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I like a lot of them. All the sculpts are shite. I don't get why they're shite nowadays, but seriously. What's this digital sculpting worth if it makes stuff look crap?


I hate the common Spidey being so aggressive.


I love Chameleon.

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In lieu of Post Your Purchases Thread, just bought:




Bargain! This is shaping up into a seriously amazing series. And I can tell why it's meant to be Morrison's "best". So far it's been sensational. I love Lord Fanny the most. A little info for those interested.


I was also about to buy Psylocke and X-Men: Sisterhood in a Betsy Braddock-induced frenzy. Then I remembered that Psylocke itself is too expensive for what it has inside (4 issues worth), when X-Men Supernovas, which I really want, has like 14 issues, and is less than a pound more.


And I know Sisterhood is so-so with Greg Land art, but I like the story in concept, and I feel like I need more Psylocke in my life (and I never read the story in full).

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Oh god! Everyone read Moon Knight latest issue (10) its awesome! And Secret Avenger-y. Basically this visual thing happens and I loved. LOVED. Go read it. If not, I'll just say what it was.


Also read Secret Avengers. Definitely starting to get better I reckon. This "The Abyss" character seems pretty interesting (and powerful)

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Tell me the visual thing? I have no intention in reading Moon Knight.




Secret Avengers is very cool. I love how you'd expect them to be all covert on earth, like breaking into buildings and wasting without anyone seeing, but instead they're in space, battling a mega-cosmic threat. But still no one on earth knows. So it kinda still makes sense. Just a really cool way to turn it on it's head.


I love the team so much too. A lot more than the other Avenger teams atm.


Commander Rogers ("Yes, I am still great.")

Beast ("The X-Men remind me of shite these days.")

Valkyrie ("Fuck ye.")

Moon Knight ("Why am I even here? There's no need. But a white costume is everything.")


And the rest add.





I did end up buying those Psylocke books.


And it's direct prequel:



As much as I hate Land, I am partial to this cover.


I think he should just stick to covers as they generally look fine with glossy tracings from magazines/models standing in strange poses.

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Secret Avengers is very cool. I love how you'd expect them to be all covert on earth, like breaking into buildings and wasting without anyone seeing, but instead they're in space, battling a mega-cosmic threat. But still no one on earth knows. So it kinda still makes sense. Just a really cool way to turn it on it's head.


I love the team so much too. A lot more than the other Avenger teams atm.


Commander Rogers ("Yes, I am still great.")

Beast ("The X-Men remind me of shite these days.")

Valkyrie ("Fuck ye.")

Moon Knight ("Why am I even here? There's no need. But a white costume is everything.")


And the rest add.


Did you read Kirkmans Irredeemable Ant-Man? It is essential reading, and shows why he's a bit of an ass. But I totally agree on the team. Love them. I'm even starting to like Valkyrie (having read nothing of her before/having no interest) because this issue she says "By Odin's Blood!!!" Lol.


Tell me the visual thing? I have no intention in reading Moon Knight.


Moon Knight ("Why am I even here? There's no need. But a white costume is everything.")


Visual thing;


He gets a black Moon Knight costume, because for the specific mission they have to go in completely invisible or hostages will be epic killed. A Heroclix custom is INSTANTLY in the process of being made now. I know its cheap, but come on...BLACK FUCKING MOONY! That is RAD.


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Valkyrie stuns. She's so amusing.


I might read Irredeemable Ant-Man...I enjoyed him in Thunderbolts and now this.


I also loved how Moon Knight and Black Widow (the two shites) were beaten off-panel.


Did you hear about the upcoming newest addition to the main Avengers roster?

Red Hulk



Having read the comics he's in, it could be entertaining, as he's technically great, but he lowers the tone.


I'm really bored of Bendis' Avengers teams. They feel really lowly. Luke Cage/Wolverine and Spidey on both/Spider-Woman kinda ruin the feel.

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Valkyrie stuns. She's so amusing.


I might read Irredeemable Ant-Man...I enjoyed him in Thunderbolts and now this.


I also loved how Moon Knight and Black Widow (the two shites) were beaten off-panel.


Did you hear about the upcoming newest addition to the main Avengers roster?

Red Hulk



Having read the comics he's in, it could be entertaining, as he's technically great, but he lowers the tone.


I'm really bored of Bendis' Avengers teams. They feel really lowly. Luke Cage/Wolverine and Spidey on both/Spider-Woman kinda ruin the feel.

Oh man you should definitely read Antman. Its Kirkman, and it really is brilliant.


Yeah I heard about that addition, and I'm looking forward to it.


I thought Avengers #3 was fucking terrible actually. Both writing, plot and art were shit. I loved the first 2 though, so I'm sure it was just a fluke. Its just saddening when you compare JRJR artwork (like one line outlines of characters in the background) to Ottley artwork where everything you could lay your eyes on is so highly detailed.

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JRJr isn't an artist with a high fidelity to his style but he's charmingly old school- a real antidote to the likes of Land- and I maintain that he's almost certainly the best visual storyteller in the business. His grasp of character, layout, and pacing is second to none. I really enjoy his art, even if it is a little rough.

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Are there any good Superman comics? All I know of him are the films. Apparently Brandon Routh, aka the only person who should ever play Superman because he was amazing, is interested in being in thr reboot. *crosses fingers, legs, arms, eyes*

I couldn't stand Routh at all. He has no presence whatsoever as Superman. When he steps on that plane and tells everyone that they're safe now, his voice is so meek and mousey. Superman should be confident and commanding.

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So I started reading Green Lantern again . This is the third time Ive tried to do a full run. First time through, the scans I read were just shite (every double page was scanned at the back, out of page order) and the second time I got distracted.


I really like some elements of the way DC do things- particularly that all of their big heroes are all crazy powerful. Green Lantern, especially, benefits from the amazing scope his powers allow- for example, in #3 it takes him five seconds to get to space off the ground, shortly before he survives a nuke going off without much trouble. It certainly contrasts with even the most extravagant Marvel books; Only Thor and the cosmic heroes at Marvel come close. There's definitely more of a 'world of tomorrow' science fiction element at DC.

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Speaking of Green Lantern, I have wanted to start reading some of it for a while and just got myself Sinestro Corps Wars book 1 and 2 for less than 9 quid, so is this a good place to start or am I gonna be very lost?

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Rebirth is good but I think including loads of the JLA etc in that was a mistake as loads of characters in it meant nothing to me. Saying that though, I could tell there was a lot of chaff attached to the franchise; Rebirth felt like the books clearing their throat, so to speak.


Great series, anyway.

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ReZ (and anyone else who buys comics every week), how much do you usually spend per week on individual comics?


I buy a lot of trades now, but I feel rude not buying issues of some things. They are, however, incredibly expensive (compared to the Uk editions, which are 2 years or so behind, but so worth the price), at least in places like Forbidden Planet.

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They're not worth the money dude. Don't do it.


FP in Sheffield charge £3.30 for Marvel and DC books, which is outrageous. You can buy Marvel trades of the same issues for about £10 and you get a Much better quality of print and storage too. Single issues are as hard to find good storage for as they are expensive, while trades are easier to keep, cheaper and you can read them off the shelf.

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I know, I would have gone to a normal/independant comic shop.


I just feel really guilty about reading loads..elsewhere. I suppose I do spend lots of money on comics in trade form, but yeah.


I'm over it already.

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£3.30 is extortionate and hardly the norm. I pay £2.10 for $2.99 comics and £2.80 for the gay Marvel $3.99 ones.


Storage isn't that much of an issue either as they sell coffin boxes.


Anyway I spend just under £100 a month very approximately. Some weeks it might be £10 others it may be £30. But as you know I get a ridiculous amount. If you just get a few a month it'll only be a £5 which is fair for a main interest and to support the industry.

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Yeah for a year or so I got my comics weekly but it did cost a lot (dont remember how much, they never actually priced them, just added them up at the counter) and I dont really like the cardboard longboxes for storage. There are actually really nice ones out there now though which are made of wood and connect together however you want, I was going to buy some but they dont sell outside the US.

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£3.30 is extortionate and hardly the norm. I pay £2.10 for $2.99 comics and £2.80 for the gay Marvel $3.99 ones.


Storage isn't that much of an issue either as they sell coffin boxes.


Anyway I spend just under £100 a month very approximately. Some weeks it might be £10 others it may be £30. But as you know I get a ridiculous amount. If you just get a few a month it'll only be a £5 which is fair for a main interest and to support the industry.


What I meant by storage is that you need boxes and shit, whereas trades sit on your bookshelf and can be easily picked up and revisited.

Singles are also very weak, physically. I've not seriously damaged any of mine yet but they're not exactly durable. a good trade is much better.

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I don't know why but with me, I feel as though I can't read multiple things at once, if I am reading one book, I need to finish it before I move on to another. I only buy one comic in floppy form and that is Amory Wars, purely for Coheed and Cambria fanboy-ist reasons.


What would you guys say were some of the best self-contained stories/re-imaginings. I'm thinking along the lines of Superman - Red Son, Spider-Man - Reign, I know I am a bit of a mainstream boy, but im fully open to suggestions :)

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What would you guys say were some of the best self-contained stories/re-imaginings. I'm thinking along the lines of Superman - Red Son, Spider-man - Reign, I know I am a bit of a mainstream boy, but im fully open to suggestions :)


All-Star Superman :bouncy:

Spider-Man: Reign

Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth

JLA: Year One

Technically self-contained, but 24 issues long is The Sword, which I was recommended here, and was great. It's one complete story.

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