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Did you see/read what happened at the end of Secret Invasion? Its a few pages back in spoiler tags between Happenstance and myself if you want to read the full story, but basically ;


Norman Osborn has replaced Iron Man as "leader" type figure. SHIELD abolished. Stark tech replaced with Oscorp tech. Norman inheritted all of Iron Mans goodies. And Norman is part of some kind of evil Illuminati consisting of Namor, Emma Frost, Loki, The Hood and Dr Doom.



Sick. The Dark Avengers will be like the new official Avengers team.

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What's all thiss free comic book day business?

Does it actually mean what it sounds like and they are giving away free comics?


Yeah, every year now, think its been running for quite a while. Its on like...the 1st or 2nd May usually, each company will chose a comic to release for free.


Ultimate Spider-Man #1 was it back in 2000 or whatever. Astounding Wolf-Man was a few years back. So if you've got a local comic shop you should be able to go there and just get them. Some shops might say free with a purchase though, as I believe the actual shops have to pay for them.

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Right. I'm a bit ticked.


Has anyone else noticed that the quality of artwork has just absolutely plummited recently. Where the hecks Steve McNiven gone? Where are all the quality colourists? Jeez. I just got done reading SI Dark Reign, and I'm not a huge fan of that (Alex Maleev) style art. Its not super hero-ey. Then they whacked in previews of about 4 upcoming books in the back (sticking a $3.99 charge on the front for the privilage) and all of them were horrible artwork (apart from Secret Warriors which was just meh)


Why aren't they snapping up some crazy talent? All they have to do is glance at places like Deviant Art.


Seriously, it does my head in. Theres barely any "stunning" art books - Invincible, Wolf-Man, Walking Dead, Usually Spider-Man (but Marvel are still not against putting crap artists on their flag ship) Green Lantern and not much else are consistently amazing.


Pisses me off, when theres so many better artists in the world.

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Sorry, but Alex Maleev is fucking quality.


He's awesome times 7.


Saying it's not super-heroey isn't really legitimate, to be honest. By that definition, you'd want it to be kinda flat and Kirby-ish. Which, in my mind, isn't exactly great.

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Sorry, but Alex Maleev is fucking quality.


He's awesome times 7.


Saying it's not super-heroey isn't really legitimate, to be honest. By that definition, you'd want it to be kinda flat and Kirby-ish. Which, in my mind, isn't exactly great.


Hes extremely talented and amazing, but I stand by my comment that its not super hero-ey. Its dark and gloomy. Also I noticed he has a habit of drawing pictures of people with open mouthes, but then the speech bubble of what the character is saying doesn't actually look anything like the mouth move.


But that was a minor quibble. He was good on the book cos it was mainly talking anyway, but really I was just talking generally. Seriously.


Oh and Batmans usually pretty great artwork wise. I might do a YouTube video at some point. Don't want to offend anyone though. Meh.

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So, yeah!


Civil War get for £8 in HMV. Actually rather good! Seemed occasionally fodder for some 'what if' fisticuff mashups but it was very well written and the art and colours are batshit crazy.


The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen vol 1 get! £10 for this one and it looks well spent. Fantastic art and Moore is clearly at it again. In turns hilarious, dark, perverse and weird. I'm really enjoying it.

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I would like to make a recommendation. Again. I've done it before, but more people need to understand, just HOW DAMN GOOD The Walking Dead is. It is just amazing. Its so packed full of emotion and character development. I kid you not it is UNBELIEVABLY good.


Also Invincible Ultimate Collection 4 should be out the beginning of February.


Also buy Wolf-Man.


Also my letter was printed in Wolf-Man (woo!) and the two part cross over with Invincible was excellent. Perfectly set up and expanded things on both issues. It was brill.


Im just reading through my pile now.


New Avengers was cool. Mighty was good. The three Kirkman books were obviously amazing.

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I don't think I can recommend The League highly enough myself. I finished it the other day and...wow. It's truly superb how the thing plays with the idea of a super hero (ingrained as they are in the post war world). It's not the deconstruction of Watchmen or the political horror of V For Vendetta but it's very, very good. In a way it reminds me of Invincible

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Just read Ultimatum #2. Not impressed.



The only reason that the Ultimate Universe needs saving is because of Jeph Loeb in the first place. He has actually become my least favourite writer. His writing is bull shit, his dialogue is patronisingly narrative, forced and unnatural.


Hes a twat.

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I know its only a minor mistake but.....I really want to stab the shit out of people who write "Mark Miller" instead of "Mark Millar".


Just read a thread on another board where they were getting themselves ridiculously confused.


Person One ; Frank Miller hasn't been good in years. Millers work has been at best mediocore for ten years plus now.


Idiot One ; Huh? You not been reading Ultimates, Kick Ass, etc. All done by Miller, all fantastic.


Idiot Two ; He was talking about Frank Miller, not Mark Miller.


Me ; *Stab happy*
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Just read Ultimatum #2. Not impressed.



The only reason that the Ultimate Universe needs saving is because of Jeph Loeb in the first place. He has actually become my least favourite writer. His writing is bull shit, his dialogue is patronisingly narrative, forced and unnatural.


Hes a twat.


Just read it myself. I actually enjoyed issue number 1 of Ultimatum but 2 was a definately letdown. Nothing really happened, some of the dialogue was terrible and even though the last thing that happens was mildly interesting this issue just seems to have sucked all the excitement I had for Ultimatum out of the window in one go.

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Word. It was so painful to read. I was just....like "This can't get worse" then Cap was in some....post death/life...asguardian? Ah fuck knows, but he was fighting zombies/skeletons with Thor. What the fuck? Seriously what.


Okay kiddies looks like we finally have a release date. :)


Invincible Ultimate Collection Volume 4




4th February.

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Word. It was so painful to read. I was just....like "This can't get worse" then Cap was in some....post death/life...asguardian? Ah fuck knows, but he was fighting zombies/skeletons with Thor. What the fuck? Seriously what.


Okay kiddies looks like we finally have a release date. :)


Invincible Ultimate Collection Volume 4




4th February.


Sauce for this? also what does it cover exactly? because i'm at the bit where


marks found the books nolan left for him to read/read them (lol at the word read being the same thing) aka just after aaaaaaaaaaangssssssssssssstrom leeeevy



and i desire to know if it includes that or a bit of that or what...?

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Source is issue 11 of Wolf-Man its in the back as coming soon, and Diamond Comics (the distributors) have it penned in at 4th. Which is subject to change, but its been delayed since August anyway so its extremely extremely likely.


And the issue you have just read is #35. Volume 4 starts at issue #36 :)

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Source is issue 11 of Wolf-Man its in the back as coming soon, and Diamond Comics (the distributors) have it penned in at 4th. Which is subject to change, but its been delayed since August anyway so its extremely extremely likely.


And the issue you have just read is #35. Volume 4 starts at issue #36 :)


fucking ace!!


i'm guessing its 13 issues? ending on 49 sounds about right

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They are usually between 10 and 11 I think. The previous three have been. It should really be like at LEAST 11. Even by the time its released it'll be time for another, as issue 59 will be out at that point, and assuming Vol 4 has 11 that brings it to 47. Another 11 is 58. Crazy.


That'll be amazing though. Volume 5. God. The 50's of Invincible have been breathtakingly awesome.


Its really carving the way for the future, and plenty of character development.



God I love it. I love talking about it. I love having se.....what?

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You just love you know


thats all.


Also calling all batman fans, is there a batman graphic novel for hush out? i read a chapter of it last night (starring hush) and wondered if more were out


The original story is available as both Vol 1 and 2 or the combined, and it should be quite largely available everywhere.


I have the heroes and villains fold out posters from Hush. (somewhere)

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