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Is anyone else kind of waiting out the summer events at Marvel? Fear Itself is OK and Schism is really good, but what comes next really interests me more, particularly for the X-Men. Children's Crusade ends at the same time too so we have 3 big stories heading towards a unified status quo shift that sounds a lot more interesting than what's currently going on. Hum!

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Yeah I am. As ive mentioned I havent really liked any of this summers events so i'll be happy when theyre done. I think the X-Men split and Childrens Crusade interests me most for Marvel, Fear Itself I dont see much happening afterwards that I get really excited for. Obviously im looking forward to the start of the DCnU this week as well. Was reading some DC trades last night in memory of the current universe, gonna miss it :(

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I seem to be the only person on the planet who thinks Fear Itself is awesome.


It's cool, but as it's basically one fuck off punch up, I'm not really loving it. I do like it though, and I think it's leading to good things in a few books- especially Iron Man and Thor.


Schism is better I think, because it's taking the franchise in a radically different direction than what's been done before in a really interesting way and has had a fair bit more character to it.


Spider-Island is really good too actually. Forgot about that. I hope it doesn't change Spider-Man too much though because I really like the whole angle they've found with Peter working in science properly and moving past the maligned 'menace' thing, which is really tired now.

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I might power through Flashpoint 1-5 out of mild interest. Do I have to read the (I assume fairly shitty/irrelevant) countless miniseries associated with it? If I do, which are worth it?


Flashpoint picks up in #3.


Knight of Vengeance is the best thing ever. It doesn't tie in so much as gives Batman his motivation for any involvement. I think it's beautiful.


The Outside seems to tie in to Flashpoint #5. It's alright. Enjoyable but not in any memorable way. It scores bonus points for featuring Black Adam. Also Martian Manhunter is rad in it.


Louis Lane and the Resistance has a lot to do with Flashpoint. It isn't necessary, or that great (opening is pretty cool), but the bits with Wonder Woman are awesome. It'll be resolved in Flashpoint #5.


Abin Sur also pretty cool. Cliffhanger ending. Could (probably will) play a big part in Flashpoint #5.


Legion of Doom is fucking awful.


World of Flashpoint is kind of fun for finding out what's happening everywhere. Jason Todd's cameo as a priest in Gotham is lulz. Don't bother, I'd say.


Reverse Flash one shot. I fucking LOVED this. The art was slick. I suspect a big part of why I liked it was because I don't know the Flash or the Reverse Flash that much and there's a fair amount of back story implicitly covered.


Emperor Aquaman. Is alright. If I thought Aquaman was a lame character, his brother is even dumber.


Wonder Woman and the Furies is great. I love Wonder Woman now.


Project Superman. I enjoyed the first two issues but the third issue was a bit turd. The art was a little different to the rest of Flashpoint, which I enjoyed..


Hal Jordan. I hate Hal Jordan and this is pointless.


Secret Seven. Crap.


Going to read Kid Flash Lost now.


Green Arrow is meant to be pretty good as is Grodd of War.


....wait, have I read pretty much everything?

Edited by Daft
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Sounds like a great issue.


Booster Gold escapes the US government's Metropolis underground base with his soon-to-be girlfriend that has parasite powers. She stops and kills Doomday by making him rip open his own rip-cage by using the mind-control helmet on herself. Booster and the girl fly to London, finds Barry but he is to busy to talk with them because he is too forced on running. Booster says he can jump-start his time tech by siphoning off the Speed Force and fix everything. An Atlantean soilder fires a large raygun at Booster but the woman takes the hit instead, killing her. Before Booster can do anything about it, he's teleported back to the Vanishing Point (end of time), where he has absolutely no memory of how he got there or of the woman. All he knows is that he needs a new costume. Then the last page shows that the woman took the form of chronal energy and was the one who wrote all that stuff about Flashpoint on the chalkboard in the "Time Masters: Vanishing Point" ending.


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So read Flashpoint 1-4, and all of the Batman and WW tie-ins. The WW series was purely functional, and really a complete non-event art-wise and writing-wise. It was nothing.


The Batman one was excellent. I didn't realise it was by Azzarello and Risso, whose collaborative work on Batman I've enjoyed before. Well written, and a genuine shock/horror moment, which is usually a sign of something being effective.


@Daft, if you liked this, check out the Broken City story the two did on Batman in the early 2000's.


Andy Kubert is always a pleasure to see doing art. Flashpoint is enjoyable if not particularly mind-blowing. They've condensed a lot into a small timeframe, but decently. I love Element Woman and am glad it looks like she's coming back for more in the nuDC. Though there was already an Element Woman in DC before. Possibly a Vertigo character? Think she was a depressive and killed herself.




Yeah. She was the female version of Metamorpho that was so forgotten about she only made one appearance after the 60's in Neil Gaiman's Sandman, where Death comes for her or something. I should really read Sandman.


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Read X-Force: Angels and Demons. I enjoyed. The art was stunning.


I liked the Archangel wing thing being not a mutation. Makes sense, considering he *was* a horseman of Apocalypse, been tested on, and it's never dwelt upon.


Kinda *shrug* as a series, left me with not much, but I enjoyed whilst reading.

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You should read Uncanny X-Force when the time arises, it's so much more. Since X-23, Warpath et all are such chaff when it comes to it. Fantomex, Psylocke and Deadpool are infinite.



Fuck everyone.

(I love Psylocke's hair)

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Oh. I read the first issue of that then never went back. It had at-first-seemingly interesting art, but I was unswayed. That entire storyline/event was pointless except for the iconic Storm & Gambit one-shot (drawn by Chris Bachalo) where they just *deal* with life so well.


The only ramifications of the entire story is that Jubilee is now back and is a vampire.

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I'd still say Avengers Academy is their best book, with Uncanny X-Force and Thunderbolts in hot pursuit. Oh, and Children's Crusade is absolutely amazing but it's only bi-monthly.


A while ago I would have said Invincible Iron Man but I don't think the Fear Itself tie ins have been much good- certainly not consistently. Iron Man vs Grey Gargoyle in Paris was amazing but this whole dwarf thing and Pepper and....urgh. It's been really quite shit since. Really poor, which is odd considering Fraction is writing it AND the Fear Itself series.

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I'd still say Avengers Academy is their best book, with Uncanny X-Force and Thunderbolts in hot pursuit. Oh, and Children's Crusade is absolutely amazing but it's only bi-monthly.


A while ago I would have said Invincible Iron Man but I don't think the Fear Itself tie ins have been much good- certainly not consistently. Iron Man vs Grey Gargoyle in Paris was amazing but this whole dwarf thing and Pepper and....urgh. It's been really quite shit since. Really poor, which is odd considering Fraction is writing it AND the Fear Itself series.

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I think Avengers Academy is fantastic but it isn't crafted quite as expertly as Uncanny X-Force, and I think Invincible Iron Man has been great too to be honest. Fraction writes Tony well, and if I had a criticism it would be that the step back into alcoholism kind of came out of nowhere (but maybe thats realisitc?) and I've enjoyed the storys, and I like the Pepper stuff too.

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