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Dragon Quest IV, V, VI: The Zenithia Trilogy


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Could someone help me, please? I saw a screenshot on IGN which is supposedly Dragon Quest VI, yet it doesn't look anything like IV or V. There is a "Hacksaurus", but it looks more detailed than in the other two games, and it's on a 3D background. Also, there is a blue figure in the foreground with a sword and shield, and yet the battles in the Zenithia Trilogy are 1st-person, I thought.


Is this really from Dragon Quest VI?


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Could someone help me, please? I saw a screenshot on IGN which is supposedly Dragon Quest VI, yet it doesn't look anything like IV or V. There is a "Hacksaurus", but it looks more detailed than in the other two games, and it's on a 3D background. Also, there is a blue figure in the foreground with a sword and shield, and yet the battles in the Zenithia Trilogy are 1st-person, I thought.


Is this really from Dragon Quest VI?



lol, you have much more to learn with the Dragon Quest series, young Grazza :D


It's a scene in the game, some of the scenes will turn into like an in-game cutscene, but all the way through it is the same as if you are playing IV and V. That pic is kind of a spoiler, so won't bother in telling you where, who and how.


Another update about the game, so far people have said it's been toned down with the difficulty level, which is alright I guess, I thought it was the 2nd hardest game out of the series with II on top. Also the beastmaster class doesn't allow you to befriend monsters, yep, the V system is out. Yuji Horii stated the reason as to why was that he wanted the players to focus on the other characters now that party talk is in it (VI has never had party talk until the DS version)

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Thanks killer kirby!


Did DQVI on the SNES have beastmaster abilities? I liked it in V, but I did think having so many human characters later on clashed with it.


It's good that party talk has actually been put into this! It's incredibly useful for remembering what you're meant to be doing.

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Did DQVI on the SNES have beastmaster abilities?

Yeah it was a job class system in the game so you could you could befriend monsters and have them join you. Like I said before, Dragon Quest VI and VII tried to really out-perform the other series by having EVERYTHING in the game.



I liked it in V, but I did think having so many human characters later on clashed with it.

Dragon Quest was the series that created Pokemon, V was the first game to ever have monster taming put in. Not many human characters were in the game really. I mean in the end you had the main, wife and the two kids which made a perfect 4.


It's good that party talk has actually been put into this! It's incredibly useful for remembering what you're meant to be doing.


They need to have party talk in it, since it's a game with 6 characters in the game. Only game they can't have party talk in is Dragon Quest, Dragon Quest III and Dragon Quest IX, since those games can make you do a solo mission if you want. (Dragon Quest you were solo altogether, you never had a team), but since III and IX put a full focus on going to the pub and creating your own personal team.

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I read that GoNintendo info on Cubed3 earlier today. The Dragon Quest games will surely come out over here sooner or later, so it was the ray of hope for 7th Dragon that really stood out to me. *keeps fingers crossed*


I still think we will get Dragon Quest VI first and then Dragon Quest IX during Christmas, Nintendo and Square-Enix will promote it like it's the NEXT BIG THING you need to own as kid for Christmas. All they have to do is show off epic things like this during the morning when children are watching television


Children are really the main audience here, so if they see something like this that they can play on their DS then they will (hopefully) be screaming out for it for Christmas. Just a hunch, but Dragon Quest IX will be what Zelda: ST was for last year.



Moar Dragon Quest IV loving from me xD


I still have a bad taste from Square-Enix for cutting out party talk for this game when it came into english >_>

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been making my way through some of my unfinished games lately and next on my list was DQIV.


When I last left the game I had just started chapter 3, a few days later im now on the final chapter on this great little game. I have to say even though I think its pretty light on story the game has really grown on me, especially the old skool RPG tactics of if you can't beat something then just stick a DVD on ( or watch Masterchef on the Wiis i-Player ) and do some good old fashioned grinding. :D


I've just beaten the Lion/Monster type thing that tanned the 2 girls earlier on in the previous chapter. It felt good to get some payback after he annihilated my team last time. Must have been the inclusion of Adam that tipped the scales in my favour this time. : peace:


With Ragnar back in my squad im off to do some more levelling up until he's around the same level as the rest of my team ( 21-22 ) and then i'll head back off to do the main storyline. I'm hoping to have the game finished by mid next week at the latest.


I tell you what, there are some seedy goings on in the world on DQIV.


I walked into a town where we have a bloke chasing around a girl who clearly doesnt want anything to do with him. A guy waiting by a bridge at night so he can catch a look at some dancers or barmaids. A priest who is chatting up a young lass who claims she will make a good follower of the godess and to top it off we have a King who has some fishnet stockings and pink leotard stashed in his drawers!! :laughing:

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I've been making my way through some of my unfinished games lately and next on my list was DQIV.


When I last left the game I had just started chapter 3, a few days later im now on the final chapter on this great little game. I have to say even though I think its pretty light on story the game has really grown on me, especially the old skool RPG tactics of if you can't beat something then just stick a DVD on ( or watch Masterchef on the Wiis i-Player ) and do some good old fashioned grinding. :D


I've just beaten the Lion/Monster type thing that tanned the 2 girls earlier on in the previous chapter. It felt good to get some payback after he annihilated my team last time. Must have been the inclusion of Adam that tipped the scales in my favour this time. : peace:


With Ragnar back in my squad im off to do some more levelling up until he's around the same level as the rest of my team ( 21-22 ) and then i'll head back off to do the main storyline. I'm hoping to have the game finished by mid next week at the latest.


I tell you what, there are some seedy goings on in the world on DQIV.


I walked into a town where we have a bloke chasing around a girl who clearly doesnt want anything to do with him. A guy waiting by a bridge at night so he can catch a look at some dancers or barmaids. A priest who is chatting up a young lass who claims she will make a good follower of the godess and to top it off we have a King who has some fishnet stockings and pink leotard stashed in his drawers!! :laughing:


Welcome to the charm of Dragon Quest :heh:

Obviously the game is light in story, but what can you expect from a remake of a NES game :heh:


I don't know if you know this but while playing setting the battle message speed to 1 can make battles really super fast, which is one reason why I don't get people who say the game is slow, when it's really one of the fastest games out there (Besides DQVIII which IS slow because of loading animation of the attacks)

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I don't know if you know this but while playing setting the battle message speed to 1 can make battles really super fast, which is one reason why I don't get people who say the game is slow, when it's really one of the fastest games out there (Besides DQVIII which IS slow because of loading animation of the attacks)


Yeah, I know about that. In fact when playing most RPGs it one of the first things I look for. :)


I found another shady priest last night. He claims he was a priest yet he seemed pretty happy and excited about getting to live with all of the women in that women only castle. Hmmm... :D


I had to laugh at the cutscene with Sephirot...I mean Psaro last night. His girlfriend was just looking out of the window and he casually walks in and says " I've decided to take over the world " and then pretty much wanders back out again. Simple yet effective. :laughing:


I went about collecting the Zenithian set last night. All thats left is the sword, but im quite happy using the Liquid Metal Slime Sword at the moment.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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I tell you what, there are some seedy goings on in the world on DQIV.


I walked into a town where we have a bloke chasing around a girl who clearly doesnt want anything to do with him. A guy waiting by a bridge at night so he can catch a look at some dancers or barmaids. A priest who is chatting up a young lass who claims she will make a good follower of the godess and to top it off we have a King who has some fishnet stockings and pink leotard stashed in his drawers!! :laughing:


I love the cheek of Dragon Quest. The humour can be bawdy and sexual, but never offensive. Obviously this is only appropriate with adult characters though, so I'm quite disappointed Dragon Quest IX seems to feature younger protagonists. In my opinion, the series is best when aimed at 12+, not kids.


I don't know if you know this but while playing setting the battle message speed to 1 can make battles really super fast, which is one reason why I don't get people who say the game is slow, when it's really one of the fastest games out there (Besides DQVIII which IS slow because of loading animation of the attacks)


Yes, VIII is slow and you do need to grind. It's still my favourite RPG though. I found I didn't need to grind at all in IV and V (apart from the post-game content).

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Quick question.


What level do I need to be at to be able to defeat the last boss? I've beaten the hell out of the 4 beasts guarding the barriers and im now on my way to the last battle. Before I enter the final dungeon I want to make sure my characters are at a decent level. At the moment they are at level 33-34.

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My first ever DQ game has been completed!


I kicked Psaro's butt all over that Death Castle. My team consisted of Adam, Meena, Alena and Ragnar, all of which were level 40. I gave the Sage's Stone to Meena who used this at every available oppertunity while the rest of the team just pummeled him.


In the later rounds Psaro's other forms did manage to get off a few lucky shots so I had to use Adam's Omniheal spell to bring everyones health back up to scratch but with Alena wearing the Shimmering Dress it missed and she ended up getting killed. I quickly revived her and managed to get a healing spell working on her.


Once Psaro started spamming elemental attacks the Sage Stone wasn't enough so I got Meena to cast Insulatle and Adam to heal whenever he had a spare moment. From there I just kept healing, using Insulatle and attacking and he fell without much hassle.


I loved the little cutscenes everytime he lost a body part and then changed his form. :)


Thats me done for today but tomorrow brings the challenge of the post game content!

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Well done, Hero of Time. This might sound odd, but who is Adam? I don't remember him at all!


I know what you mean about the Shimmering Dress reflecting healing spells. It's funny how you get to "learn" Dragon Quest, isn't it? After completing IV, V and VIII, I've taken to prioritising armour that lessens magical or elemental damage, particularly the latter, as enemy fire/ice attacks take loads of HP off everyone.

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Obviously this is only appropriate with adult characters though, so I'm quite disappointed Dragon Quest IX seems to feature younger protagonists.

huh? umm ok, there has never been an age mention in the game, just because they look young, don't mean they are children, I mean playing through DQI-III and look at the characters...


Dragon Quest




Dragon Quest II




Dragon Quest III




Dragon Quest VII




All of these games contained very charming humor that kids or adults could understand. And also the fact that Dragon Quest has always been aimed for ALL ages. Just like Dragon Quest VIII which kids under 12 still played and enjoyed.


In my opinion, the series is best when aimed at 12+, not kids.

none of the Dragon Quest games have been aimed for that age, Dragon Quest fans get huge nostalgia from Dragon Quest IX, it's basically the sequel to Dragon Quest III which is what everyone in Japan wanted. It still has the funny humor that you and H-O-T are on about.


Every Dragon Quest game has that humor no matter how old the main character is or how he looks.




Yes, VIII is slow and you do need to grind.

You don't need to grind though if you know what you are doing.


I found I didn't need to grind at all in IV and V (apart from the post-game content).

Because you played VIII first which is original in the difficulty, the remakes usually get toned down from the original, dare you to play Dragon Warrior IV on the NES where the only control you have is your main character every other character performs their own action. Or Dragon Quest V on the SNES where you could only have 3 members in your party instead of 4 and with those versions having tougher monsters as well.

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Well done, Hero of Time. This might sound odd, but who is Adam? I don't remember him at all!


Its me! Meaning the Hero of the game. :D


Despite me saying I was gonna take a break I did the rebuilding of the town sidequest before I went to bed. I renamed the town Hyrule and rebuilt it into a glorious castle! It was great to see Rocky and Adrian in Dragon Quest! :laughing:


Well im off to work, will take my DSi and get some levelling up done while im on my break. I want to try hit level 45 with my characters before I start the next dungeon.

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Image of a British rating


Thanks for showing me off a game that was rated over in the UK while the UK has yet to rate Dragon Quest IX. Be better yet to look at this...


Dragon Quest IV UK rating



Dragon Quest IV Japanese rating (Rating it A means for all ages)



Dragon Quest IX Japanese rating



Just to top it all off, Dragon Quest VIII japanese rating



So if anything Dragon Quest IX will be rated a 12+ over here, but all those games were still aimed for everyone to play.



A lot of the humour is very Akira Toriyama-esque (like the Puff-Puff jokes), he seems to have a bit more influence on the series than just the character designs.

But of course, like some other hardcore Dragon Quest fans mention, Yuji Horii, Akira Toriyama and Koichi Sugiyama ARE Dragon Quest.

Hence why in one of their interviews they said they will continue working on Dragon Quest until they die, but when one of them does, thats it, they won't be working on Dragon Quest anymore.

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So if anything Dragon Quest IX will be rated a 12+ over here, but all those games were still aimed for everyone to play.


I didn't say any of them were unsuitable for kids, just that it's best when it's aimed at 12+, ie. ruder than you'd get on kids' TV, but not as rude as, say, Austin Powers.


However, the protagonists in IX do look much younger than those in VIII, so I really can't imagine it being as risqué as that game.

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