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The Lillster

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First of all sorry if this is in the wrong thread, but it's basicly related to the wii and PS3.


The situatin is, I brought a Wii last year and now i'm thining of selling it because I can get more money than what it's worth. And with this money i'm going to buy the 60 gig PS3.


The reason for this thread is how much could I get altogteher?


AT CEX I can sell it for £221, but I've seen people on ebay selling them for £250 - £300.


So ebay seems the better option for me.


Ok here is what I have.


1. Wii - Boxed. (Has a bit of a nasty scratch on the side, but you can hardly see it unless light is shining directly on it).


2. 1x classic Controller


3. 1x Wireless GCN controller (It's not a wavebird, it's GAME's own brand, seems pretty decent though).


4. 1x GCN memory card (Nintendo's own brand, standard version).


5. 1x Wii Remote - with jacket


6. 2x nunchuck controllers


The Games I have are...


1. Super Mario Galaxy


2. Metroid Prime 3


3. Wii Sports


4. Resident Evil 4


5. Kororinpa


So if I sold all that on ebay, how much could I sell it for?


Also if I leave my VC downloads on there, can I make the value even higher?



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I'm doing exactly the same as you (apart from not buying another console as I already have a 360), selling my Wii for profits...


I've got a launch Wii in mint condition (boxed).

3 Wiimotes (hopefully all boxed)

2 nunchuks (boxed)

Wii Play


Wii Sports

A few VC games


I'm hoping to get around £300 for it alltogether if not more than that.

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Question: Why buy a PS3 when you could get a XBOX360? :p


Because my mates at work own PS3's and obviously I want to play them online. Besides I want one of those BC 60 gig models before they sell out.


So do you all think I could get a decent profit for all those games?


Oh yeh I forgot to mention, I also have Ikaruga for it too.

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I'm gonna join the scene and sell my Wii as well I think =P. Only thing is I have a load of virtual console games on there (about 6 n64 ones) what can i do about them? Could I save them and put them on a future wii i might purchase?


Nah, i believe they go with the console! So if your selling it on Ebay state the VC games you have...


PS3'S are great but we need many more first-party titles like Ratchet and Clank + Warhawk in my opinion. If you have the dosh to buy one, then i would recommend it. Surely Sony each month are learning by earlier mistakes, so 2008 could well be the year of the PS3!

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I might join you and sell the Wii I bought to sell on ebay.


Hoping to get 300+ for it. But for a PS3? Ah well..


Also about the VC things, if you get rid of the Wii then you can't re-download them again without purchasing them. If you buy another Wii then you need to pay for them again. Are any people selling the Wii for money then just at some other point buy one back again?

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I might join you and sell the Wii I bought to sell on ebay.


Hoping to get 300+ for it. But for a PS3? Ah well..


Also about the VC things, if you get rid of the Wii then you can't re-download them again without purchasing them. If you buy another Wii then you need to pay for them again. Are any people selling the Wii for money then just at some other point buy one back again?


I think i'm going to do what I did with DS. Basicly I brought the DS original around a year ago, and then sold it, because there wasn't much I liked on it at the time. And now i'm buying a DS Lite crimson, now that it has more games that I like.


So when the black wii comes out, probably in 2008 or 2009, i'll buy a wii then. And have a decent sellection of good games to play.


Edit: I just went onto ebay and noticed people selling them for £250 - £300 and that's only the wii and wii sports. Altough there console is in mint condition, I think with all the games I will sell with it, I could get over £300 for it.

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