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If anyone cares:

Marvel seem to be dropping the first Dark Reign trades in the next couple of weeks. Amazon are charging disgustingly high prices (just under £20 for Dark Avengers 1-6) but I've always found the independent sellers on their site have some great deals.

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Hmmmmmm. Now I love Mark Waid, but I'm not sure how I feel about Irredeemable. It certainly hasn't grabbed me yet. Its a bit difficult to see whats going on sometimes.


Like....what the hell happened in issue 4 in Singapore? I don't even know.


And as...you (can't remember who lol) said last page, we don't know who any of the characters are. Heck we the only thing we know about the MAIN character is that he turned evil and is....emotionless.


Hmmm. I'll see where it goes.

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Yeah it was me who said that.


And you are right about Singapore, I got the general gyst of what was happening but it was a bit confusing how. They kept showing the Plutonian pushin the diamond or whatever that he'd thrown down there but then in panels next of Singapore there was no obvious sign of what was happening.


I think in the end I just assumed that he pushed the island underwater completely


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Yeah that's what happens.


Basically, the diamond is the only thing hard enough to withstand him flying full pelt in to the island (so he didn't fly right through it) and he just smashes the whole city in to the sea.



Personally, I'm loving the series so far. I disagree that The Plutonian is emotionless too- in fact, I'd say the whole point is that he feels too much emotion. Too much of everything, really. He's heard every whispered barb, every beating, every murder, every suicide, every single dark act carried out by everyone for years and he's cracked.

That's why he says 'that's what it feels like' at the end.

It's all in the title really. From our perspective his actions are irredeemable but from his perspective, we are.




Kirkman and Silvestri to do Top Cow's 2009 Pilot series

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Superman Godfall


Not a bad story, I didnt actually realise it was part of normal continuity until I started reading it. Just assumed it was an elseworld story. I really liked Kal Els costume aswell.


Sinestro Corps War Vol.1


Sorry to say ReZ but im not particularly enjoying this. Im finding it hard to keep track of whats going on most of the time.

As ive said before, I really like the idea of the Green Lanterns, just not really in space. Which is weird considering how big of a sci-fi fan I am.

Still im sure i'll get the second volume, but only really for completions sake.

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Can't see why it won't. It's basically a satire on the Spiderman origin story and that was brilliantly translated to the screen. (mostly, but that's another topic)


They can definitely streamline the events down, too. I guess it depends on how long the series is- #8 or something.


I'm curious to see how the book ends. JR. Jr was on CBR today saying they changed the ending for the film.

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Kingdom Come


Pretty much lives up to its hype, was a very good read. I have to admit for maybe half of it I was wishing it wasnt an elseworld story as I tend to have more trouble getting into those and caring for the characters but as more things started happening I just got drawn in.


I still find Ross' art amazing to look at, but it always feels a bit static. More like you are looking at a painting than seeing them move or talk. I think I prefered him on Marvels, it just worked a bit more I think even though it was basically the same premise of following the everyman. In that you didnt really see the heroes speak.

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Jeph Loebs such a fucking bell-end.


"Code Red" aims to expand the circle of characters interacting with Red Hulk even further as well as allowing McGuinness time to draw the upcoming "The List: Secret Avengers" one-shot for Jonathan Hickman before returning to "Hulk." "Ed is taking a break because the last arc is so huge and involves pretty much everyone in the Marvel Universe,


Do you mean Secret Warriors?




"There's pluses and minuses [to waiting for a big revelation]. What you don't want to have happen is after the meal have people say, 'I'm not really interested in dessert.' If you serve dessert first, than nobody's interested in having a meal, so you've got to play it back and forth. I was talking to Geoff Johns about 'Flash: Rebirth' and about how that's a story that very much is woven as a single piece, and in the same way that you would read a novel, it is a journey that will come together as it goes along. By the time you finish it all, you realize it's this incredibly complex story that's a great piece of entertainment. And that's the risk you take whenever you tell a story that's more than one issue.


I hope he isn't comparing himself to Geoff Johns...

Edited by ReZourceman
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Just got this message from Amazon

We've noticed that customers who have purchased or rated books by Mark Millar have also purchased Invincible Volume 11: Happy Days by Robert Kirkman. For this reason, you might like to know that Invincible Volume 11: Happy Days will be released on 15 July 2009. You can pre-order yours for just £8.44 (35% off the RRP) by following the link below.


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Green Lantern 43 - Blackest Night Prologue.



Erm....Sick. As fuck.


This guys artwork is ABSOLUTELY FUCKING STUNNING. I'm talking Ottley stunning. Obviously different styles, but I'd say this is the best *realistic* type artwork I've ever seen. The inking really brings it out too. Fucking brilliant.


Also I love what the Black Rings say


Green ; William Hand of sector 1413, you have shown great willpower, etc....Black ;


William Hand of Earth.







I'm officially pumped







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It doesn't say what ratio they are! GAH! They better not be uberly rare.


Green Lantern Casting newsish.




Bradley Cooper IMO would actually be majorly majorly perfect. Seriously.




Amazing Spider-Man Annual #36


That was actually really really good. Start of the Ben Reilly stuff, and it was very intruiging. I am pumped for this storyline. Its official.



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