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^^^ No.




Marvel are pissing me off. Big style. In the current financial market they've decided to just make every other comic book $3.99. It is ABSOLUTELY ridiculous. If an issue is a #1 it gives it an excuse to be $3.99. Special storyline? Another excuse. Honestly its ridiculous.


The solicit for Ultimate Spider-Man says its the last issue. I'm sure its not because ;


Its so popular


Its awesome.


If it is however, I will send some anthrax to Jeph Loeb. Tit.


Daredevil Noir and Wolverine Noir are starting, that was awesome to see, as I've enjoyed X-Men Noir so far. I need to read Spider-Man Noir actually. Awesome.


But yeah. Honestly I'm furious at Marvel. They don't have the right to do it, and its ridiculous etc etc etc.


Wow okay....just read Fantastic Four #562


Millar and Hitch can't really ever do any wrong. I wasn't too sure on the last segment, with this alternate future team (consisting of Hulks son, Wolverine, and a few others) but they are actually kinda cool (and are getting their own book) anyway this issue was actually....ridiculously sick.


Basically this team have transported their civilisation to the planet that Frankling created in Heroes Reborn (I think thats where they've gone) anyway;


Reed was talking to Doom (whos locked up) and Doom mentions knowing people in high places (obv Norman Osborn) and then he says "The man who taught me everything I know. My master. The first super villain if you will" Then those words are echoed at the end, a big purple/black cloud opens up and a few people step out, (cant see them) then the last panel is this guys big evil grin, with just his teeth and a metal mask above his lip showing.



Sick. Thats some Geoff Johns shit.

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As I told ReZ, I very much enjoyed Invincible Volume 1. How much do the others cost online? (No idea where you buy this stuff from.)


I guess you import it from overseas, or visit a specialist comic shop and order it in or buy online ;)http://www.play.com/Books/Books/4-/3339331/Invincible/Product.html


Wow okay....just read Fantastic Four #562


Millar and Hitch can't really ever do any wrong. I wasn't too sure on the last segment, with this alternate future team (consisting of Hulks son, Wolverine, and a few others) but they are actually kinda cool (and are getting their own book) anyway this issue was actually....ridiculously sick.


Basically this team have transported their civilisation to the planet that Frankling created in Heroes Reborn (I think thats where they've gone) anyway;


Reed was talking to Doom (whos locked up) and Doom mentions knowing people in high places (obv Norman Osborn) and then he says "The man who taught me everything I know. My master. The first super villain if you will" Then those words are echoed at the end, a big purple/black cloud opens up and a few people step out, (cant see them) then the last panel is this guys big evil grin, with just his teeth and a metal mask above his lip showing.



Sick. Thats some Geoff Johns shit.


Well, the villians are getting a chance at messing up everything after secret invasion, what with iron man down, cap gone, heroes not trusting each other and the DI and Dark reign coming up, looks to be good. Much like the bits after final crisis, where evil reigns in that too. And then of course, the blackest night with the GLC is coming, thats gonna be huge.

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Out of stock, damnit. They're £9 each from the comic shop in Leeds, how many volumes are in that collection?


9, but you can order from amazon too, anyways i'm getting 4 when it comes out as it collects 8 and 9 and a bit more (i think) but i think its best to get the volumes anyways :P


whoops, sorry, thought you meant the tpb, theres 9 of them out


vol one is 1-13, vol 2 im not sure as i got the tpb, but it looks like (from the cover) 14 to 25, with three being 26 to 37 (vol three is :o i love it so much)

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Had a lol worthy trip to Forbidden Planet this week.

I was thinking of picking up Invincible vol.2 so I wandered in.

'Have you got any of the Invincible hardcovers in?'

'they do hardcovers? we only have the tpb editions'

'oh, ok never mind. I'm after the 4th Joss Whedon X Men TPB too. you got that?'

'Oh, we only do those in Hardcover. sorry'




did see something cool there though: Bendis' (I think) entire run on Daredevil in one hardback. It was absolutely awesome. £65 but it looked huge. At least 2 years run I'd guess at. Maybe even 3.

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Tellyn, I would buy from Play, Waterstones or Amazon. They'll probably be the cheapest. Also I would recommend getting the hardcovers to be honest. They're certainly pricier in one HIT, £18 a pop ish, but it works out at approximately the same price. Volume 4 is out on about 4th February.


Dom do you read Green Lantern? Its 100% amazing. DCs best, and one of the best comics ever in fact.


Had a lol worthy trip to Forbidden Planet this week.

I was thinking of picking up Invincible vol.2 so I wandered in.

'Have you got any of the Invincible hardcovers in?'

'they do hardcovers? we only have the tpb editions'

'oh, ok never mind. I'm after the 4th Joss Whedon X Men TPB too. you got that?'

'Oh, we only do those in Hardcover. sorry'

Huge phail. They're losers for not knowing about Inv hardcovers. *Tut* I dunno what the (Sheffield?) ones reputation is, but London Forbidden Planet are infamously loser-ish.


did see something cool there though: Bendis' (I think) entire run on Daredevil in one hardback. It was absolutely awesome. £65 but it looked huge. At least 2 years run I'd guess at. Maybe even 3.


That sounds sick. PS Bendis was on Daredevil for just over 4 years I believe.


Dan, Volume 2 is on Play, yeah? http://www.play.com/Books/Books/4-/721393/Invincible-Ultimate-Collection-Vol-2/Product.html Waittaminute...also in stock at Amazon http://www.amazon.co.uk/Invincible-Ultimate-Collection-v-2/dp/1582405948/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1232540887&sr=8-3


How comes you having trouble buyings?


Also EVERYONE who reads this, buy this ;




Its £5.99 for 7 issues. Thats ridiculous value. If you like Invincible you will like Wolf-Man, same writer, set in same universe, brilliant artwork, incredibly fast paced.


I'm not joking, I literally want to see posts from people saying you've just bought it. Fucking sicko bargain.

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ReZ, rebirth and sinestro corps war, i'm waiting for the last part of the trilogy, the blackest night in june. Other than that i don't buy into the whole every issue thing, i love the graphic novel thing (ordered batman hush) as its a story in itself no sprawling thing.

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ReZ, rebirth and sinestro corps war, i'm waiting for the last part of the trilogy, the blackest night in june. Other than that i don't buy into the whole every issue thing, i love the graphic novel thing (ordered batman hush) as its a story in itself no sprawling thing.


Tut tut tut. All of its been amazing. As in every issue is breath taking.


At the very least buy;


From Ebay, single issue, Final Crisis ; Rage of the Red Lanterns (origin of them) its amazing.




Out now/soon Green Lantern Secret Origin TPB/Hardcover. Also awesome. But yeah isn't Sinestro Corps War just....breathtakingly good.


I swear in the finale issue I gasped like three times at the "three" "twist"y bits.

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Tut tut tut. All of its been amazing. As in every issue is breath taking.


At the very least buy;


From Ebay, single issue, Final Crisis ; Rage of the Red Lanterns (origin of them) its amazing.




Out now/soon Green Lantern Secret Origin TPB/Hardcover. Also awesome. But yeah isn't Sinestro Corps War just....breathtakingly good.


I swear in the finale issue I gasped like three times at the "three" "twist"y bits.


I bought the issue after it because it had the two corps being created. But the yellows are coming back, no matter what, parallax might be back (i loved his whole origin) thoughts?

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I bought the issue after it because it had the two corps being created. But the yellows are coming back, no matter what, parallax might be back (i loved his whole origin) thoughts?


Well I know whats happening, because its all building up to Blackest Night both in GL and GLC. Literally major stuff is happening.

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Well I know whats happening, because its all building up to Blackest Night both in GL and GLC. Literally major stuff is happening.


In my view, why bother if it actually happens in blackest night :P screw build up, theres gonna be war and we all know it damnit!

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In my view, why bother if it actually happens in blackest night :P screw build up, theres gonna be war and we all know it damnit!


Pfffft, its just as good as the actual fighting. Easily. Its got fighting in it anyway. Lots.


Basically what I'm saying is, it is not in ANY WAY filler. It is excellent storytelling at its very best. Its indefinable from the actual Sinestro Corps War in terms of quality.

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I'm planning on picking Invincible up on Play actually- I was just passing and figured I'd actually buy something from a real shop for a change.


FP is Sheffield seems OK. I dunno though- I'm no expert and whenever I see alot of comic books in one place i always feel totally overwhelmed because I basically know fuck all about them in any meaningful sense. I'd like to, but I need some serious cash in hand to get involved.

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I think thats why invincible is great, it's new and in the early stages, people can get involved easily and catch up greatly.


yet another reason to stick to the graphic novels, you get none of the in betweeny bits, rez i'm sure the issues are amazing, but i can wait till june for the potential end of the universe you know. (but it would be interesting if the universe did just end because of the corps war). I also feel that prime is gonna do something, all his activities all point towards...something bigger, but i dunno what =/


I recently got Spiderman: Reign, its a one shot where spideys old and retired after MJ died from radioactive poisoning from being near spiderman. It deals with what happened, and the villain behind it all, its so sad =[

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I think thats why invincible is great, it's new and in the early stages, people can get involved easily and catch up greatly.


Exactly. You know what else is like that?


Also EVERYONE who reads this, buy this ;




Its £5.99 for 7 issues. Thats ridiculous value. If you like Invincible you will like Wolf-Man, same writer, set in same universe, brilliant artwork, incredibly fast paced.


I'm not joking, I literally want to see posts from people saying you've just bought it. Fucking sicko bargain.


I think thats why invincible is great, it's new and in the early stages, people can get involved easily and catch up greatly.


yet another reason to stick to the graphic novels, you get none of the in betweeny bits, rez i'm sure the issues are amazing, but i can wait till june for the potential end of the universe you know. (but it would be interesting if the universe did just end because of the corps war)


Hmmmm. At the very very LEAST buy Rage of the Red Lanterns off Ebay dude. Its like £3-4 and amazing. Do it. Doooo eeeetttt naawwww.

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They were. Paramount "bought" or (whatever...had) the rights, but not anymore. Kirkman was asked about it in a recent letters column and I believe he said they just weren't persuing it and the rights expired. (Something along those lines) Its a shame.


A screenplay done by Kirkman would be the bomb. Maybe someone else will pick it up, with the comic genre being such a hot property these days.


*Woefully glares at Punisher War Zone*

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It could be a good film. I dunno though- They'd have to make the origin film out of the first 13 I guess and if you think about it, that's a hell of a lot of narrative for 2 hours- especially with the almost annectodal structure with no major badguys and stuff like that.

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yeah. the thing \is, the budget would be astronomical. Think about stuff like the fight with the reptiles or that aien army. Small scenes in the book and cheap to draw but on film that's more CGI than most films manage for the entire duration- and they don't even matter that much.

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