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PS3 Price Cut... and Wii still sells more

Zechs Merquise

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Who the hell tried to post goatse stuff to my Penny-Arcade mailbox? Considering that there is only few personel that know connection with my alt and my real name, it must be from these boards. And I have really strong suspicision that it is someone from this thread. Basically proves everything that I have said.




Says the guy who writes poorly structured english with multiple exclamation marks, has a "cool" avatar, email address with word "kickflip", playlist full of generic MTV pop shit, gamercard with few FPSs and driving games, has quote "owning the shit", and is sixteen years old. It does give certain image of you, don't you agree? Teenager gamer at its worst, yo. :indeed:




I do allow opinion, but if you have opinion, you should have argument it well, and have real facts to back it. Unfortunately, for 80 percent of time, you didn't have neither.




Average X360 user age is 21, which is mostly ramped up by some real old gamers. And I wouldn't call 18 years old adult by any means.




And only one add-on is mandatory, and even it is only for single game. So what's your point? Wiimote has 14 buttons, which is more than Dreamcast controller ever had, and only two less than Xbox controller has. Plus motion sensors to compensate some actions.


..For the love of god, would someone put a t!t in this kids mouth!


By announcing your leave after proclaiming N-Europe as shite only makes you look incredibly stupid. Its like that kid that announces his running away from home...Only to find him knocking at the door when its dinner time. Pathetic.

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You're an idiot if you thik ALL future consoles will have motion controls, it's clear that that's not what everyone wants.


See ya later!

I think it's likely that all future consoles will have some form of motion controls, but I agree that's not what everyone wants. They just need to cater for both camps really, by making games that have motion controls and games that don't, or at least use it very sparingly.

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And what has that got to do with motion controls in future games consoles?


(With Nintendo in mind) Even in future games consoles Nintendo may want to perfect the Wii remote technology, why would they take two steps backward by allowing a more traditional, button-focused way to play on games that actually work with waggle?

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How? When you have chosen to only focus on the waggle...Thats the Wiis selling point.


Last time I checked, plenty of Wii games offer GameCube / Classic Controller support as an option, and the most of them which don't seem to only benefit from motion controls. I think Tony Hawk's is the only exception to this rule?


Presides, there are plenty of 360 games which feel like the single player mode is sacrificed for a more in-depth online. Not everyone is too pleased to hear about that, but I guess it's down to preference.

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(With Nintendo in mind) Even in future games consoles Nintendo may want to perfect the Wii remote technology, why would they take two steps backward by allowing a more traditional, button-focused way to play on games that actually work with waggle?


Obviously, it'll be dependent on the games. Ones that simply wouldn't work with just buttons wouldn't have the option to use just buttons.

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Jezus tittifucking Christ. You've all gone and made a mess out of this thread.


I for one enjoyed reading Teppo's comments, and have no shame in saying that I regret him leaving.


Suggestion to the mods: create a seperate board for any topic that can (and, as shown here, will) lead into massive off-topic slander of console entertainment companies. Same goes for threads created solely for whining about how good/bad any console is.


I'd like more news, and less sensation. For effin's sake, we're all gamers here, why can' we all just... get along?

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I am in absolute agreement about the fact that Wii is much more approachable. Wii Sports is a perfect example of that. But there is a difference with say Apple(quality) approachable and McDonalds(low quality) approachable. Marketing of the Wii falls on the McDonalds side. The controller is awesome but very limited(Nintendo have so many add ons...). The games are low quality but their target market will happily buy these.


Wii Sports is it really a real 'game' that they are grasping? It seems more like a motion control tech demo than real game which is happens to be very forgiving. These poeple are hardly playing actual games. Mario Galaxy isnt going to appeal to these people the same way Zelda didnt.


Well I think I disagree with your terminology there. You imply that you believe that the Wii is low quality, which I think is wrong. Just because an Audi A4 is cheaper than an BMW 6series does not mean the Audi is low quality, quite on the contrary, it is a fine car that gets you from A to B quite well. However the engine is a little smaller, it doesn't have an onboard computer and the seats don't heat up. Does that the mean the qaulity of the car is low? No. The quality is great. It just has less features.


Now I think the Wii is a quality machine. It is quiet, fast (by that I mean it loads quickly, not clock speed), and it gets the job done. That my definition of quality. Now if it was slow, loud, and was always breaking down i'd consider it low quality. Funnily enough my 360 is louder and slower than the Wii, and in the past has broken down. In one sense you could say the 360 is of lower quality.


Ofcourse I know that the 360 is actualy a better machine than the Wii, but I do not think it is fair to say the Wii is low quality. Anything but.


As for the games, I think you put too much emphasis on the word 'real', and dismiss value. So yes Wii sports maybe is not a full game in the sense Lost Planet is. But I have played Wii sports far more than I have Lost Planet, and overall I have had more fun with it. Lost Planet cost 40quid more than Wii Sports. Now does it matter what the game is when this is true?


And you are quite right, these people don't play Zelda (though Mario is a judgement call). But we play Zelda. Now granted Nintendo doesn't have its full attention on us right now, but its pretty damn impressive that Nintendo has reached this new market with WiiSports and Brain age, and yet still manages to give us Zelda, Mario and Metroid within a year.


Am I wrong?

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There should be one specific stickied thread, which is always updated when sales are for a start, and there shouldn't be any taking the piss out of PS3 in the title either, it just makes us look as immature as the 'BIG' Sony fans were back when PS2 was on top. AND some people on here actually like the PS3, Wii and 360 so it's hard for them (me for example, ;) ).


As for the arguments, that will never change.


Some people do not like people stating negative things about Nintendo at all, which i can kinda get being on a Nintendo-own forum, but it's overall immature and many are looking at NOE with Rose Tinted Glasses on. Come on guys, there not perfect are they?!


I know it's hard when someone disagrees with you, but try to be mature about it, don't go for a personal attack, try to back-up your view with a good answer.


Tis true, this thread has kinda been ruined for such stupid reasons, Teppo should come back and i think a new sticked 'sales' thread with a fresh start is in order!


Come on guys!


Well thats my idea anyway! :)

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