo.

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