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Attach rates?


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Don't MS include Arcade games in their attach rate which seemed to give them an extra boost! Partly because everyone in the world need to play Geometry Wars Evolved!!!


Given nobody can find any proper attach list nobody can say for sure. XBLA hasn't been included in this thread so far though, if it did than 360 game sales would be quite a bit higher!


who says...


Theres not really much need for anyone to say, have you looked at what has been released on 360?


Off the top of my head:


The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion


The Orange Box

Halo 3

Gears Of War

Viva Pinatta

Call of Duty 2, 3 and 4

Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 1 and 2

Rainbow 6: Vegas

Forza 2

Project Gotham 3 and 4



The Darkness

Dead Rising

Fight Night: Round 3


Splinter Cell: Double Agent




Quite a list to compete against, im sure theres more great games that i've forgotten about too. Would anyone seriously try to insist that the Wii's 1st year line-up beats that for quality?

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Given nobody can find any proper attach list nobody can say for sure. XBLA hasn't been included in this thread so far though, if it did than 360 game sales would be quite a bit higher!




Theres not really much need for anyone to say, have you looked at what has been released on 360?


Off the top of my head:


The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion


The Orange Box

Halo 3

Gears Of War

Viva Pinatta

Call of Duty 2, 3 and 4

Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 1 and 2

Rainbow 6: Vegas

Forza 2

Project Gotham 3 and 4



The Darkness

Dead Rising

Fight Night: Round 3


Splinter Cell: Double Agent




Quite a list to compete against, im sure theres more great games that i've forgotten about too. Would anyone seriously try to insist that the Wii's 1st year line-up beats that for quality?


Got a point there

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Quite a list to compete against, im sure theres more great games that i've forgotten about too. Would anyone seriously try to insist that the Wii's 1st year line-up beats that for quality?
No, but that list has a lot of titles of the same genre making it kinda one-sided coming out as extremely good for a specific kind of gamer and potentially not so hot for others. When a platform gets too much of the same the majority of the public tends to grow tired about that genre leaving only the "core" userbase supporting it.


I think Wii has a lot of variety by comparison, sure we lack some stuff (genres) in quantity like that, but...


Still all in all, and talking about "1st year line-up's" (and that list has few X360 "first year line-up" games) I think Wii's first year line-up is being better than X360 first year was (for me), there's no turning around the fact that X360 is a more mature system now though and we can only hope Wii matures too.


But I still prefer Wii's line-up for this year; lesser titles yes, but bigger guns (in terms of games I actually can't/don't want to miss)

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We were talking about quality of the titles, yes? In which case genre and taste are irrelevant.


Also, without meaning to sound pedantic, more than half of the titles on that list were first year titles:


The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Gears Of War

Viva Pinatta

Call of Duty 2, 3

Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter

Rainbow 6: Vegas

Project Gotham 3

Dead Rising

Fight Night: Round 3

Splinter Cell: Double Agent




Some of those might be just outside of the first year, im none too certain but im not away to argue over a week here or there.

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We were talking about quality of the titles, yes? In which case genre and taste are irrelevant.
I disagree, since that wasn't my point.


A game can be really good and still not my cup of tea, therefore making me not the target public for it; and if you have too much of the same genre it's only natural that it won't be a universal reason for people to pick that system, for some, yes; but not as broad as it should/could.


In the end too much of the same in such a short ammount of time also means people will grow tired of it and even if they don't... they're bound to not being able to purchase/buy them all. That's probably why Haze and UT2007 are going into PS3 first, seriously what hope would they have in X360 coming out in the Halo 3, Bioshock and CoD4 timeframe? They'll sell loads more in a starved platform like PS3.


If you have the choice after finishing one game, do you want more of the same genre or have variety? I think most of the people will want the later.


I'm not saying they aren't quality titles mind you, I'm just saying they're too much of the same, therefore making it really strong for a specific kind of gamer, and really unbalanced for other... it's a double edged sword and you can't simply expect that to be the best one by every people standards, not with their system sellers being basically 50 FPS's. (I know this is a generalization to some extent, but it's also something that comes implied in your list, and I'd personally choose mostly other titles, for me)


Not to mention that some of them are multiplatform and available on PC, that some people prefer; and I'm one of those. A lot of those titles mean nothing to me, only the console-exclusive ones do, actually; and some were even out on PC before the X360 version came along (F.E.A.R. for example) Ironically even because of the genre in question, I dislike the dual analog configuration when I could have a mouse.

Also, without meaning to sound pedantic, more than half of the titles on that list were first year titles:


Some of those might be just outside of the first year, im none too certain but im not away to argue over a week here or there.

Well, I'd take some games from that list and put in others; even because like I stated, I'm not strickly that kind of player; but still... most of the titles in the list are not first year, that or simply not exclusive (even when it comes to consoles)


I can also say for sure that, if I'd buy a X360... So far it would be for second year games, first year was pretty poor for my tastes. (with the exception of one or another title)

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Twilight Princess, Metoid Prime 3 and Mario Galaxy alone beat all of those 360 titles :P
Those are system sellers for me, amongst with others coming or even out already, it was a good first year for me, despite the drought.


But I believe Wii's biggest strength right now (and maybe since launch) is the variety of gameplay offered, original approaches to stuff, in some cases it's like re-inventing the wheel. I actually bought some games I normally wouldn't just for the sake of it.


Also, things like Pikmin, Chibi Robo and Elebits might mean nothing to most, but I can actually picture myself buying a console for those little quirky titles. Sure they aren't system sellers but they're good titles nonetheless, and when you have a lot of titles like that... that manage to be unique and different (their basic design is innovating after all) they might not be candidates to game of the year and all, but they keep the library... fresh.


In a sense (for what was previously said on this thread) they might not be epic, game of the year competitors and may keep a low profile, but manage to be fresh. And that pulls me, I love discovering new experiences.


The more titles you have to every specific kind of gamer the more you can appeal to a lot of people, and so far that's the Wii emphasis IMO.

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Are you really trying to pull it down that route? This could be discussed forever, but theres no escaping the fact that the 360 has more high quality titles out at the moment, and more high quality titles at the end of year 1.


I've been through and checked the list i posted earlier and it's correct, all those titles are first year (in the UK).


The Wii has some cracking 1st year titles (TP, Galaxy, MP3, RE4: Wii, Super Paper Mario,) but the quality drops away pretty fast. The 360 on the other hand keeps the quality up quite a way down it's line-up, although admittedly it was mostly kept alive by ports until X-Mas 2006


Twilight Princess, Metoid Prime 3 and Mario Galaxy alone beat all of those 360 titles :P


I rate Oblivion higher than Twilight Princess personally, both were really good games but Oblivion is grander in scale and far more epic. It also has more WOW! factor than TP (a lot of it being down to how awesome it looks)


As for Mario and Metroid, you're probably right. They both look awesome! (having played neither i can't really comment beyond speculation, but so far these are the only titles that have made me want to buy another Wii)

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Are you really trying to pull it down that route? This could be discussed forever, but theres no escaping the fact that the 360 has more high quality titles out at the moment, and more high quality titles at the end of year 1.
I agree on the total "countdown", X360 has a better "all-time" line-up right now and I never said otherwise; I disagree on the first year though; X360's first year was kinda bland to me, only saved towards the end. (and with Oblivion released in the middle, if you will, but that's also a PC game for me, no need to buy a X360 for that)
I've been through and checked the list i posted earlier and it's correct, all those titles are first year (in the UK).
Is Halo3 first year? what about Orange Box? and Bioshock? and CoD4? just to mention a few. (I'm counting from your original listing since it was the one I was reffering to from the start)


Microsoft did a almost simultaneous launch (unlike say, PS3), X360 came out still in 2005 in europe... in 2nd december 2005 therefore all 2007 titles don't count.


They're certainly the best too (the 2007 titles), there's not much 2005/2006 (before Q4 2006) that I'd buy full price today due to their stand-alone "quality", as good as they holded up at launch.

The Wii has some cracking 1st year titles (TP, Galaxy, MP3, RE4: Wii, Super Paper Mario,) but the quality drops away pretty fast. The 360 on the other hand keeps the quality up quite a way down it's line-up, although admittedly it was mostly kept alive by ports until X-Mas 2006
Hmmm... that's relative, taking RE4 aside they're all first party titles, those usually deliver on Wii, we just still have a problem of worthy third party support, even because one year after and seeing as some only jumped in the bandwagon throughout 2007... well, they're rushing their products from the door in Q4 2007. If it goes well should fall into place with time but it's still a uphill battle.


But still, like I said, while I really like high budget stuff/system sellers/ambitious games, and Wii could use some more of those... I think part of it's success is coming from variety, something that, as much good titles X360 has... is lacking, and capitalizing too much on that.


Viva Pinata's bad sales being first party also don't lead the way for others I guess.


And as much as some Wii titles don't get the ratings those "top games" you mentioned got... I'd say there's more to it than that, the quality doesn't drop instantly (although I agree third party's released a lot of crap this year) but there sure are some pearls released for the middle range, and the conjunction of them is what makes me really satisfied with my choice. Some of my favorite last gen games weren't rated that high.

I rate Oblivion higher than Twilight Princess personally, both were really good games but Oblivion is grander in scale and far more epic. It also has more WOW! factor than TP (a lot of it being down to how awesome it looks)
I don't personally identify with that, I don't think I ever will :)
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Although the 360 has the better lineup, it isn't quite as impressive as the fans are making it out to be for the reasons Pedro gives. The top quality games are way more plentiful but they lack diversity in some aspects.

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I don't personally identify with that, I don't think I ever will :)


Me neither, but taste is taste. I like Oblivion, I have the ultimate version (PC version) :P, it's pretty good, have a lot of time in it, but it's one of those games where you notice that they just developed the assets and then put everything in stringed with some dialogue. The whole game is basicallly the same thing over and over again, which kinda ruins the epicness. And even though, the graphics might be better than TP technically (even though it's all renderware or wtvr it's called), TP is prettier. But again, that's up to taste.

Saying that 360 has a lot more quality is higly highly subjective, there are a lot more titles on the Wii that interest me than on 360 and some that I cared about are now on the PC. I mean, you say yourself you may prefer Oblivion over TP due to the graphics, that alone proves that saying that X console has more quality titles is up to personal opinion.

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I mean, you say yourself you may prefer Oblivion over TP due to the graphics, that alone proves that saying that X console has more quality titles is up to personal opinion.


I didn't say i preferred it because of it's graphics, i said i preferred it's epic feel which is as much down to the stunning outdoor areas as the story. Theres also a lot more replay value in Oblivion and tons of custom content (especially on the PC version)


Theres little point in me discussing games here tbh, the natural winner in every situation is going to be Nintendo. I don't deny the great titles on Wii, but it's really lacking in quantity of good games. The amount of emphasis put on Red Steel, Excite Truck, Mario Strikers and a few other (poor) games pretty much speaks for itself

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I wouldn't quite say its that many. Also most people buying a Wii are not really all that much into games and once they have the machine + a few games they're happy to pull the machine out every so often when friends are round and not really buy anything new for it.

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