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Mafia Game - Game Thread


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Vote: Dyson


Well it's going to be between Paj and Dyson. Paj hasn't really done anything for me to suspect him yet. Dyson on the other hand has had some suspicions since we began.


Well at least this proves I'm not in the mafia. But now I need to find the bitch. I've narrowed it down to a few. And seeing as I've already proved that Strider is a female...




How does that prove your not in the mafia? The mafia's object is to kill everyone, not just us townies. You could easily still be in league with them.

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Well the mafia wouldn't want to kill one of their own would they.


I thought people had established multiple mafias, or like multiple baddie groups?


I'll go back and read the thread again, I guess.. :confused:


EDIT: Chairdriver has gone to France for an unknown amount of time, so I presume we have until he gets back to vote and shit.

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I'm getting blamed for pushing Paj down a hole? If it was me do you not think I would have shot him and then discarded the body?


You really havn't got a case here have you?


If you were to lynch me and I was good, then you'll all become aware that Paj is evil. Trust me, you're making a mistake here.


As for Cube, I have some interesting information on him. I'll release it when the time is right. But that's not now. If you want it, you'll keep me in the game. I will release the information tomorrow, you all have my word.


However; I have no reason to believe Paj is evil either. Therefore I'm witholding my current vote and will be voting later.


But you must all understand: I am NOT in any mafia.

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I gotta say, I find Paj's determination to get rid of me quuite disturbing. And I really don't want this heat on my back that shouldn't even be there.


Vote: Paj Meen Ah


I make the current total:


Votes (6 is a majority)


Dyson (3) Cube, Paj Meen Ah, Strider


Paj Meen Ah (3) gaggle64, Dyson, MoogleViper


As there is no majority, Sanchez's vote doesn't go anywhere.

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@ Cube:


The only other person that voted for me has a shaky past as well, he was very nearly lynched last time due to multiple suspicions. Coupled with the fact that it's the other person down the well with me here that's voting for me, I'd be fairly certain that if we found out Paj was guilty then Strider is almost certainly guilty too.


@ Everyone else:

Don't forget the information I have on Cube that I promise to reveal tomorrow if Paj is lynched and I am not.

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You're making a mistake. What is it about his comments that convinces you to vote for me?

Just read over all the recent posts and this day is just starting to get confusing.

Too many pointing fingers without basis on the accusation

Gonna go with the neutral side


Change Vote: Nobody


This scenario is just to shaky too make a rational decision

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I make that:


Dyson (2) Paj Meen Ah, Strider


Paj Meen Ah (5) gaggle64, Dyson, MoogleViper, Cube, Sanchez' auto-majority vote.


Not too keen on that auto majority thing. It messes us up a bit and seems somewhat unfair really.


Anyway, those are the current voting stats. We need 1 more to get Paj lynched.

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