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Manapul is freaking awesome. The Boy of Steel was excellent. What's Manapul doing now? I swear someone told me but I forgot.


Speaking of Superboy, Pier Gallo sucks. Makes Conner Kent look like an old woman when he's being incognito and I just hate how he draws his face.


Also, #6 Superboy is fighting Doomsday, ends on a cliffhanger. Next issue it's like "Read Action Comics #900-9004 to find out what happened". Srsly...WHAT THE FUCK? That pissed me right off. What a waste of an issue. (Anyone care to fill me in on what happen in 'Reign of Doomsday'?)


Anyways, Batman Inc #6 just arrived. Didn't realise it was out. Got four issues to catch up on.

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Manapul has just finished doing Flash, im not sure whats happening with that series though now, I think we have to wait until after Flashpoint.


The Reign of Doomsday storyline is still ongoing, he appeared in most of the Superman related books, dragging all the heroes to where New Krypton was before it exploded. If I remember right it was something to do with Lex keeping Superman busy. Its not been particularly well received.



Ive just been watching the pilot of Batman Beyond again. I dont know if ive mentioned it before but I really dont like the intro, especially the one guy dancing!

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You got me watching Batman Beyond again - this time from the start, as I've never fully watched it all. I love.


Not overly keen on the typical somehow amazing at fighting/athletics wise-alec teen thing, but then Terry had a sense of melancholy that ultimately added.

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Yeah Daft.


Also LOL. Daft just got fucked up by a crossover. He is truely becoming one of us


Daft get a life and read Astounding Wolf-Man and obv Inv which your brother has which you need to read still.




Why is everyone in this thread so DCy recently. eww.

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By the way Daft, ive noticed lately that you've been branching out into the more "colourful" hero books, any reason for that when you were pretty against it when getting all your Batman stuff?


Colourful?... The only thing I read apart from Batman (Beyond and Inc) is now Superboy and I'm going to see how the Flash goes. I might have just been joking around a bit...or just completely misinformed and shooting my mouth off. Either way, yeah, tastes have changed maybe.


I still have a thing against "dumb" colourful characters. Like Psionic Lad turned up in Superboy and I'm thinking STOOOOOPIIIID.


It's helped that having now read a couple on-goings they've introduced me to some other peeps.


But, yeah, depends on the character. Like I think Thor is still pretty dumb but the film rocked and, I dunno really, there's just something a bit SRSLY? about those characters.


Yeah Daft.


Also LOL. Daft just got fucked up by a crossover. He is truely becoming one of us


Daft get a life and read Astounding Wolf-Man and obv Inv which your brother has which you need to read still.




Why is everyone in this thread so DCy recently. eww.


Astounding Wolf-Man? Now that sounds dumb. Yeah, I asked my brother yesterday. He thinks he might have lost one of the volumes but I'm pretty sure I saw it last time I was there so soon I shall swipe.


How often do these fucking crossover things happen. Like I want to see the freaking fight. All I got was Superboy getting beaten the shit out of and getting kidnapped by Doomsday, then it's like 'Three weeks later' SUCKAAAAAAAAAA!


Also, I don't read Marvel. I can commit to one universe (and all its multiverses) and that's DC. And Marvel blow.lololol

Edited by Daft
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I'll even ignore the "Marvel Blow" comment, because......




......Lost Invincible. Someone in the world.....thinks they lost their Invincible. I need to sit down. Oh dear oh dear. Im sorry Daft I don't think I like your brother. Even if he is as awesome as you. :(

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You got me watching Batman Beyond again - this time from the start, as I've never fully watched it all. I love.


Not overly keen on the typical somehow amazing at fighting/athletics wise-alec teen thing, but then Terry had a sense of melancholy that ultimately added.


When you have finished with the three seasons make sure you watch Return of the Joker and then the final epsidoe of Justice League Unlimited Season 1.

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Oi pipe down! I was looking forward to Flashpoint loads!.





I am anti DC though. GL is too sick though and not representative of DCs other comics.


I was just annoyed by the ending of Flashpoint because....all of these characters are not OUR DC univrses characters so to me....I mean....any reveal about them is just ....a non event. It doesnt matter. No impact. Those versions of those characters were invented FOR this event.


Thats how I see it.

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I just assumed you were down on Flashpoint because of your comment before it came out about getting it early to laugh at how crap it was.


So how come you are anti DC then? I'll admit a few years ago I would barely touch their books but ive read so many good stories from them since then that my previous stance just seems stupid now.

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Thats true. I was looking forward to it until I found out it was more alternate universe shit.


I just don't find the characters interesting for the most part. So much of Marvel is awesome or must read. I got Batman for about 5 years and only really enjoyed it for one or two (Judd Winnicks part loved that) the rest just seemed all the same and so typical.


Thats why Batman and Robin was awesome and felt like a breath of fresh air.


Liked that Brightest Day showed me Aquaman was cool....but most other characters were SHIT especially Martian Manbornter and the fucking Hawks.


Green Lantern shits on any other DC thing ive read.


Oh and apart from GL, DC dont seem to have fucking ANY amazing artists (Francis Manupal aside)

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Have you ever read the Geoff Johns Teen Titans run I go on about every now and again? If not then if you get a chance, give the first arc a read. Im not saying it'll change your opinion on DC but I would like to hear some other opinions on it.


Watching the Justice League cartoon again at the moment, I do wish they'd carried on with this. Because they pretty much had the whole DC universe in it, there were so many more stories they could have told.


Yet another 2 trades just ordered:



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I don't have a problem with alternate universes since continuities get rewritten ever five minutes anyway.


Last page happened and I was like "OMFG, it totally makes sense why Batman is such a bad-ass dick in this."


Would love to see him come face to face with real Batman.



You blow.



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