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Always makes me laugh the IGN hate in this thread, most of the time I agree with them. Ive found Uncanny hit and miss lately.


You couldn't argue that Fraction is in any way flying blind though. He's got plenty of direction. You can go all the way back to his first issue on #500 and see elements of the story that are only just resurfacing.


Course, you're entitled to not like said direction but that wasn't what IGN said.







aaaand more!

This is the pencil work for the covers of Siege 1-4. Turns out they're all going to interlock, which should be pretty cool.


I've spoilered because it revels a fairly dramatic shift in one character's allegiance. Proceed as forewarned!





the full article on the pencils is here. Quite a good read, if you're interested.

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Kick-Ass Creator's New Comic Is Dark Knight Mash-Up




Wanted and Kick-Ass creator Mark Millar has unveiled his latest Marvel Comics creation, and between the high concept and promotional image released, it's as if he's daring DC to think about legal action. Ballsy or insane? You be the judge.


Nemesis, a new series created and owned by Millar and his Civil War collaborator doesn't just look like the Joker's smile painted on an all-white-costumed Batman's face, it's literally "What if Batman was the Joker." Millar explained to Comic Book Resources:


Yeah, a lot of people who've read it have been coming up with hilarious tag-lines. "What if Batman was The Joker?" is the tame one. "What if Batman was a total cunt?" is maybe my favourite, although it's hardly going to be an ad. [it's] is a reversal of the Bruce Wayne or Tony Stark archetype. What if this genius billionaire was just this total shit, and the only thing that stood between him and a city was the cops? It's Batman versus Commissioner Gordon, in a weird way. Or maybe a super-villain version of "Se7en." A billionaire anarchist up against ordinary people. The Joker's the best thing in the Batman movies, so this guy is a bit of an amalgamation of all the stuff we like.




Consider it a psychological thriller with an unlimited special effects budget, if Millar's description of the series is anything to go by:


All the cops are needed to go up against a guy as formidable as this. He's almost supernatural, he's so good. But he happens to just be in a costume. Hopefully nobody's ever seen anything like it before. We're so used to supervillains fighting superheroes, I just thought, "Imagine if there was only one person on the planet like this, and he was actually a bad guy." How would cops deal with him, even though he has no super-powers? ...Very simply, I wanted to do a book about the world's greatest villain up against America's greatest cop. I just liked the high concept of that - the idea of a villain going around from country to country and having a battle of wits with the best guy that he can get his hands on. And he sends them a little funeral wreath with the date and time of when they're going to die on it, every one dying at precisely that time. All these cops in the Pacific Rim are dead, and then we come in at the American side of the story and see the struggle of this guy in just trying to stop him.


(As much as this is so-obviously-they're-admitting-it-right-off-the-bat a Batman rip-off, am I the only person who got to "All the cops are needed to go up against a guy as formidable as this" and "I just thought, 'Imagine if there was only one person on the planet like this, and he was actually a bad guy'" and thought that it was Death Note?)


The series will debut in 2010, and yes, Millar admits in the interview that there's already Hollywood interest in a movie adaptation.




Looks pretty cool.

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That major publishing event we mentioned earlier today? Well, here it is.


Original stories featuring Batman and Superman in graphic novel form from the biggest creators out there. But these aren’t one-offs. We’re talking ongoing series of OGNs in a new continuity, on a new Earth.


Sound appealing?


Starting next year, DC Comics will unveil SUPERMAN: EARTH ONE and BATMAN: EARTH ONE, two graphic novels spotlighting the most powerful heroes of the DC Universe, with their first years and earliest moments retold in a standalone, original graphic novel format, on a new earth with an all-new continuity.




Return to Smallville and experience the journey of Earth’s greatest adopted son, as he grows from boy to Superman in SUPERMAN: EARTH ONE by J. Michael Straczynski and artist Shane Davis.




Watch from the darkest corners of Crime Alley as a young boy is struck by unbelievable tragedy that will forge the greatest crime-fighter to ever stalk the rooftops of Gotham City in BATMAN: EARTH ONE, by writer Geoff Johns and artist Gary Frank.




What does JMS have to say? Well, here’s a snippet from his first interview on the subject:


“What I’m trying to do is to dig in to the character and look at him through modern eyes. If you were to create the Superman story today, for the first time, but keep intact all that works, what would it look like?”


“It is monumental for us as comic readers to see Superman birthed for the first time,” Davis said. “It’s a privilege to realize that you’re the artist that gets to draw it, better yet having the luxury to do it in an original graphic novel. This is going to be epic!”


What about Geoff Johns? Well, we happen to have a bit from his first interview as well:


“BATMAN: EARTH ONE allows Gary and I to break the restraints of any continuity and focus on two things: character and story.”





Sounds pretty interesting, maybe a bit like the All Star series but hopefully do better.

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I know it's Earth One... but another Superman origin story? They're currently in the middle of a new canon one, which is average at best. Birthright came out only 4 years ago which was a modernised retelling of the story. Don't know if I should count Smallville....

Sounds pretty interesting, maybe a bit like the All Star series but hopefully do better.
All Star Superman was an incredible piece of storytelling!
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When i saw the title I thought they were planning on seeing whats happened to Superman and Batman pre original crisis as that was still Earth One back then. Could have been interesting, especially if they had kept in Alan Moores "Whatever Happened To The Man of Tomorrow" story.


All Star Superman was an incredible piece of storytelling!


Yeah I never really liked All Star Superman, I think it was a mixture of Quitelys art (which I just cant stand) and the whole thing just felt a bit weird, cant really explain it.


Even so I know that one was popular, All Star Batman on the other hand....

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Wanted, also by millar, is only 6 issues and they made a film of that.


6-8 issues is pretty standard for an arc in any book (recently, think Utopia, Conquest etc) and films tend to be based on a single arc or an interpretation of that.


but more to the point, Millar is hot shit in Hollywood. His books adapt really well and he writes in a pretty pacy way. I imagine Kick-Ass was bought up for adaptation in the embryonic phase.

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wow that's shocking.


And I'm getting cranky waiting for Kick Ass #8 (if anyone knows about that, holler)


it's currently solicited for the first week in January (6th) but as with anything Millar it's subject to delays ;)


and Paj, the film started production before the first issue was even out, Millar sold it to the studios on the concept alone

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Holy shitballs that's a good week :)


also, re; Earth One stuff


"This is probably one of the most often told and re-told stories in comics history, so you have to be careful to preserve what's established while trying to find areas where you can bring a fresh approach," Straczynski said. "In the case of Superman, you take all those elements that work, and infuse them with a modern sensibility, how it would be written today, this minute, if it had just been created for the first time."


That's just Ultimate DC, amarite?

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Yeah I never really liked All Star Superman, I think it was a mixture of Quitelys art (which I just cant stand) and the whole thing just felt a bit weird, cant really explain it.

I don't like his art either, but I loved the series, I just thought it was a great idea and had some awesome moments (Clark Kent visiting Lex Luthor in prison was a great issue).

is that bad? never seen it.
All Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder? It's Jim Lee drawing Frank Miller's words, how could it fail? Spectacularly, apparently.



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Holy shitballs that's a good week :)


also, re; Earth One stuff




That's just Ultimate DC, amarite?


pretty much, these are out of continuity Original Graphic Novels, so no single issues, they'll be out when they're out, Johns said he hopes for 2 books a year, but whether he means 1 Superman and 1 Batman or 2 Batman we'll have to wait and see ;)


will be interesting to see what DC announce next since this was just day 1 of a week of announcements

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