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(what a way to say hi... erm hi!!! *waves* ^_^)

Also waiting for a Manchester confirmation... since last week, actually. Registered already with different addresses and no results.

Equally, the page has been giving me some problems today.... I'm hoping it gets fixed soon? :hmm:

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just a quick post to say that admins finally made an appearance on FB and are checking for details of people who didn't get confirmation emails!

If you're one of them, go there and pop them a line- i just did! :heh:


Cool its good that there doing something.

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just a quick post to say that admins finally made an appearance on FB and are checking for details of people who didn't get confirmation emails!

If you're one of them, go there and pop them a line- i just did! :heh:


Finally, thanks for the heads up.


Although now i'm going to have to make a Facebook account. Feel dirty thinking about it...

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Facebook is EVIL. I only have it cuz of Uni. Well....... and gaming events! :D


So are you Vera by any chance?


Facebook is evil, can't believe I stooped so low, so degrading. Was always bad enough i'd get an e-mail reminder that x friend joined. Now my inbox will be spammed by invites.


Ah well, all for MH3.

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So are you Vera by any chance?


Facebook is evil, can't believe I stooped so low, so degrading. Was always bad enough i'd get an e-mail reminder that x friend joined. Now my inbox will be spammed by invites.


Ah well, all for MH3.



Sssssh, keep it hush ;) Saw u too, eheh!


Well, u can always put ur facebook to sleep after this matter is solved!

I agree, it drives me bonkers to have my inbox loaded with emails notifying me that the cousin of the brother of the nephew of the grandad of the sister of a friend of a friend of a friend of someone who vaguely resembles your next door neighbour... posted a comment on a photo where the tip of my elbow shows up. ¬_¬

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So are you Vera by any chance?


Facebook is evil, can't believe I stooped so low, so degrading. Was always bad enough i'd get an e-mail reminder that x friend joined. Now my inbox will be spammed by invites.


Ah well, all for MH3.


ShadowV7 keep your facebook ccount so we can talk.

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ShadowV7 keep your facebook ccount so we can talk.


Proof enough that nothing good can come of Facebook. :D


Nintendo Power have reviewed this and gave it a solid 9. Man, my hype level is really starting to rise now. Just under a month before I can start waving goodbye to every other game and once again embrace a console version of the crack that is the MH series!

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Just gotten confirmation a friend and I are allowed to attend the London session at 4pm.


Only problem is I'm working this Saturday between 8.00am-6.00pm. Going to have to see if I can get a days holiday at short notice (Highly unlikely since it's the Easter weekend)



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right! they kept their word, double checked everything and re-sent the confirmations! I just received my confirmation for Manchester (*lil' dance*) and I'm aware more people have as well so everyone missing their confirmation should be getting theirs as well! :hehe:

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I'll be going to the later one aswell. Though a slight fear of hearing "You were down for 10am..." when I get there.


Hope it doesn't mess much up.


Yeah, I'm thinking a similar thing. I'm sure it'll be fine.



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Yep got mine earlier aswell. Although since I registered twice in my main account, and once in another, i've got 2 10am starts and a 2pm start...


Best get round to sorting that out.


Good to hear you got yours as well! :D

Seems like everyone's sorted!


Got my confirmation for Manchester. Well... 2, in fact. One at 10am, one at 4pm. I'll be going to the 4pm one...


i got 3 for 10am... and one for 4pm. And my +1 (who also registered) has one for 3pm... we're eager little creatures...

what to do, what to do...:rolleyes:


I can't wait, though

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And here was me thinking that I had over done it :heh:


Week on Saturday for me. Oh hells yes! Can't wait.


I'll contact the folk at somepoint later maybe. Really don't wanna get rejected at the entrance.


Well, actually it was me who went OTT... we had both registered ourselves (+1) just to be safe- that would've been alright, right? :D


When they failed to send the confirmations both to him and me..... i went kinda haywire... and poked the admins as much as possible...


U sorted ur day off then? :D wicked!! :bouncy:

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