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Revo Games


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Hmm, in that Merrick interview (not the elephant man) he said (or hinted at) not showing showing the games until you can play them, and youll play them at E3. Personally this is a BAD idea, they need to show the games around 360 launch, then have them playable at E3, hopefully a few months away from launch. I seriously cant see a pre Autumn 06 launch, which puts the 360 a frighteningly one year ahead!!!

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well, the video of the controler seemed to hint at a luigi's manshion sequal, were the controlker is being used as a torch, and if you remember recently, it was said twilight princess will be the last zelda as we know it, the video showed the controler being used as a sword, so maybe thats what there hinting at, you actualy slashing the sword. to me, that sounds like it will get dull, but the luigis manshion game sounds awsome. my only concern is that the games might all be a bit gimmiky, but this is nintendo, im sure they will piss out the fires of m,y concern.

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It won't be as dull as locking onto an enemy and tap a button though...


But I can see what you mean.


now clearly you didnt play metroid prime right. its so much deeper then that. theres very few enemys you can hurt like that. almost all need to be tricked into revealing there weak spot, thouse you can just tap a too are usualy the basic grunts or are so powerfull by the time youve done any damage your healths critical.


i just dont thinkt hat virtual sword fights right the way through a game would be that exciting after the novelty wears off, perhaps for some spesific battles, then it would be cool, kinda like the knife fight in re4.

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now clearly you didnt play metroid prime right. its so much deeper then that. theres very few enemys you can hurt like that. almost all need to be tricked into revealing there weak spot, thouse you can just tap a too are usualy the basic grunts or are so powerfull by the time youve done any damage your healths critical.


i just dont thinkt hat virtual sword fights right the way through a game would be that exciting after the novelty wears off, perhaps for some spesific battles, then it would be cool, kinda like the knife fight in re4.


shit son the knife fight in resi would be awesome with that remote props on the idea. If u read ppls posts there is so many ideas going around for what it can be used for lotta potenial. If they make a zelda i dont think it will be totally played just with the new controller. What my idea is u play with the wavebird attachement n when u face a boss u pull the remote out n fight the boss, rest of the game will be played with the wavebird and remote in it. My guess but who can predict nintendo.

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