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Yeah I was waiting for ReZ to read this weeks GLs before I mentioned that but it was a pretty big wow moment. Not sure what I think of the the War of the Green Lanterns though as a GL event, for me a lot of it has just felt a bit pointless.


I've only just read them (three this week, 30 quid would have been spent on all the issues...if i paid for them)


Y'know, i kinda thought Hal and Guy would be new guardians...but it was not to be.




MOGO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO what the hell?John you massive dick! channeling the black! He has cemented his role as Planet Killer, he is to be feared forever. Is the corps going to never gain any more new recruits :(



By the by, thor was so awesome!


so i guess everyone is dead then...



You could almost hear Cornell shouting "I don't want to write this!" in action 901

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Yeah Action 901 was a big letdown when compared with the arc before it, such a shame.


What makes you say that about the people in Uncanny?


Thats generally what happens when throats are cut, but i read comics, thats not was happens, but I think that wife of Krunn is going to turn Kitty stable again in the next issue


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Lol TWD letters column.


Dan, you basically need to get on Green Lantern now.


Spoilars for tehs weks trilergy.


SICK! I loved the Indigo reveal. It would seem that all Indigo's are brain washed criminals, or something along those lines.



John's an asshole. No way did he have to do that. Poor Mogo. :(. Him channelling black was SICK though.



Sick lead in to the finale. Pink and Red Guy was AWESOME.



Also Ultimates was cool. Except the ending was so blatantly....


LMD. Really liked that Stark's brother is the "big bad" though, thats real nice.



Millar doesn't half write some good comics.

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The ending to GL #66 pissed me off you know. We get this big cliffhanger that they're being wrapped in "evolving bandages" or whatever and theyre being turned into the new guardians then the next time we see them its just written off with some pointless dialogue about how it didnt seem to work.

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Thinking back on it as a whole event now its nearing the end I havent thought War of the Green Lanterns was particularly great, I think for me it'll be what happens afterwards that'll be the interesting parts


Like how they will be recruiting new Lanterns now that Mogo is no-mo. Im also hoping that whats happening with the guardians wont just be swept under the rug and we'll get some actual changes. Like with Blackest Night there should have been some real reprecussions after everything that went on with the white lantern but barely anything changed.


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*Long ago post searching for Wolverine Snikt*



Aaaaand I finally got a Marvel Legends copy of this today. Amazons sellers try to flog it for over £35 but managed to get it for £15 on ebay.


Mainly bought it due to artist fanboyism. The story is 50/50, nice little idea spawned from Nihei's obsession with mutated antagonists (so doing some work for an X-men character must have been a trat) and shit all comes down to adamantium like usual.


I'd recommend it for any one who finds it cheap somewhere and values artwork over story. But at some of the prices people try to sell it for, it's only really for Wolverine collectors or Tsutomu Nihei fanboys..

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Had most of those trades I ordered turn up today. Finished reading Red Robin: Collision earlier and id forgotten how good it was. That is probably my favourte Bat book at the moment.


Im still having trouble finding a place to put all these books though. I just dont have enough wall space for another bookcase and the rest of the shelves are being taken up by dvd boxsets. Even my movies these days are put into dvd wallets to save space.

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How can you afford brand new trades at shop prices so often? :(


[not an actual question]


Le sigh. Since last time I read Invisibles, the trades have gone up in price/have to be second-hand now. Less.

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