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Dragon Quest IV, V, VI: The Zenithia Trilogy


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However, the protagonists in IX do look much younger than those in VIII, so I really can't imagine it being as risqué as that game.

News just in, you create the main protagonist, you don't play the character you see on that box.


And like I stated before, the game still has that humor all those other Dragon Quest games have had since day 1, even the ones with good knowledge of Japanese who have the japanese copy, have played it 200 hours have said it still has that humor.

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*sidesteps Grazza Vs KK arguement*


So my team is now between levels 45-47, I think im ready for the post game dungeon so I will have a crack it now.


In other news this arrived today.




I wont be starting it as FFXIII is out next week ( Sorry KK :grin: ) and then Fragile the week after and then Pokemon/Infinite Space/Red Steel 2 the week after and then....well I wont be starting it for a while. :D

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I finished the game a 2nd time last night beating the 2 joke bosses and Aamon.


Foo Yung and Chow Mein were hilarious, it was hard to take that boss fight seriously due to the comical music that plays when fighting them. After I got the final character in the game...;)...I headed straight for Aamon and beat the hell out of him. It was a very easy fight.


Even though the ending is pretty much the same I enjoyed the extra little scene with...


Rose and Psaro standing looking at the horizon as the balloon went by. It was simple yet charming.



Im hoping that DQV is as good as IV, it really turned out to be a fantastic little game.

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Im hoping that DQV is as good as IV, it really turned out to be a fantastic little game.


I usually always say 'you can't compare perfection' when comparing another Dragon Quest game to another :laughing: . BUT, to some people (including hardcore Dragon Quest fans) Dragon Quest V is their favorite game, mostly to do with the fact it's more story driven then any of the other Dragon Quest games.


Usually the hardcore Dragon Quest fans love III, IV or V and pick one of those as their favorite.

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I wont be starting it as FFXIII is out next week


Argh, now I finally wish I had one of the HD consoles. :(


I usually always say 'you can't compare perfection' when comparing another Dragon Quest game to another :laughing: . BUT, to some people (including hardcore Dragon Quest fans) Dragon Quest V is their favorite game, mostly to do with the fact it's more story driven then any of the other Dragon Quest games.


Usually the hardcore Dragon Quest fans love III, IV or V and pick one of those as their favorite.


Having only played 4 + 5 in their remade form on DS, I'd have to agree that I favour DQ V. Everything seems to come together so well in it from a story point of view. Truly a magical game.

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I am playing a little bit of Dragon Quest IV on the PS1 and I just want to say how much awesomness the story is within the game, considering it being a NES game to begin with, it feels more mature to most games even during the PS1/N64 era, it's just not in your face like so many other games, hence why I love it even more. One of the major reasons I love DQIV so much more is because of the main villian in the game Psaro


Has anyone noticed that the hero and Psaro are in a similar situation here? Both of their loved ones have been killed by an opposing race (humans vs demons) and so both of them are out for revenge. And also, as an interesting bit of trivia, both of them are elflike. Everyone who feels pity for the hero should feel the same about Psaro


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Dragon Quest VI has been given a release date for Europe of.....nah just messing. :laughing:


So i've been playing DQV on and off for a week now, just having little sessions here and there but i've come to the point of where I can recruit monsters and I haven't a clue what to do.


I read on G-Faqs and know how to go about recruiting them but which ones should I be using? I mean I have a few little critters at the moment and most of them seem usless. Can I not just playing the game using the human characters or do I have to use the monsters aswell?


Any tips?


*points to Killer Kirby and darksnowman*


Other than this whole Pokemon thing I have been enjoying the game. I love the enemy designs in this title ( as I did with IV ) the graphics/sprites used just seem to give the enemies charm and soul, something which is lacking in alot of RPGs these days.


I thought the start of the game was quite dark and then it got even more depressing as I played more of it. I've just got the sword that my dad left me and can't wait to press on with it, hopefully I will have it done all ready for IX.

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Dragon Quest VI has been given a release date for Europe of.....nah just messing. :laughing:




Can I not just playing the game using the human characters or do I have to use the monsters aswell?


Any tips?


*points to Killer Kirby and darksnowman*


There will be points in the game when you have less than four humans so you will be using monsters now and again. I didn't obsess over catching monsters so maybe someone else can give more in depth pointers, I just used whatever I came across like the tomato type guy and a golem, for example. If you get a slime knight he will probably be your best all rounder... for the entire game. I did try to catch a metal slime and never succeeded. :blush:


Experimenting with using more monsters in future play throughs with different wifeys is something I intend to do.

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Dragon Quest VI has been given a release date for Europe of.....nah just messing. :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


I read on G-Faqs and know how to go about recruiting them but which ones should I be using? I mean I have a few little critters at the moment and most of them seem usless. Can I not just playing the game using the human characters or do I have to use the monsters aswell?


Any tips?


*points to Killer Kirby and darksnowman*

A Slime Knight is a MUST as it it's good in both physical strength and learns heal very early on, very hepfull for most of the game untiiiiiiiiiiiil a Golem, when you find one, try to recruit one, then equip it with falcon blade and it's all down easy track from then on.


Other than this whole Pokemon thing I have been enjoying the game. I love the enemy designs in this title ( as I did with IV ) the graphics/sprites used just seem to give the enemies charm and soul, something which is lacking in alot of RPGs these days.


I thought the start of the game was quite dark and then it got even more depressing as I played more of it. I've just got the sword that my dad left me and can't wait to press on with it, hopefully I will have it done all ready for IX.


Dragon Quest V was the first JRPG with Monster Taming allowing you to use the monsters you just fought so another breakthrough thanks to the Dragon Quest series :heh:


The length of the game is about the same as IV so you shouldn't have trouble finishing it before IX is out ^_^


But I thought you would like this one...thoughts, you like V or IV more?

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Thanks for the quick reply guys.


Its hard to say which is better as I have barely scratched the surface but if I had to pick now I would say IV purely because im not a fan of mixing monsters with fighters. Its one of the reasons I stopped playing Tales of Symphonia 2 on the Wii. I think the story in this game looks to be more interesting though, I guess time will tell.


Is there any place I can get my hands on a Slime Knight at this point in the game? I remember I fought a few when I was a kid but none have shown up for me since I escaped the slave camp.

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Thanks for the quick reply guys.


Its hard to say which is better as I have barely scratched the surface but if I had to pick now I would say IV purely because im not a fan of mixing monsters with fighters. Its one of the reasons I stopped playing Tales of Symphonia 2 on the Wii. I think the story in this game looks to be more interesting though, I guess time will tell.


Is there any place I can get my hands on a Slime Knight at this point in the game? I remember I fought a few when I was a kid but none have shown up for me since I escaped the slave camp.


Near that castle you went to as a kid I think if I remember, it's somewhere early in the game when you finally grow up.

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Near that castle you went to as a kid I think if I remember, it's somewhere early in the game when you finally grow up.


Thanks I will have a look for one later.


I guess you hatred for Final Fantasy and your love for Dragon Quest does come in handy....sometimes. :D

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Thanks I will have a look for one later.


If your well into it then don't bother, just use the ones you have now until you encounter a Golem.


I guess you hatred for Final Fantasy and your love for Dragon Quest does come in handy....sometimes. :D


I am playing Final Fantasy II (IV) and Dragon Quest III at the moment, both basically tell me that God truly must exist for something this pure and incredible to exist :heh:


It's only really FFVIII(Don't mind the battle system now, has grown on me, but I still throw up from the shittiest story that competes with Twilight as the shittiest story ever told) FFX and FFXIII


All other FF games I am fine with (Truth be told I am looking forward to Agito XIII on the PSP)

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I read on G-Faqs and know how to go about recruiting them but which ones should I be using? I mean I have a few little critters at the moment and most of them seem usless. Can I not just playing the game using the human characters or do I have to use the monsters aswell?


Any tips?


4th in your line-up should be a healer, so you could start with a Slime, then upgrade to a Slime Knight. Personally, I would replace him with a Healslime and then a Cureslime when you can get them. Don't forget, you can also have healers in your wagon.


The 2nd and 3rd places in your line-up should just be general strong monsters. If you catch one and it has better stats than your existing monsters, use that. Some of them can use weapons, some of them breath fire, it just depends what you like.


Depending on your play style, you might like your 3rd-place monster to be a magical/elemental creature. Elementals are better as they don't use MP. Personally, my favourite monsters were the ones that could use spears, axes etc.

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I went in search of a Slime Knight yesterday and after 15 mins of random battles it still didn't show up so I decided to carry on with the story. I was just about to enter the castle when he showed his face. It turns out I was looking for him at the wrong place. I was getting into fights around the haunted castle and not the other one.


I got into a few fights again and he joined my team. Im now just levelling him up til about level 10 before carying on with the story. Im also using a Brownie named Whacka because he looks cass carrying his little hammer. :D

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I've still been playing this on and off for the past few days but I haven't progressed much for a couple of reasons.


Firstly, Crackdown: The Expansion Pack or as some are calling it Crackdown 2 arrived so i've been playing that. I've also been trying to juggle a bit of Red Dead Redemption and Monster Hunter 3 in between so it's been a bit hectic.


Secondly, I was looking for a Golem as early as possible and people on G-Faqs said that I could grab one near the Knick Knack Museum. I spent ages looking around there for a monster that would summon them but I just couldn't find one so I have now decided to move on.


My team consists of me, a bad apple, a brownie and a slime knight. So not much has changed since the last time. The brownie is by far the weakest member of my group and he will be the one to get the boot once I find a replacement. I dunno when that is gonna happen though as I don't run away from fights and have yet to recruit anything decent.


When it came to the marrige choice without hesitation I picked Bianca. I felt it was the right choice for my hero as they quested together when they were kids so they had that connection. Nera I'd just met and wasn't intrested in and as for Deborah, well no bitch tells me what to do so she can rot in her room for all I care. Stupid cow.


Im starting to get a little annoyed when at certain points my line-up keeps changing by throwing Bianca in it. I then have to manually switch everyone back which is becoming a hassle. Anyway to avoid this?


I'm now on may way to my home town and i've just reached the snowy town. The quest continues...

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My team consists of me, a bad apple, a brownie and a slime knight. So not much has changed since the last time. The brownie is by far the weakest member of my group and he will be the one to get the boot once I find a replacement. I dunno when that is gonna happen though as I don't run away from fights and have yet to recruit anything decent.


It sounds like you're too good at the game! I got the impression the monsters only want to join your party if you are much stronger than them, whereas it sounds like you are much further into the game for your Level than the designers expected. You should have had far more monsters wanting to join you than that.


And don't worry about the Golem - there are loads of good monsters.

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