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Dragon Quest IV, V, VI: The Zenithia Trilogy


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I hear the US version contains French, German and Spanish languages on the cart so hopefully we'll see it soon since it seems the translations are done.


People need to stop freaking out, it's coming out, it's just that europe missed out just on releasing it before Pokemon Black And White and 3DS is out. Thats Nintendo biggest dedication at the moment, once Pokemon and 3DS is out and things settle down, bet your ass it will be out in eruope/australia

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People need to stop freaking out, it's coming out, it's just that europe missed out just on releasing it before Pokemon Black And White and 3DS is out. Thats Nintendo biggest dedication at the moment, once Pokemon and 3DS is out and things settle down, bet your ass it will be out in eruope/australia


I'm well aware of that, thanks :P I was just pointing out it's not a translation issue.

Edited by Ike
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Can't wait to play this on my XL, even though I'll own a 3DS by then. :)


Here's an interview with Yuji Horii:http://www.gamesradar.com/f/an-interview-with-dragon-quest-creator-yuji-horii/a-20110217121813881005


GR: Yeah, I noticed the Puff-Puff jokes were sometimes missing. (You can learn more about Puff-Puff here.)


All: (Laughs)


Noriyoshi Fujimoto: One disappointment for me is that the Puff-Puff gags can negatively affect the game’s rating, so we’ve had to get a little more subtle with it when localizing.


I knew it. :(


It bugs me that the DS games especially get toned down, as there's nothing too risqué about Dragon Quest for the "12" rating. Dragon Quest VIII and DQ Swords didn't seem toned down, but the DS games don't have the same vibe at all. There are only two references to "Puff-Puff" in DQIX, the first is so subtle you wouldn't know what it was without prior knowledge, and the second is just... wrong!




GR: In the last few years DQ has become really focused on handheld releases. Do you worry you’re leaving consoles behind?


YH: No, the series got its start on consoles, so we aren’t thinking that way, especially since we’re working on Wii versions of Dragon Quest right now.

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There are only two references to "Puff-Puff" in DQIX, the first is so subtle you wouldn't know what it was without prior knowledge, and the second is just... wrong!

If you think that's wrong, then. DO.NOT.DO.PUFF.PUFF.IN.DQIII. Giving ya a warning right now.




Horii has always been dedicated to one system, people think that it should be moved since the Wii is dwindling, but...so was the PS1 when DQVII came out and it still became the best selling game out there. Stayed on top till DQIX came out.



Oh and just a little notice, DQVI has one of the greatest job systems ever, you guys will love it.

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If you think that's wrong, then. DO.NOT.DO.PUFF.PUFF.IN.DQIII. Giving ya a warning right now.


Thanks. Oo-er...


Horii has always been dedicated to one system, people think that it should be moved since the Wii is dwindling, but...so was the PS1 when DQVII came out and it still became the best selling game out there. Stayed on top till DQIX came out.


Here's a suggestion though... why not put Dragon Quest X on the 3DS as well? The Wii game could be the lead version, and the 3DS version could be scaled-down if necessary, not affecting the Wii game. That may not even be necessary, as many developers seem to be saying that the 3DS is more powerful considering the lower resolution the games are being rendered at.

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There are only two references to "Puff-Puff" in DQIX, the first is so subtle you wouldn't know what it was without prior knowledge, and the second is just... wrong!




Haha, I know. I had to double check I was playing a Nintendo console for that one.

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Here's a suggestion though... why not put Dragon Quest X on the 3DS as well? The Wii game could be the lead version, and the 3DS version could be scaled-down if necessary, not affecting the Wii game. That may not even be necessary, as many developers seem to be saying that the 3DS is more powerful considering the lower resolution the games are being rendered at.


He doesn't think like that though, whatever has the biggest userbase at the time gets Dragon Quest, always been like that. 3DS has a zero userbase at this time, whats the point of putting it on there right now?


Horii is very committed to one system when making a game for the system, you just have to deal with it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Wait what huh? :wtf:


Whats DQ IV done to deserve this?


Nothing, really, I just don't like it... if the first 5 hours were anything to go by... it's kind of soulless. :heh: Same for what I've played of 6 too, to be honest.


But everybody keeps tellin me I just HAVE to try DQV, because it's the best DQ and all that, and I did enjoy VIII thouroughly, so... I downloaded it since I can't find it cheap... and played it... and loved the first 4 or so hours. So now I keep hunting for it.

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Nothing, really, I just don't like it... if the first 5 hours were anything to go by... it's kind of soulless. :heh:Same for what I've played of 6 too, to be honest.





DQIV I can understand since S-E and their infamous stupidity decided to cut out the voice chat in the US that made most of those characters so fucking awesome.

Edited by killer kirby
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It would be nice if they remade all of them for the 3DS, voice chat intact.


I think we still have about 2 to 3 years before we get a Dragon Quest on the 3DS, I pray to god it's not a remake and that it's the 3rd installment of Rocket Slime.


I think handhelds are going to be taken a little break from DQ for a while as it seems Horii and gang are dedicated to bringing out 1 or 2 more games onto the Wii. I can happily wait, these past couple of years have just been full of DQ goodness :D

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DQIV I can understand since S-E and their infamous stupidity decided to cut out the voice chat in the US that made most of those characters so fucking awesome.


Well, it seems I'm not exactly alone, as DQVI is the least loved DQ (except for 1 & 2, which don't really count). In all honesty, DQ in general is great, but a little too uneventful. :blush:

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Well, it seems I'm not exactly alone, as DQVI is the least loved DQ (except for 1 & 2, which don't really count). In all honesty, DQ in general is great, but a little too uneventful. :blush:


pfft you talking trash about DQI and DQII, they are all equally awesome, DQII NEVER gets the love it deserves :( . Dragon Quest VI and VII both have similar styles of story telling, but I do admit that the start of the game does drag on (It takes more then 2 hours to get to the first fight in Dragon Quest VII), but if you keep at it, it becomes something even greater. The whole game is basically you on a quest to well...go out and see the world. It's a change of pace that isn't all 'WE KNOW WHO THE MAIN BAD GUY IS! Now spend 50 hours trying to get to him


Oh and where did you learn about the statistics that it's the least loved DQ?

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pfft you talking trash about DQI and DQII, they are all equally awesome, DQII NEVER gets the love it deserves :( . Dragon Quest VI and VII both have similar styles of story telling, but I do admit that the start of the game does drag on (It takes more then 2 hours to get to the first fight in Dragon Quest VII), but if you keep at it, it becomes something even greater. The whole game is basically you on a quest to well...go out and see the world. It's a change of pace that isn't all 'WE KNOW WHO THE MAIN BAD GUY IS! Now spend 50 hours trying to get to him


Oh and where did you learn about the statistics that it's the least loved DQ?


Open vote polls always place it last out of all DQ's (including I & II, even if I thought otherwise), both in Famitsu and Gamespot. Which leads me to conclude it's the least loved one of the bunch, by the fans.


Did I mention VII? 'coz I have no idea about 7, never tried it, though I will if it comes out on the PSN.


And what I mean about I & II is the same that applies to the first 3 FF games... they're just uncompelling and feel more like a random chore than an actual game that you can actively enjoy. They were important in advancing the genre, I know, but other than that, they're pretty much ridiculously outclassed by modern standards, yeah?

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And what I mean about I & II is the same that applies to the first 3 FF games... they're just uncompelling and feel more like a random chore than an actual game that you can actively enjoy. They were important in advancing the genre, I know, but other than that, they're pretty much ridiculously outclassed by modern standards, yeah?


Have you tried the SNES (Japan only) or Gameboy remakes? They got quite a few upgrades with features introduced in the later games.

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Have you tried the SNES (Japan only) or Gameboy remakes? They got quite a few upgrades with features introduced in the later games.


Indeed I have, but I think they feel the same. IMO, the dawn of JRPGs came about with DQIII & FFIV. The 5 before that were just... well, empty and soulless. I can't get involved with them, to be honest. I guess I got spoiled playin FFIV/FFVI/Chrono Trigger/Secret Of Mana/etc and now I just can't enjoy those older, more archaic games.

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