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Paris is Burning


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I'm surprised there hasn't been a thread about this yet, it's been going on for a few days now.


Basically it started when two idiot delinquents shut themselves in an electrical substation while hiding from the police. Of course, they got their asses fried by the 10k volt wires in there. Suddenly gangs all throughout Paris started fighting the police and firemen. They started setting stuff on fire, last time I checked there have been about 1300 cars burned.


But things are turning even nastier, it's just plain sick.


The fuckers actually attacked a full bus and set it on fire. An elderly handicapped lady escaped, but only just, and she's heavily burned. And they set fire to a fucking PRIMARY SCHOOL AND NURSERY . Luckily the firemen arrived in time to save most of the primary school, but five classrooms of the nursery were gutted.


What the HELL are they trying to prove? The real reasons to this violence is probably deeper, but I can't see this doing any good....

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Guest Ray Falling

My God thats awfull ;_;


I think I saw something like that on the news the other day ;_; I'm so ashamed of being human sometimes, ugh, these people just...


In blind chaos, people will just loot and kill and break stuff and set things on fire...;_; so sad...

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French immagrents. Simple as, some of them are loons. Same as here.

Why would they listen to their president anyway? He's a bloody fool.

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I believe the children were Muslims. Don't quote me on that.


Yes they were.... and sorry for quoting you on that :P


I saw this on the news and basically I just didn't 'get it'. A load of riots because two fools killed themselves. Who is sparking these riots and why? It doesn't make any sense. The French are seriously strange...


Like I said, the real reasons are probably much deeper, that was just a spark. Like World War I was started by just one assasination... no. It was brewing a long time.

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Guest Offerman

In this country its near impossible to get into sub-stations unless of course you have the interlocks, and once your in its still not very easy to shock yourself, especially on 11kv equipement. So if they where to get in, they must have been incredibly stupid to shock themselves. Now having read the article a few times I see no real justified reason for the riots, so Jord is right its the immagrants. I mean its bad enough for them to be in that country, but if they kept their head down and did some work it might be excusable, but to bluudy cause riots is just sheer madness.


Its right about now that Police Brutality can be justified, I mean they have no right to cause havok. I'm no fan of the French but the innocent French Citizens don't deserve this. The cops need to start cracking some heads together, and show the African and Arab immigrents that they will not be tollerated.

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I don't want to seem pedantic but that was the First World War..


You could argue that teh assassination of Ferdinand started WW1 which Gemrany went on to lose and they were given full blame. The Treaty of Versaille imposed such hard conditions on Germany that people voted Hitler into power thus starting WW2 in the long run. Anyways, we digress.


Back on topic: yeah, its some pretty drastic stuff. Its mostly minority groups who feel they are victimised by the police too much and this was the final straw that broke the camels back.


Personally i would send in troops with orders to kill any rioters, but there's a risk it could maek the situation worse,

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In this country its near impossible to get into sub-stations unless of course you have the interlocks, and once your in its still not very easy to shock yourself, especially on 11kv equipement. So if they where to get in, they must have been incredibly stupid to shock themselves. Now having read the article a few times I see no real justified reason for the riots, so Jord is right its the immagrants. I mean its bad enough for them to be in that country, but if they kept their head down and did some work it might be excusable, but to bluudy cause riots is just sheer madness.


Its right about now that Police Brutality can be justified, I mean they have no right to cause havok. I'm no fan of the French but the innocent French Citizens don't deserve this. The cops need to start cracking some heads together, and show the African and Arab immigrents that they will not be tollerated.


Just the ones that are being naughty, surely?

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You are correct. Excuse the error :o


but but..


You could argue that teh assassination of Ferdinand started WW1 which Gemrany went on to lose and they were given full blame. The Treaty of Versaille imposed such hard conditions on Germany that people voted Hitler into power thus starting WW2 in the long run. Anyways, we digress.


15 characters plz.

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Guest Offerman
Well, it's a minority at fault here.


Haver your so so clever that despite everything you fail to pick up sarcasm.





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Guest Offerman
It is important to note who was attempting to engage in thoughtful sociological discussion, and who wouldn't let that happen.


Now before I start again, I'd like to say this post is not an arguement post.


When I said..'The cops need to start cracking some heads together, and show the African and Arab immigrents that they will not be tollerated.'


Did you really think I meant every immigrent, or as Jordan and I both implyed; the ones that where causing trouble? Exactly.


So because of another slight flaw in my post, grammer and sentence structure Haver deems it fair to jump on the band wagon. I mean, you knew full well what I mean you just thought you would make everybody laugh by trying to imply that I was being racist. Where what I exactly meant was the specific Arabs and Africans in France that are causing trouble need to be punished.


I wouldnt in a million years dream of having a thoughtful discussion with you Haver, because I know all it would come down to is you picking flaws in my post(s).


Now lets leave it at that before I ruin another thread, as I always do.

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