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Looking at the DC and Marvel solicts, why is it future story lines are so much more exciting than current ones?


Oh and Fear itself 5 :o


Plus marvel is publishing comics bi weekly in alot of cases now :o Score!

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Yeah if it wasn't for Fear Itself, Marvel seem really crap at the moment. Nothing going on in anything. (Apart from Avengers Academy which can do what it wants because the character development is so fantastic and its chugging along at a really nice pace, so story happenings aren't as important).

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I'm enjoying The Avengers franchise still. Infinity was cool and the kang opening arc was really good in the main book. New and Secret have also been pretty decent doing their own thing too. Academy is, of course, amazing.


I've not read up on Amazing Spider-Man lately, but I like where it's going a lot (except for the FF. Too much of them) so I just need to catch up.


I have no idea about X-Men, frankly. Totally lost track but the status quo following Hope's return was a clever enough set up for me to check it out. Again, just need to catch up.


It's certainly not weak. I think there's an element of disconnection, certainly. When you loose a unifying threat like Osborn and The Sentry, that's bound to happen though. Fear Itself looks like it's going to be a really good event (feels like a blockbuster movie so far, which is boss) even though the plethora of side stories is bound to be a pain in the arse. For one thing, I'd much rather Iron Man got back to the Mandarin and Stane story than faff around with the event.

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I've not read up on Amazing Spider-Man lately, but I like where it's going a lot (except for the FF. Too much of them) so I just need to catch up.


I have no idea about X-Men, frankly. Totally lost track but the status quo following Hope's return was a clever enough set up for me to check it out. Again, just need to catch up.


For one thing, I'd much rather Iron Man got back to the Mandarin and Stane story than faff around with the event.


You should jump on when Gillen started writing (and check out Gen Hope by him too) Its a different direction that Fraction took them in, and its really fun too.


As for Iron man, you do know that Pepper is going to fighting Hammer in the middle of the crater that was Paris right? He's still continuing his threads, just putting some fear in to it as well :)

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I heard Uncanny X-Force was good too. True or False?


also: taken to watching Justice League. It's good, but a little clumsy sometimes. Superman, particularly, is frequently gimped just to give other characters something to do. Every time he joins a fight he's usually taken out by either electricity or gass. There's also been no mention so far of his super speed. I know that's probably down to making room for the Flash, but it still sucks when he struggles to keep up with a escaping van.

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Its funny but since Dark Reign ended I dont think it had really occured to me just how meh the Marvel universe had become until you guys started talking about it.


I still read Avengers and New Avengers which have been ok but not great. I dropped any X-Men books not long after Second Coming. Spider-Man I enjoyed the first Big Time arc but now im back finding it boring.


It definitely needs something to get things going again, unfortunately im not sure that Fear Itself will be that thing.



Had all 4 of my trades turn up today. Just finished reading Batman Beyond: Hush Beyond.


For most of the story I had it in my head that it was Jason Todd, even after it was revealed to be Dick Grayson. It was only when they said he was Dick's clone that I got it.



Pretty enjoyable story, enough so that I think i'll carry on getting the trades now for the ongoing.


I assume that this is still set on Earth 12 as Countdown originally showed it. Its nice to see the differences in history for the characters from the normal DC universe.

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Fear Itself is amazing but I don't know how major the consequences are gonna be. It would be sick to have a really massive death of someone.


- Avengers, still good but they're 3 issue stories that are being told in 6, so nothing has happened so far. More happened in the point one than in the last (6 issue) arc. :/

- New Avengers, Chaykin's artwork is so fucking terrible that it detracts any good thing from the issues. I mean it is good but again its so fucking slow. And just pretty boring. Not much happening.

- Secret Avengers, Enjoying it a lot. Spencer's first issue was a lot more fast paced and it was actually my favourite issue of the run, with the upcoming issues (afaik) all being one shots it has me pumped.

- Avengers Academy, as I said above.

- Amazing Spider-Man, be good when it gets back to Spider-Man.

- Uncanny X-Force, really fantastic.

- Iron Man, as good as ever obviously.


Everything else is really meh. Or good but not worth mentioning really (Venom).

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You have a point with New Avengers. The 50s stuff is complete shite. It's not going anywhere, it has Sabretooth in it and the art is a steaming load of stale jizz. The modern sections are fine, and I like that, but...urgh. The Doc Strange arc was so good, too. if they cut the shit, this one would be decent too.


I disagree about Avengers. I don't mind the pace at all, though Bendis is being a bit...much.

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It was being billed as this big secret about the real origins of the Avengers but nothing thats happening there so far means anything. So what if villians were in the Avengers first, its the team in name only and unless they bring something big in soon its gonna have been a complete waste of time.


Also, why do we still keep having interviews with Bendis and the comic telling us that Mockingbird may not survive? Theyve shown her in Avengers and Fear Itself!

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Yeah its a mess.


Also.....this is....I mean....yeah. Basically I think event books (Fear Itself and Flashpoint) should be at least bi-weekly. Get the artist to start 6 months in advance, and then get it over and done with in a couple of months, so it doesn't drag on through everything.

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also: taken to watching Justice League. It's good, but a little clumsy sometimes. Superman, particularly, is frequently gimped just to give other characters something to do. Every time he joins a fight he's usually taken out by either electricity or gass. There's also been no mention so far of his super speed. I know that's probably down to making room for the Flash, but it still sucks when he struggles to keep up with a escaping van.


Superman was generally depicted as substantially weaker in the DCAU/DCUA just to give him some sort of challenge in fighting his villains. Which I liked. But I do remember his speed just coming into play/being forgotten when it's convenient.


I watched most of Batman Beyond Season 1 (as in skipped 1 or 2 I'd seen a million times or didn't work). I think the ideas are better than the actual execution, but I'm dealing. I'll keep on with Season 2.


Inque is done brilliantly, there's a real feeling of "fuuuuuuuuck". Of course she makes no sense, she could kill anyone in a second, but chooses to slap with/hit them with hammers etc, but then it IS a cartoon... ::shrug:

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The Justice League animated series' are probably my favourites. When Unlimited was brought into it and they would bring in story points from previous shows it started to feel like a proper new DC universe, like the Marvel movie one is now. Some of the storys actually got quite epic.


This is probably my favourite moment from those shows:


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Fear Itself is amazing but I don't know how major the consequences are gonna be. It would be sick to have a really massive death of someone.


Its rumoured to be Bucky maybe...


Avengers, still good but they're 3 issue stories that are being told in 6, so nothing has happened so far. More happened in the point one than in the last (6 issue) arc. :/


God tell me about it, this fear itself tie in was worse, there is one spread that relates, thats it


New Avengers, Chaykin's artwork is so fucking terrible that it detracts any good thing from the issues. I mean it is good but again its so fucking slow. And just pretty boring. Not much happening


Chaykin is good in small doses, like the first issue, and mockingbirds been dying for 4 issues


Bendis sucks when he's being bendis, but moon knight was good so yeh he has weird pacing problems. Stupid Cash Cow

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Can't be Bucky- they're relaunching Captain America with him as a new partner for the newly re-capped Rogers. or something.


Speaking of which- has Fear Itself 'Done a Siege' with that? I remember during that event Steve Rogers was variously returned to life, seen for the first time several times by a bunch of characters, intermittently dressed as Captain America and (really weirdly) in a designless black body suit that literally looks like placeholder art nobody filled in because his new outfit hadn't been finalised in time.


Now, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Bucky in a Russian jail right now? in a few issues (Avengers #13, Moonknight #1) They've used the classic cap outfit. So is that Rogers? Because in Avengers #13 they ALSO have Steve Rogers in his...whatever he's called new outfit.


So confused. So alone...

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Can't be Bucky- they're relaunching Captain America with him as a new partner for the newly re-capped Rogers. or something.


Speaking of which- has Fear Itself 'Done a Siege' with that? I remember during that event Steve Rogers was variously returned to life, seen for the first time several times by a bunch of characters, intermittently dressed as Captain America and (really weirdly) in a designless black body suit that literally looks like placeholder art nobody filled in because his new outfit hadn't been finalised in time.


Now, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Bucky in a Russian jail right now? in a few issues (Avengers #13, Moonknight #1) They've used the classic cap outfit. So is that Rogers? Because in Avengers #13 they ALSO have Steve Rogers in his...whatever he's called new outfit.


So confused. So alone...


Now that cap thing was very funny,


They were doing Cap America Reborn for 6 issues

Before issue 5 came out he was in Dark Avengers

Who will Wield the Shield came out before issue 6


@ ReZ fine, you spoilsport





Man I thought they were going to win


Does anyone else notice how the six are appearing/doing more things?


Slott says he's moving Ock to his proper destiny...


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I'm loving Ock at the moment. He's dicked around with Richards, Stark and Pym!


Cool to see the Sinister Six around too - Probably the only really interesting badguy team out there? Most of the cool villains are solo.


btw, you all read Secret Avengers 12.1, right? Amazing one shot.

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I've just started reading Red Robin on a bit of a whim. Very cool series from Chris Yost. Nice slice of espionage tinged round the world action. Love the costume too - What's the history behind that? I've only ever seen it in Kingdom Come before.


Anyway, well worth a look if you're curious.

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