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The artist known as Justiniano, whose work has been seen in such comics as 52, Countdown to Mystery, Day of Vengeance, and The Creeper, has been arrested in Connecticut on charges of possessing child pornography.


The Connecticut Post reports that Justiniano, real name Josue Rivera, was caught with a thumb drive that contained 33 images of child porn. Apparently, Rivera had given the drive to a funeral home employee for use in an upcoming funeral, intended to hold pictures of the deceased. Obviously, Rivera gave the employee the wrong images and was quickly reported to the police. According to the paper, the Connecticut police verified that one of the children in the confiscated images is Justiniano's niece.


After the funeral home employee had reported the incident to the police on July 16, they examined a computer from the artist's home and found additional images and videos, which were confirmed to span 35 different kids. Justiniano's arrest happened this morning, and he is currently being held on $100,000 bail.


What a fucking moron. :p


"Ooooh, this'll be a nice one to show. I mean...sure, it shows her pussy but its still a real nice and sophisticated photo."

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I started doing some designs for my awesome (that probably won't continue/I won't get far with) Lol, video-game-ott-anime-slightly-inspired-sci-fi-digimon-fantasy-epic-multi-universe-diemnsion-hopping-story comic. I love cliches/homage.


Please tell me this is not shit and at the very least "passable".


I'm thinking if I can keep it up and spur myself then I'll do the art for this awesome thing.


b honest nd tell me it not shit unless it is shit.



BTW inking or colouring critiques would be good. I've inked three different versions so far, I'll eventually upload them. Only coloured one atm, but I've learnt a few good (amazing) techniques that make shadow and highlighting a lot easier/different colour light sources etc.




(P.S. you cannot see her sword because I need to do most of it in Illustrator/I hope it works in Illustrator) it is an amazingly sick sword....



...in my head at least. And this is the sword/character that I dreamt about so it must be good/amazing/etc.

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but the actual design itself at the moment needs work.




Boo, thats as good as I am. :p


Hard to say without any context.




Also, passable for what?


As something that one would consider reading and be able to enjoy.




Like I said, I'll probably give up within a matter of days anyway.

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Anyway, I read Flashpoint#1


Seemed pretty good so far, I am wondering though why this needed to be a DC event and not just a Flash one but i'll reserve judgement until the end. I really enjoyed watching Barry have to do everything the slow way, especially seeing him in a traffic jam heading into Gotham. Seeing the quickest glimpse of Zoom as well was pretty cool.


Enjoyed the art for the most part, only one panel sticks out as iffy to me and that was Barry's reaction to Iris being with someone else. Also at the beginning when we saw the shot of a load of DC heroes, Wonder Woman was back in her normal costume again, I wish they'd make a decision with that on whats actually going on.



Oh yeah I also wanted to check, who read the Brightest Day JLI series as I have a question or two.

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I mean, how the whole thing looks together, not just one isolated character.


As something that one would consider reading and be able to enjoy.




Like I said, I'll probably give up within a matter of days anyway.


In its current state it's a little...murrr (but that's just me). Don't just give up, though. These things take time. Also, if you work out how to use Illustrator, that'll help a lot.


Then again, I know fuck all about comics.

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ReZ just make a couple of changes, it isn't terrible, and the issues are easily addressed.


Oh okay cool, so it is just her build and eyes that you dislike.


The other inkings I did I didn't do the eye thing.


Build is the same on the others though. Do you think just make her torso and legs skinnier?


I thought the breasts were okay tbh. I mean we are looking at he straight on.



And I doubt I'll get comics before the weekend so I might download Flashpoint now and laugh at how shit it inevitably is.

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Make her more curved maybe? Her body just seems too manly, and the breasts seems a little out of proportion but that's anime to a tee :heh:


Tis' a fine idea, well put.


I'll ink one write up giving her curves. Well I've done it now, but I need to ink the rest.

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