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Dragon Quest IV, V, VI: The Zenithia Trilogy


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I already had the mod rod. I just didn't know about getting sitting down next to the tiger thing. I was just way too impatient and kept walking off after nothing happened.


It took me ages to even find that room! It's a tad odd putting doors on the backs of buildings in a top-down game!

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Well I made it Psaro the Manslayer today. I have to say I found it a pretty easy battle, until I started to run out of MP. But I didn't let that worry me, I was taking down that bad boy like no tomorrow.


Then things started to go down hill when he changed colour, that wasn't so bad because I still had everyone alive, I just started outsourcing healing here and there. Then he started to grown things back, which I didn't find too bad. WHEN HE GOT ANOTHER HEAD HOWEVER, I was thinking now I'm screwed. Things where going pretty well until the party had less than 20MP between them. Eventually I was left with just the hero, I probably could have done that portion of the battle much better and come out the otherside on top, but I just thought screw it and kept hitting him with the sword, and then game over. Switch off try again later.



I'll probably have to hunt around for that sage's ring, which is probably in that chest I didn't seem to be able to get to in that castle. But to get that far with my highest level character at 33, I think is pretty good.

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I think it was Jessica Alba.


Gargh, it's insult after insult with you! I did know, I just forgot. ;)


Lol! :laughing:


Seriously though. Any ideas who that chick was- or maybe it becomes clear in chapter six? Regarding chapter six actually, when I fired it up to get my ending stats, nothing really happened that gave me any idea what the aim of the final chapter is. No wee cutscene intro or anything... I found that weird.


Elize or Rose. But which?


Or neither? :o



It took me ages to even find that room! It's a tad odd putting doors on the backs of buildings in a top-down game!


Haha. L + R, man. Rotate that camera and show no mercy!


Well I made it Psaro the Manslayer today. I have to say I found it a pretty easy battle, until I started to run out of MP. But I didn't let that worry me, I was taking down that bad boy like no tomorrow.


Then things started to go down hill when he changed colour, that wasn't so bad because I still had everyone alive, I just started outsourcing healing here and there. Then he started to grown things back, which I didn't find too bad. WHEN HE GOT ANOTHER HEAD HOWEVER, I was thinking now I'm screwed. Things where going pretty well until the party had less than 20MP between them. Eventually I was left with just the hero, I probably could have done that portion of the battle much better and come out the otherside on top, but I just thought screw it and kept hitting him with the sword, and then game over. Switch off try again later.


Yeah you've done good. :hehe: You could level up a bit, just to be on the safe side, but as with me, now that you know what happens in the battle, that knowledge could be all the exp you need. Cant remember where I got the sage's stone. I was just looking through my inventory seeing what I had to make sure I had my best equipment on, and had everything that looked that it might be useful in the characters pockets. It restores a pretty minimal amount of HP anyway. It was a decent way to get HP back without using spells and thus MP, though.


If you can conserve as much MP as possible until that bit where you died, then you should be able to overpower him. :)



I'll probably have to hunt around for that sage's ring, which is probably in that chest I didn't seem to be able to get to in that castle. But to get that far with my highest level character at 33, I think is pretty good.

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Lol! :laughing:


Seriously though. Any ideas who that chick was- or maybe it becomes clear in chapter six? Regarding chapter six actually, when I fired it up to get my ending stats, nothing really happened that gave me any idea what the aim of the final chapter is. No wee cutscene intro or anything... I found that weird.


Elize or Rose. But which?


Or neither? :o





Elize (or the girl from the hero's home town who turned into a frog and disguised herself as the Hero so you could escape, can't remember if her name was Elize).



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Yeah you've done good. :hehe: You could level up a bit, just to be on the safe side, but as with me, now that you know what happens in the battle, that knowledge could be all the exp you need. Cant remember where I got the sage's stone. I was just looking through my inventory seeing what I had to make sure I had my best equipment on, and had everything that looked that it might be useful in the characters pockets. It restores a pretty minimal amount of HP anyway. It was a decent way to get HP back without using spells and thus MP, though.


If you can conserve as much MP as possible until that bit where you died, then you should be able to overpower him. :)



I found the battle relatively easy. The same with Estark so I couldn't see why everyone was complaining about how tough the battles were. Its pretty much just down to the fact that I ran out of resources. I probably could have used the prayer ring in retrospect, but I'd say Psaro is a bit of a push over.


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I think i've got £15 on my GAME Reward Card. I need to think about it. I really shouldn't, but i've almost completed DQ IV and I want this one. But then there's all the other games to complete like Chrono, Etrian, Shiren, FF 3/4(still to start 4 T_T), Trauma Center 2, Castlevania...


So confusing :heh:

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I think i've got £15 on my GAME Reward Card. I need to think about it. I really shouldn't, but i've almost completed DQ IV and I want this one. But then there's all the other games to complete like Chrono, Etrian, Shiren, FF 3/4(still to start 4 T_T), Trauma Center 2, Castlevania...


So confusing :heh:


As much as it hurts me to say this, you need to cut back on your spending, and do more finishing.

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I think i've got £15 on my GAME Reward Card. I need to think about it. I really shouldn't, but i've almost completed DQ IV and I want this one. But then there's all the other games to complete like Chrono, Etrian, Shiren, FF 3/4(still to start 4 T_T), Trauma Center 2, Castlevania...


So confusing :heh:


Yeah, I have loads of games I should play first as well, but well DQV comes first :P


My copy shipped this morning so it should arrive tomorrow!

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Buy the game right away, this game comes over everything out there. Push all the other games back this should be on your list....UP THE TOP!!! :heh:




Yeah, I have loads of games I should play first as well, but well DQV comes first :P


And yes!


DQ V got an A+ on 1up. How can you even contemplate missing out!?


My copy shipped this morning so it should arrive tomorrow!


I've not had any emails yet to say mines been shipped. Here's hoping.

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That's good to hear, I still don't understand why it was removed from DQIV.


That's great. A lot of the time, I genuinely didn't know where to go or what to do in DQIV. It was really helpful in DQVIII.


I assume it was left out of IV because of the translation work. There must be a huge amount of different phrases for each character depending on how far you are in the game. Great news that they've included it this time.

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Got up to Psaro when I was playing this in bed in the early hours of the morning. Got him to lose his head and arms, then that green thing burst out his abdomin, put up a decent fight but I got killed so I think I was close to beating him. Could have done better but I started the fight without full hp and a fair bit of MP for Ark and Meena had been drained. Now to trek to get too him again :heh:

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