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Has to be russian doesn't he... :indeed:




Are you insinuating that all mercenary's all always russian or something like that...cause if you are, it makes no sense that he wouldn't be, considering Blonsky IS Russian.




I need to buy Long Hallowe'en at some point. Arkham Asylum is stil my favourite comic book/graphic novel ever, and I'm wondering if this'll top it.

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Are you insinuating that all mercenary's all always russian or something like that...cause if you are, it makes no sense that he wouldn't be, considering Blonsky IS Russian.




I need to buy Long Hallowe'en at some point. Arkham Asylum is stil my favourite comic book/graphic novel ever, and I'm wondering if this'll top it.


Read Sinestro Corps War. I know its completely different....but you'll just be like...Wow.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah ive read Secret Invasion 3, not sure what I think of it to be honest. I think its probably because I dont know who a lot of these new heroes are that are being drafted in and also with a lot of the fights I wasnt entirely sure about what was going on.


Ah fair enough. Ive yet to read the latest The Initiative, so I didnt know who some of them were, but the others I did. Furys recruits are explained a bit in Mighty Avengers.


I thought it was amazing.



Oh, and Ult Origins was weird/cool.

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New secret invasion chapter was a god send, do hate it when the end things liek that, I want MORE, MORE I SAY, He's back and kicking ass.



is it me...or recently has mrs Marvel and Spiderwoman gotten very hot >> Maybe it's the way they're drawn and I can't even believe I even said that sentence, shoot me now.


Anyone reading Amazing Spiderman? I don't even know what to think of BND after the retcon, sometimes it's very good, then I just think why am even bother reading it, maybe spidey will be a skrull and everything will turn out alright, or soemthing will happen and spidey will remember. Still wouldn't mind a Deadpool/Spiderman vs Mephestio team up, Deadpool knows about Peters past so it would be a damn fine arc for them as well as the new deadpool comics are appearing soon can't wait for them <3 deadpool. I don't know if i'm liking it or not it's a weird feeling.

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I need to read a joke select comic, like Detective Comics, from now on. Or like Blue Beetle, despite having no interest in him.


I can't actually look at Marvel after One More Day. I might sue them.

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Arnold, Spider-Woman has always been sexy. Really she has.


When I was at WWE last week, I sat in on the SI panel. It was super sweet seeing people like Dan Slott in real life.


Although I am now curious as to what exactly Joe Quesada does...all the questions (like 95%) were being answered by ...Brevoort is it...and not Quesada.


Pash, read Invincible. Or Astounding Wolfman. Thats quite "non standard" :heh:

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Arnold, Spider-Woman has always been sexy. Really she has.


When I was at WWE last week, I sat in on the SI panel. It was super sweet seeing people like Dan Slott in real life.


Although I am now curious as to what exactly Joe Quesada does...all the questions (like 95%) were being answered by ...Brevoort is it...and not Quesada.


Pash, read Invincible. Or Astounding Wolfman. Thats quite "non standard" :heh:


I can't be bothered buying graphic novels nowadays...collecting comics feels funnier. But I need to only collect select ones.


I need a DC and Marvel one, then maybe a select Indie/other one.

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I can't be bothered buying graphic novels nowadays...collecting comics feels funnier. But I need to only collect select ones.


I need a DC and Marvel one, then maybe a select Indie/other one.


Indy, my statements stand. Or Walking Dead.


Marvel, If you want something non-standard, maybe Avengers The Initiative, I think youd like it. Dan Slott writes in like....Z list characters, and makes them "have a life" ;)


DC...fuck knows. The only good book is GL.

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this isn't about comics, but its too awesome to be not be in here!!


Marvel Studios has made no secret out of the fact that they’re angling for the broadest possible appeal with their superhero movies. When you’re trying to make your movie all things to everyone there will be, inevitably, casualties. In the case of The Incredible Hulk, it’s meant 70 minutes of casualties. As we told you in our story here, there are a full 70 minutes missing from the movie which will make it onto the DVD.


We speculated earlier that those missing 70 minutes might contain the Captain America cameo director Louis Letterier promised (watch him tease it right here). Well consider that confirmed. Speaking to the site Judao, Letterier says: “There’s a point when Bruce Banner gives up on his quest for the cure and decide to kill himself. So he travels far North and reaches the Arctic Circle. You might have seen bits of it in some of the promos.” Sounds like an interesting scene, but having watched the movie on Monday I can tell you there’s nothing even remotely like it in there anywhere. The reason for that? Louis says, “The result was a very dark and strong scene, which Marvel, me and everyone else’s considered to be too hard to young audiences to take, so we’ve cut it.” The Incredible Hulk is after all, a kids movie. It’s practically a Pixar flick, right?


Anyway, in that missing scene was Cap’s meeting with Bruce Banner. Letterier confirms, “…when Bruce arrives at his destination he meets up with Captain America!” So the cameo he’s been running around all week promising us isn’t in the movie, and it sounds like it never was. It’s on the DVD. Letterier also makes a vague promise that they’ll also have it on the internet some time this week. Of course he also told us that it would be in the movie just a few days ago, and that didn’t pan out.


So to sum up: No Captain America in The Incredible Hulk, but it’s completely safe to take your kids to see a movie about a guy who gets mad, turns green, and beats the shit out of anyone and everything around him. Marvel is all about family entertainment.



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