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C64 and Spectrum collection


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Two Wii and Ds games are getting release, C64 (commodore 64) and Spectrum collections. This is awesome news as the spectrum is my first taste of gaming and I have many many memories I would love to replay again - Atic Atack, Treasure Isalnd, Pgo, Bomb Jack, manic Miner and the best game ever - Chuckie Egg! I would be so happy if it had chuckie egg! In fact, I would buy it if it was JUST chuckie egg!!


I cant wait for them to announce the titles!!!

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yes you can download c64 games... But the emulators tend to be a bicth to work... its nice to have a collection sometimes. I own every sonic game but yet bought sonic mega collection.



But this depends on what games and how many.


Bearing in mind you could either download billions of these games for nowt, or if you wanted to stay way, way on the right side of the law buy one of those joystick things with loads of games built in for a fiver, is this really going to have much of an audience?


those plug in and play things are crap. overpirced and usually not even 2 player.

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C64 games need to have the music by such legends as Rob Hubbard and Martin Galway ah the memories, comic bakery anyone? the game was shit but the music rocked! - check it out (this is a remix) but its so good and well worth a download Comic Bakery MP3 or heres a mix of some classic C64 tracks Instant Remedy Back in Time Live Mix MP3


In fact this is getting me all nostalgic and I think I might start a Classic Games Soundtrack Thread or is there one already? let me know if this is a good idea???:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:


Anyway get your dancing shoes on and check them out!



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not really... it was simple but just long....very very long.


It can be argued i suppose.


It certainly can, first you had to go through the tape writing down the times when different games loaded, you had to type the file name and do all the run-stop stuff etc, manually press play on the tape etc. A lot harder than just selecting "File>Open Game"

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oh come on file open game? What emulator does that cause I have yet to find one that simple.


What kind of voodoo do you have to do to get your games working in the emulators you have like? I can't remember what I was using the other day, something like CSS64 I think it was, but all I had to do was click File>Autorun or whatever it was then click the file and I was away playing gribblies day out.

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