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6th form, year 12 :P


Doing English Lit, Psychology, History and Media Studies.


Had a migraine yesterday... hurt like hell :(


dont have it yet, but it will come later. for now im just left with the shakes, as i have not yet been to bed.


i hate authographical drawin, it sucks hard. so much easy'er to move obects around a 3d inviroment on a computer


it does every thing for you, and you get to sleep - now i have to endure the rest of the day in a librey task. right now is the only time i wished i was back in school or collage :sad:



Media Stuides

1 other thing(haven't decided yet).


Those are some pis easy subjects man. ICT is just a soft form of Computing, Phtography is Taking pictures, and to get an A in MediaStudies you only have spell your name correctly on the Test. It depends which Uni you go to but if you wanna go a decent Uni studin a Science or Computer subject you'll end up having to do a Foundation year or different subject.


Having not done a Science myself thats the stituation i'm in, so take it from me DO A SCIENCE SUBJECT to A2 standard or you'll limit your options after College.


At the moment I'm personally thinking that I will do some accountancy course after I leave school and because a hideously rich finance director, or somehting. I got my first test results back for Account's and Finance an dI got 100%, yay! Go me!

At the moment I'm personally thinking that I will do some accountancy course after I leave school and because a hideously rich finance director, or somehting. I got my first test results back for Account's and Finance an dI got 100%, yay! Go me!


wow thats good..........ever thought about being a criminal master mind :wink:

wow thats good..........ever thought about being a criminal master mind :wink:


Well *strokes chin* no, my empathy is far to high. If I ever stole something from someone I'd feel so bad and cry myself to sleep about it. I felt bad when I gave 55p on the bus instead of 65p... I can still remember that and it was months ago. I just realised a wrote a paragraph answering a joke quetion... oh well! :grin:

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