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Dragon Quest IV, V, VI: The Zenithia Trilogy


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Argh, just had a very frustrating bit:


but[/i] you can't Evac or Zoom, therefore you can't do a proper save. I beat Murdaw in the first round (when he has his bodyguards), but was defeated in the 2nd. Very frustrating, and probably the worst-designed bit of Dragon Quest I've ever seen.


When I fought him he killed Nevan who was my healer, so I lost use of that staff that can heal as well. I was frantically trying to keep the Hero and Carver alive, almost ran out of healing items but luckily I beat him.


But yeah, would've been a pain if I had lost. Does it not send you back close to the 2nd fight if you lose?



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When I fought him he killed Nevan who was my healer, so I lost use of that staff that can heal as well. I was frantically trying to keep the Hero and Carver alive, almost ran out of healing items but luckily I beat him.


But yeah, would've been a pain if I had lost. Does it not send you back close to the 2nd fight if you lose?



No, you go right back to the previous town. I suppose you can Zoom back there, it's just that you can't take a break and prepare for the fight properly.

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OK, I did that bit, but I still think it's very badly designed. It pays to explore upstairs, as there's a very useful weapon. However, if you do this, you'll likely need to replenish your MP, and Magic Water can't be bought at this stage.


The boss was a huge difficulty spike compared to the monsters before him. I kept casting Kabuff (which is my fault), but what you really need is Insulatle for his breath attacks, which... yep, you don't have yet. Forget tactics, you're best off just bashing him with "Attack".


Anyway, I did it, but soon after ruined part of the game that has a missable character.


There's a character called Amos. Whatever you do, don't tell him the truth about the situation, or you'll miss your chance to recruit him.



This game just seem bad-tempered to me, with a bad vibe to it.

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I need help. First time ever this has happened but I must have missed speaking to an obvious NPC. I'm near the start, 5 hours on the clock which would be less if you subtract the time I've spent trying to figure out whatever I've missed. :wtf: So here it is: Amor! How do I enter the church there?! I've spoke to everyone everywhere and party talked constantly but I... can't figure it out...

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OK, I did that bit, but I still think it's very badly designed. It pays to explore upstairs, as there's a very useful weapon. However, if you do this, you'll likely need to replenish your MP, and Magic Water can't be bought at this stage.


The boss was a huge difficulty spike compared to the monsters before him. I kept casting Kabuff (which is my fault), but what you really need is Insulatle for his breath attacks, which... yep, you don't have yet. Forget tactics, you're best off just bashing him with "Attack".


Anyway, I did it, but soon after ruined part of the game that has a missable character.


There's a character called Amos. Whatever you do, don't tell him the truth about the situation, or you'll miss your chance to recruit him.



This game just seem bad-tempered to me, with a bad vibe to it.


The villagers tell you not to tell him :P



I need help. First time ever this has happened but I must have missed speaking to an obvious NPC. I'm near the start, 5 hours on the clock which would be less if you subtract the time I've spent trying to figure out whatever I've missed. :wtf: So here it is: Amor! How do I enter the church there?! I've spoke to everyone everywhere and party talked constantly but I... can't figure it out...


Try to stay at the inn, think you need to talk to everyone in town as well, then talk to the priest outside the church again.


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Thanks pre-emptively Ike. I'm gonna fire up the DSi shortly to try that - I thought there was a story point to hit rather than staying in the inn. I did try to go into the field and make the game transition to night time so I could further question the people of Somnia and Amor but found out this one doesn't have a day/ night cycle. :laughing:


In fact... I think the inn in Amor is fully booked or something? I'll report back with my findings.

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Well I was about to start cursing your very name, Lord Ike, after getting my hopes up as I went to Amor Inn and still couldn't spend the night! :angry: I spoke to everyone in there for the umpteenth time and was about to flip the DSi shut to berate you on here and then Google it, but for some reason I decided to swing past the church to talk to the dumb priest out front one more time. And guess what? He had gone inside and I could proceed. Hurrah! :yay:


So after some more playing and progressing, I've used Ra's Mirror on you know who and am back in Somnia about to reap some rewards from the king. I've just saved it and have 8h27 on the clock. How much pointless wandering around does that mean I've done? Hours.



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Triple post! Where is everyone?!


I succumbed to the same fate as Grazza in getting wiped out vs Murdaw. For me it was a combination of my trust in having the gang set to "fight wisely" not working coupled with Murdaw hitting us with a chain of his AoE attacks. :( Well, we healed up, I replenished my herb supplies, I put them onto "follow orders" then promptly zoomed back and gave Murdaw a kicking.


So, I've got Alltrades Abbey up and running now. How do you know when you can't level up a vocation any more til you find stronger monsters? I'm doing some levelling up at the minute on the mountains above Scrimsley, y'see, so I'd like to know when I hit the plateau. Man, I wish that area had the Mount Ordeals tune from FF IV. (Yes sacrilege, I know. :heh:)

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So, I've got Alltrades Abbey up and running now. How do you know when you can't level up a vocation any more til you find stronger monsters?


The only way I know is to ask at Alltrades. If they say you only need one more fight, then you do it and you don't go up, then the monsters are too weak. Hero and Carver seem to be much slower than the others. I'm in some pretty tough fights at the moment and Carver just won't go up.


I really like the vocation system in this game, how it doesn't put you at "level 1". Instead, you can carry on with wherever you were in the game, and still be as strong as you were. I also like how the advanced classes are literally combinations of the lower ones - certainly shines some light on DQIX. Hard to believe paladin is priest + martial artist though. It's more like warrior + priest.


Another great thing is how you can keep all your spells and abilities. I can make an armamentalist who really feels like they've been a mage.

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Oh yeah, that's what I forgot to say, the cutscenes in this are noticeably better than the ones in the rest of the Zenithia Trilogy. I'm guessing it was the first one truly designed knowing they had the SNES and its Mode 7 chip to play with (DQ V was also on the SNES but, from what I've seen, was designed as a NES game).


[spoiler=]The scene where the boat descended was absolutely awesome. So was the one with Terry, I was really impressed with his skills!


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Just noticed that my party have started mastering their first batch of jobs. :hehe:



Stevo - Expert Fencer (6* Warrior)

Carver - Yellow Belt (2* Martial Artist.) Why's he progressing so slow?

Nevan - Archmage (8* Mage)

Milly - Pontiff (8* Priest)



Ashlynn - Divine Dancer (8* Dancer)

Amos - Chancetaker (8* Gadabout) Thats right Grazza, they blatantly tell you how to treat Amos, which results in his recruitment. :heh:


I'm up to Howcastle but I'm gonna zoom over to Alltrades Abbey and swap those with mastered jobs to something else.

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Amos - Chancetaker (8* Gadabout) Thats right Grazza, they blatantly tell you how to treat Amos, which results in his recruitment. :heh:


I was thinking "Honesty is the best policy". I was hoping he'd respect me more for telling the truth. Dragon Quest is a series where you can usually play about by saying a few different things and see what happens. Not this time.


I'm up to Howcastle but I'm gonna zoom over to Alltrades Abbey and swap those with mastered jobs to something else.


Why not? You keep all your spells. When Nevan mastered Priest, for instance, I switched him to Mage and he still healed us just fine. Both are now mastered, and I've got him as a Sage.


Personally, I've got:


Hero - Monster Master (going to be a Ranger)

Carver - Warrior (going to be a Gladiator)

Milly - Luminary

Nevan - Sage


Ashlynn - Armamentalist


My logic? The main character needs to master Gladiator, Sage, Luminary or Ranger to become a "Hero" (the others need to master all four, apparently). Since I had obvious candidates for all the others, I chose the latter. That leaves room for a Paladin, but that's no problem, as there are plenty of characters in this game... I make most of them train as a Priest just so we've got plenty of healers.

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I was thinking "Honesty is the best policy". I was hoping he'd respect me more for telling the truth. Dragon Quest is a series where you can usually play about by saying a few different things and see what happens. Not this time.


See what your honesty did? You destroyed the man. :heh:


My logic? The main character needs to master Gladiator, Sage, Luminary or Ranger to become a "Hero" (the others need to master all four, apparently). Since I had obvious candidates for all the others, I chose the latter. That leaves room for a Paladin, but that's no problem, as there are plenty of characters in this game... I make most of them train as a Priest just so we've got plenty of healers.


Thats a sound plan. I've not planned ahead, I just randomly assigned some classes and gave the people in the wagon the (to me) goofier ones. I could do with planning ahead too but classes seem easy enough to master, so I can't see myself getting in a pickle further down the line.


I've taken care of the bit with Howard the Coward and guess what?



has joined the party! I wasn't expecting that. :D When he gains some levels I'm gonna get him out of the wagon and into my main party!

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I've taken care of the bit with Howard the Coward and guess what?



has joined the party! I wasn't expecting that. :D When he gains some levels I'm gonna get him out of the wagon and into my main party!


Yep, I see him as a Paladin.


I'm looking forward to recruiting the hacksaurus.



I can't resist upgrading my items in the Fashion Forge. Don't know why!


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Here's a tip: As soon as you see the Zombiesbane for sale, buy it! Also buy as much elemental- and magic defence-boosting gear as you can. Even if you can't afford it, grind for it.


Even though I haven't understood much of the story, there was a really touching sequence last night. It brought a tear to my eye.

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How many missable characters are there? Where and when please.


Just got to the Somnia tower in dream world. Before that I won 60 000 coins at the casino(by abusing save and reset) and bought myself some good equipment. The monsters can barely hurt me if at all :) Like someone above I had huge problem in Amor, but that was because I didn't know I could get into Somnia castle. Had to go Gamefaqs to find out. I know that the lady told me about noble armour, but after playing countless rpgs I have learned that information like that never leads to anything :p

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How many missable characters are there? Where and when please.


I believe Amos is the only missable character, in Scrimsley (which is an optional place after you get the boat). I also believe ol' muggins here is the only one who missed him!

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I believe Amos is the only missable character, in Scrimsley (which is an optional place after you get the boat). I also believe ol' muggins here is the only one who missed him!


I missed him as well haha. I'm being constantly taught by RPG's these days not to be an asshole to the NPC's it seems..

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I know that the lady told me about noble armour, but after playing countless rpgs I have learned that information like that never leads to anything :p


This was part of my problem too but I figured that out on my own eventually. There was a guy right in the centre of Somnia that blatantly spelt it out. Either I was too tired to take it on board the first time I spoke to him or I somehow missed him altogether - my meticulous method of speaking to everyone somehow foiled for once! :laughing: Still, after that I thought it was game on but then I was still shut out of the church in Amor so I got on here to ask as soon as I got home.


I'm up to a place (where people are talking about a bed) but I'm not sure how to proceed. Pray at a grave? Err... I don't know how. ::shrug: Gonna re-talk to everyone next time I have it on.



Haha, looks you aren't alone, Grazza, with your "honesty is the best policy" mantra. :heh:

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Argh, just had a very frustrating bit:


but[/i] you can't Evac or Zoom, therefore you can't do a proper save. I beat Murdaw in the first round (when he has his bodyguards), but was defeated in the 2nd. Very frustrating, and probably the worst-designed bit of Dragon Quest I've ever seen.


I just had the same problem. Lost 7000 gold on it since I spent a lot of time messing around before that and got a lot of money. The real problem is that I'm always obsessed with getting the money back before I pass the point I lost them!

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I just had the same problem. Lost 7000 gold on it since I spent a lot of time messing around before that and got a lot of money. The real problem is that I'm always obsessed with getting the money back before I pass the point I lost them!


There's another huge difficulty spike later:


[spoiler=]When you visit the "real" Weaver's Peak, make sure you're tough enough before you try to get the real Hero back. I recommend using the Zombiesbane, and make sure you've explored the world and bought Flame Armour and Flame Shields, as you need to have good defence against both fire and magic.



I must say, it is nice to finally have the Flame Armour and Flame Shield - the first set of armour in this game to have really decent elemental defence.

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The cross-dresser in the Clearvale in makes me feel uneasy about resting there.


Yep, I love the humour in this game, it's got that real cheek back to it. I think it's the best-translated out of the Zenithia Trilogy. Heck, unless I'm mistaken, the poet who can't think of what rhymes with (whatever) is a reference to the brilliant Up Pompeii!

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I played a bit and have been trying to scale Destiny's Drop. I've saved up at Clearvale and will resume it again later.


Yep, I love the humour in this game, it's got that real cheek back to it. I think it's the best-translated out of the Zenithia Trilogy.


It is really well translated but I've gotten used to that with the DQ series. :hehe: They've definitely toned it down since the release of DQ IV on the DS.

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