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Yeah its "unlikely" the Wii could do SF IV in its current form. But of course if Capcom wanted to put it on the Wii by downgrading the graphics and playing to the machines strengths, then it could happen. Its up to them.

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Street Fighter IV looks nice, but isn't doing anything majorly special. Remember, it was developed for the Arcade market, not the Cell processor. Plus, it's stylised, and for some reason developers seem to be very good at stylised Wii games as opposed to realism.


So yes, not only is the game technically possible on Wii, but it's also prerrt inevitable, given the user base.

But Good Hardcore games do sell well on the Wii. Each console has its Hardcore fans who will do their research and buy the good games. Each console also has its other users. On the Wii, this is casual gamers. On the HD consoles, this is Chavs and Fadders. The Crappy games, if they sell will sell to the other users who haven't done their research. Casual gamers will buy Casual games Crappy or otherwise, Chavs and fadders will buy more mature looking games, though not always good ones. This gives the Illusion that Hardcore games only sell on the HD consoles, but this isn't true. Its just Bad Hardcore games only sell well on the HD consoles. Street Fighter (from what I've heard) is a good game. Therefore it will probably sell well on the Wii.


Very well said! Most people I meet haven't played or heard of Shadow of the Colossus or Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath, yet they were the single best games I played on the PS2 and Xbox respectively. OK, I don't look down on them for it, but it's just not true that 360/PS3 owners seek out the aficionado's games.


For the record, I don't particularly want SFIV on the Wii (especially considering how cheap 360s are now), but I hope it's made available for those who want it.


It depends what each gamer is looking for, though. My housemate bought a Wii for WiiFit and Mario Kart, but doesn't intend on using the system 24/7. She's looking for games that she can play to relax, and then carry on with life. Like how you'd sit down, watch some tv for a few hours, and then crack on with something else. This is why games like Guitar Hero 3 have been played religiously in our house. We'll crack it on, play for a couple of hours, taking it in turns.


I bought the Wii for the Nintendo quality games, so Zelda, Mario Galaxy, and so forth. It just depends on what you're looking for. It really bugs me when people say "oh, there's nothing on the system." I had a friend who said that about the DS about two weeks ago. I didn't know where to start, haha. The games are there, you just need to look. If you don't look, you don't find. If we only ever saw the huge movies that get advertised on tv for about 12 hours a day, or the films that get coverage because they're in the HMV Sale, we'd end up watching the same old shit over and over and over. Look people, LOOK. Use your eyes.

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