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Is there anywhere else apart from the usual online stores (Amazon, Play, Waterstones) that you guys buy trades from?


Ive been trying to find the remaining three 52 trades, I know I can get vol.2 instore at Waterstones but 3 and 4 have been harder to find. Its possible my local comic shop will have them but they do charge a bit more so id prefer online if I could.


EDIT: Think ive found vol.2+3, thats something at least

Edited by Happenstance
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I enjoyed Haunt. It wasn't AMAZING, but I think it shows potential, and its quite unique really! Gotta remember its an issue 1 of the ongoing series.


Guys. Out of interest, what do you think is the best "trade dress" for Cast. Make your decision before you click to see which one I prefer.




I think F. With the tiles bits being a different colour each issue, bit like Ultimate used to be.


I'll show my rough mock up for the front cover too. My mate will be re-drawing, inking and colouring it in this style.




(Incidentally I told him to make it the best piece of artwork he's ever done in his life)



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JAN: Blackest Night: Rise Comics


At the Baltimore Retailer Summit Monday night, DC Comics announced as expected that “Blackest Night” and all its tie-in titles would take a month-long hiatus in January. But keeping with its "Back from the Dead" theme, eight one-shots will ship in the first month of 2010, delivering new "final" issues of eight previously-canceled fan favorite series.


Each series will pick up on its original numbering and feature characters from their original runs as they deal with the events currently unfolding in the DC Universe.


DC has tagged an all-star cast of writers to pen the books, but arguably the most significant rise is “Starman” #81, written by series creator James Robinson.


The Eisner Award-winning series, believed by many observers as the quintessential superhero comic book of the 1990s, ended near-perfectly with #80 in August 2001.


Robinson revealed exclusively to CBR News late Monday that while the series is back for one issue, its star "Starman," Jack Knight, is not.


“It’s very exciting to return to Opal City. And I’m trying to do a story that’s satisfying for long-time fans of ‘Starman’ and also fans of the 'Blackest Night’ series,” said Robinson. “The only thing I will say now, probably to the disappointment of some fans, is that this is not the return of Jack Knight. This will feature cast members of ‘Starman’ and it will feature a Black Lantern Starman but it will not feature Jack Knight.


“Jack Knight is happily, much as I am, ensconced in San Francisco, happy to be alive and away from all the craziness.”


The other one-shots and writers include the following:


“The Atom and Hawkman” #46 by Geoff Johns

“Catwoman” #83 by Fabian Nicieza

“Phantom Stranger” #42 by Peter Tomasi

“The Power of Shazam!” #48 by Eric Wallace

“The Question” #37 by Greg Rucka

“Suicide Squad” #67 by John Ostrander

“Weird Western Tales” #71 by Dan DiDio

"Starman" #81 is James Robinso

Edited by Dante
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Guys. Out of interest, what do you think is the best "trade dress" for Cast. Make your decision before you click to see which one I prefer.




I think the top-right one. I'm still not sold on the chosen title font/graphic, it's not a satisfying image, it's not resolved or definitive. It looks amateur, because the C is so crunky compared to the rest of it. It should at least form a curve along the bottom (imo).


The one of the top right has a line through it, which unites the title graphic.






I wanna see the cover though when it's done by your friend. Even though I think the layout you've chosen is a bit cliched.


[/harsh criticisms, but you asked me to ages ago :) ]

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I think the top-right one. I'm still not sold on the chosen title font/graphic, it's not a satisfying image, it's not resolved or definitive. It looks amateur, because the C is so crunky compared to the rest of it. It should at least form a curve along the bottom (imo).


The one of the top right has a line through it, which unites the title graphic.






I wanna see the cover though when it's done by your friend. Even though I think the layout you've chosen is a bit cliched.


[/harsh criticisms, but you asked me to ages ago :) ]

I wouldn't consider them particularly harsh. :)


Logo definitely needs to be re-done anyway, as I don't even have it anymore (only on image I've saved to the web) because my old PC crashed. I know it wasn't perfect before and I completely agree with you, the C doesn't look in unison with the rest.


Apart from the face on the right I don't see how the cover is cliche though. Its a montage. (?)


Word is Shorty found a guy who might be up for doing Post with me. Zomg.


Pics or didn't happen.

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Bloody Zavvi, I ordered two of the 52 trades from them yesterday but the dispatch date was Monday so I figured id go into town and see if I could find them. Went in and did get them.


Anyway I tried to cancel last night and theyve told me its being sorted for dispatch and cant be cancelled even though it still says "Processing" on the site, my estimated dispatch day is Monday and the money hasnt come out of my account yet!


Managed to get it sorted now but had to ring Zavvi up to do it, apparently with books they have to cancel it manually and it turns out the books I ordered were out of stock anyway, despite being told they were being prepared for dispatch and couldnt be cancelled!

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Apart from the face on the right I don't see how the cover is cliche though. Its a montage. (?)


Still looks cheapy though. Stark or interesting covers stand out much more than overcrowded ones that don't need to be. Plus it effectively contains spoilers for things that aren't going to happen for ages (werewolves etc).


I always loved the old Ultimate covers, how they were rarely of events within the issue, or if they were, it was just a portrait of a character or two that featured predominantly. They felt edgy and modern (oo-er).

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Still looks cheapy though. Stark or interesting covers stand out much more than overcrowded ones that don't need to be. Plus it effectively contains spoilers for things that aren't going to happen for ages (werewolves etc).


I always loved the old Ultimate covers, how they were rarely of events within the issue, or if they were, it was just a portrait of a character or two that featured predominantly. They felt edgy and modern (oo-er).


Outragous claims. Its a first issue, and I want it to show you what the comic is about. Showing one guy with a gun isn't going to do anything to a passer by. If you show all these different elements they'll be like "WTF, super heroes, magic, werewolves? This I gotta see" (lolz) but I do totally disagree with you on that. It has to say something about the book, and "Cast" really is a double meaning word in this comic.


Also issue 3 is ages away in your opinion? ;)


I'm really looking forward to the...next next issue of Invincible Iron Man- they're running a kind of 'starktech futurist' style on the whole production so it will look nothing like any other comic on the stands. It's probably the coolest cover I've ever seen.


I was actually a little dissapointed. They uber hyped it up, and I do like its look a lot. It looks like a mature comics which is good. But Johnathan Hickman has done very similar simplistic stuff like that before. Its awesome though...my expectations were just massive.

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Outragous claims. Its a first issue, and I want it to show you what the comic is about. Showing one guy with a gun isn't going to do anything to a passer by. If you show all these different elements they'll be like "WTF, super heroes, magic, werewolves? This I gotta see" (lolz) but I do totally disagree with you on that. It has to say something about the book, and "Cast" really is a double meaning word in this comic.


Also issue 3 is ages away in your opinion? ;)


I understan wanting to make an impact, but you can do it in a good way, not just cramming everything on so it looks like a rip-off of a Star Wars poster.

Recent promos that have really appealed to me are things like...



It really stands out, and if that was the cover of a comic, i'd go and pick it u to find out what it was. Obviously the type wouldn't have to be like that the whole time, but it would make an interesting first issue. The figure could have magicy stuff coming out of the gun, or there could be another figure with them. I just feel the whole affair would look less "..." if it was more considered (in regards to appearance on the shelf/visual communication etc).


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Thats a fucking awesome teaser.


But its for a season 2 of an already established show. It really gives nothing away, and its also not the only advertisment outlet for that show. Comics are different. Covers are the only advert you have, and it has to grab people.


(Other people feel free to chime in on this?)

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Well the season 1 ones are more in tune with the show, (the things in my avvie and sig), very stylish with her among the mannequins and the great taglines. But even so, they're very simple and still give nothing away. Which should be the aim. Attracting while giving away as little as possible.

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Yeah that was really awesome. Especially the third from last panel. Fucked up shit. Loved all the double spreads too.


How random was Wolf-Man!? That was sweet. I'm gonna try and buy the artwork page of Gorgg.


What is TWD?


You only need to read Blackest Night,Green Lantern and Green Lantern Corps. The rest are bonus that don't really tie into the main three Blackest Night comics.


TWD is probably the most important comic to read regarding Blackest Night. You won't get the full story without it.

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