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"Escape is just the beginning..."

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Of course, I am talking about the absolutely fantastic Prison Break.


Recently, I plucked up the energy to watch Series 1. At the end of it, I was in ecstasy, it was soooo good. Such great buildup, problems along the way, will they won't they, and then, over the wall!


Well, I recently bought series 2, and I finished that in a matter of days too. It's seriously addictive stuff. I think 2 lacked some of the edge that 1 had. It gets a bit too complicated and intricate for its own good, whereas one was purely about getting outta that damn Prison. Some of that element gets lost in 2, but it's great viewing nevertheless.


Any other fans out there?


I do apologise if there is already another thread. I did a quick scan, but I think I may have missed it. My eyesight has been terrible recently.

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I haven't watched Prison Break, someone gave me a website where I can watch it streamed though. Which is nice. Ditto to what Jordan said too.

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The real question is when are you coming back on msn/unblocking me ;)


Sierously though nice to see you. Ive seen this once or twice seems quite good although I prefer sopranos personally.

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That, my friends, is another question that needs to be answered in another thread.


For now, let us discuss about Prison Break.

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I've been wanting to watch this for ages. Saw it for £30 at Virgin last Friday, and was just about to buy it but decided agaisnt it, as I haven't got much time to watch it, due to work and many many games to play. Hopefully it will still be at that price next month so that somebody can purchase it for me as a Christmas present.


Nice to see you again FL!

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Prison Break was absolutely awesome in it's first season but it suffered in it's second due to the surroundings. The constant running around and changing stories between of the main characters got annoying for me after while.


But it's got a great story and makes for exciting tv.

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There is another thread, but you were right in opening a new thread anyway due to the rules here.



Yeah, Prison Break Rulez! Im two episodes behind actually.

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I've only seen the first 4 episodes! You say the second series loses the feel of the first? Does it acquire a new one, though? And what about the third?

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The second one does kind of adopt a new feel. Its more conspiracy-ey.


The third seems to go back to season 1s main appeal and feel, but dragging with it, obviously some characters from season 2, some new ones and putting them in completely different situations.

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The second one does kind of adopt a new feel. Its more conspiracy-ey.


The third seems to go back to season 1s main appeal and feel, but dragging with it, obviously some characters from season 2, some new ones and putting them in completely different situations.


I agree with ReZ's statement about the second series. It does feel different. There's a lot more going on than just "escaping from Prison." There's quite a few different stories revolving around one central pillar, and at times it does become a bit too intricate.


The first series reached a high too big I think for me to topple. There be spoilers beneath:


Possibly my favourite television moment ever. In the 3rd to last episode, the song Teardrop by Massive Attack plays in the background, with the focus being on the escapees. The camera focuses on each of their thoughts and why they're escaping. It then focuses on Sarah, and then finally on Schofield and Pope. Then, that ever brilliant line:


"I'm breaking out...and you're going to make sure my brother goes along with me.


Fucking incredible.


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1st series = pure awesomeness

2nd series = nowhere near as good

3rd series = pure tripe and I've stopped watching it.

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"Escape is just the beginning..."

That's just an excuse to make another season after all the bullshit ends.

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