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On Reflection: I now hate the cover for Avengers #1


JRJr best pull out some amazing interiors because he can't draw Iron Man for shit- a cardinal sin in my fanboy eyes.


It's weird, because I've loved his work in the past. Daredevil: The Man Without Fear and Kick-Ass look amazing. I just think he's a really bad choice for Avengers. He's just not in the same league as the current team.

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Warren Ellis for kids? Megalol.


Totally agree on JRJR. He rocks Kick Ass, he doth NOT rock The Avengers.


Nemesis is going to be insane win.


I had a dream last night....*(you were there)* funky music. Anyway I had a dream last night, I saw the cover for "New New Avengers" By Bendis, and the main characters were three red rangers and two blue rangers lol.


Invincible #73 Cover





I think its beautiful.

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Really liked the reveal in Wolf-Man that


The cool grey wolf guy was actually the dude that Gary bit in issue 1!



I thought that was very cool. Good issue I felt. Cecil was on forme in both titles this week. Good solid Invincible.


GL and GLC were cool. I really want Sinestro to bond with Parallax....


But obviously something else potentially massively interesting is happening with Parallax. That was an excellent and exciting scene



as was


Red Lantern Spectre.





Here's my new comic! First details! Need a title though!



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Just read Uncanny X-Men


Land murders this issue. It's absolute shite. Fraction continues to do good stuff, referencing more of Grant Morrison's run again and bringing in some quite surprising elements at the end but it's absolutely ruined by Land. The action is shit, nonsensical trash and fails completely. Why won't marvel ditch this hack!?

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The ending was awesome. I don't understand why Marvel needed to ruin it slightly by announcing the thing at the end a few weeks back.


Land was as shit as usual BUT I swear he's traced the Dodsons in a panel or two, which is good. But....well good in the scale of Land. If you're gonna trace, at least trace a good artist, and the other that does the book. Obv still terrible issue art wise but yeah.

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Yeah, I'd be screaming at the ending If I hadn't read an article about it last year/a while ago.


Land wasn't any worse I don't think...his women are still horrible. I think his men are mostly "fine", they don't look copy and pasted into strange positions like his women do. Or like they've just stepped out of some porno.


It's just annoying...aesthetically/superficially his work is nice/satisfying, but when you actually read it in a comic, it's awful. Especially the action scenes as Dan said. There's no movement. *sigh*


Also: Dark Avengers, clearly set before Siege 2 (or maybe I just read them out of order by mistake). I like that Sentry is doing something vaguely interesting. I like how Ms. Hand doesn't take shite from Norman.


Also: Just been reading a bit more about the upcoming Heroic Age stuff. I really love John Romita Jr.'s pencils, they feel so definitive, and as it says in one of the articles "carved from stone". I'd like to see his take on the Avengers proper. I was looking to see if he'd ever done anything for DC heroes, and it seems not a lot. Done a bit of Batman (barely) which was interesting, but are there any sketches or anything he's done of other DC heroes?

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I'm thinking about writing a comic book - drawing inspiration from Invincible and Classic Spider-man - with the main character being a gay guy who is closeted in real life and out when he's a superhero.


Obviously this is an overdone premise, but I think him being gay gives it an interesting twist, because it's analogous to the double life alot of gay people live. Also, I think there's a market for a gay superhero, especially since the gay heroes in Marvel and DC are made gay just to fulfill a quota, rather than to stimulate an interesting storyline. Of course, I'm going to make it uncliched outside of the basic premise, and also self-aware that it's a rip-off of Spidey's story (perhaps including a Black Cat-Spider-man/Peter Parker-Felicia Hardy type thing).


I've yet to properly decide what his powers are, but I'm thinking I'll tend towards them being quite ill-defined. Like generally agile and durable, rather than "This is our hero; he can lift 20 tonnes, fly as fast as an jetplane, and hear noises as quiet as a whisper". You just have to accept that he's great without explicitly knowing what he can do type thing.


I'm also thinking of setting it in a fictional city, but very much more UK than US - I'm really sick of reading every Superhero story set in America. Also could explain why there aren't very many guns in the comic (when there's loads of guns you sort of question why they don't just shoot the hero, and get it done with).


Also thinking of having the main villain a great telekinetic. Since telekinesis is so essential.

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Telekenesis is kind of a 'win button' power, as is Telepathy. I agree that it would suit a villain because in a way, it has the most potential for abuse- taking control away from people and leaving even the strongest totally powerless. You should watch Akira ;)






Stunned. Essential. Incapacitating.

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Telekenesis is kind of a 'win button' power, as is Telepathy. I agree that it would suit a villain because in a way, it has the most potential for abuse- taking control away from people and leaving even the strongest totally powerless. You should watch Akira ;)


Yeah, it's like "Please, what are you going to do, now I have this baby suspended over the edge of a building?" (obvs not with that shite dialogue though).


But then in some respects its too hard to fight a telekinesis villain if you have no similar powers yourself.

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Yeah. I kinda hate when comic villains aren't written properly. Like, why doesn't Electro just kill Spider-Man/anyone he hates the instant he gets near enough to fry their brains from within? He's my most annoying one, cause he's one of the most powerful enemies Spidey has, and he just fires lightning bolts that always miss? I hate.


So it's almost better to give a telekinetic villain limitations so you don't have to write them shitely to let them lose to the hero.

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