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I can't see Dark Avengers continuing. Maybe the team will somehow hold together in another guise but I can't see Norman making any clean getaway and the whole book revolves around his power status as Iron Patriot.

There's definitely enough Avengers out there to justify two books though, assuming they all 'stay on' once the dust settles.

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  • ReZourceman


  • Happenstance


  • Paj!


  • Dan_Dare


So whats everyone reading at the moment? We only ever seem to talk about a few certain books in here and its been a while since ive seen everyones lists.


At the moment I read:


Amazing Spider-Man

Web of Spider-Man

Uncanny X-Men

X-Men Legacy

Ultimate Avengers

New Avengers

Dark Avengers

Invincible Iron Man

Captain America Reborn

Ms Marvel

Dark Wolverine



Batman & Robin

Superman: Secret Origin

Superman: World of New Krypton

Green Lantern

Blackest Night


Adventure Comics



The Walking Dead

Astounding Wolf-Man




Thats all I can think of at the moment

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Dan, that New Avengers was FUCKING AWESOME. Cracking action. The artwork was absolutely stunning. Stu....(cant remember his surname) has really hit his stride with this book.


Also The List Wolverine was awesome (Fantomex fucking rules) and The List Punisher was FUCKED UP.


Daken literally cut Punisher into pieces



The storyline after/what happens with "Franken-Castle" will be very interesting indeed.


Lesse. If I can remember them all.



Astounding Wolf-Man

The Walking Dead


The Sword

Four Eyes


New Avengers

Dark Avengers

Mighty Avengers (dropping due to bores me a bit)

Avengers The Initiative

Invincible Iron Man

Captain America (Reborn atm)

Wolverine Weapon X

Secret Warriors

Fantastic Four

Uncanny X-Men

Amazing Spider-Man


Venegance of the Moon Knight




Ultimate Spider-Man

Ultimate Avengers



War Machine (dropping due to its shit) o___0



Batman and Robin

Green Lantern

Green Lantern Corps

Blackest Night


Irredeemable (dropping)






House of Mystery

Dynamo 5




Hmmm. I should really cut some more. o____0

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Just finally finished reading Crisis on Infinite Earths for the first time....im a bit confused as:


As far as I know only Psycho Pirate knows that there was a multiverse after this and its even mentioned but they didnt show that everyone else forgot and there was even funerals for Earth 2 Huntress etc. Plus when Infinite Crisis comes around nobody remembers then either (except Psycho Pirate)


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atm I read


Uncanny X-Men

X-men Forever

Captain America

Ultimate Avengers

Ultimate Spiderman



The Marvels Project


Green Lantern

Green Lantern Corps

Blackest Night

Batman & Robin



Walking Dead



Savage Dragon

Mice Templar



In trades

Iron Man (may start picking up singles now the WMW arc has finished)

Thor (JMS)




plus any trades or issues that catch my eye :)

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How much does all them comics cost you Rez and Gmac?


if you mean overall, depending on the weeks realeases I spend between £7 and £20 a week on comics ;)


and ReZ I really like Savage Dragon, loving the current storyline :)

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Just finished 1-5 today.

Billed as a kind of 'Logan does espionage' it's a pretty slick action adventure that's all kinds of lovely and self contained. Parts Bourne, Rambo and all things X, it's one of the better arcs I've read in a while and Wolverine is always good fun when written with panache.


Only problem is that Grant Morrison had the genius stroke of re-casting the Weapon X program by using the X as '10'- going as far as XV in present day marvel-dom


it was brilliant, brave, game changing and radical.


Naturally, it's a move that's since been retconned in to oblivion by everyone who's taken a swing at James Howlet ever since :(

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Eh? It hasn't been retconned.


But yes its FUCKING awesome.




My weight loss isn't going well enough to go as Kraven to the Shindig....





I'M GOING AS DAKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D


Gotta think of a retractable claw technique to make. If you have any ideas let me know.

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