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Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World


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Well a "normal" Unison attack as I understand it is just Emil doing the "Devils Maw" (slashes down on target with lots of swirling purple energy) then if you have a element of a monster in the grid it (or they) will do an elemental attack (increasing in power with more minor elements) and if you have a characters element they will join in Emils attack with one or more normal arte moves of their own.


What happened to me was something far different and more powerful, like i said it gave a quick cut scene like the Mystic Artes do, from what i can recall, Marta did some sort of Magic attack that turned the background mostly blue, Emil i think did a few slashes and such ending in with jumping in the air and doing a downward air attack that seemed to be powered up (like Havoc Strike with Ignis skill equiped)


Nobodys seem any such thing happen to them?







Finally figured it out... and would you believe doing "converging fury" had nothing to do with it at all...just a massive coincidence i guess i had used it each time.


Asked on the boards at Gamefaqs and they knew what i was on about. it's called "Ars Nova"

They said you just need a Light and Dark on the grid... though i think one needs to be the Major and you need one of both as minors too, i just tried doing it and that was the only time i got it to work.


It's the only one in the game too...shame... would have been good to see combos with other characters.


You can find a video on Youtube by seaching for "ars nova dawn" but i won't post it up here in case you haven't seen it yet and wanna "experience" it in game




Actually... one Dark major and one Light minor just did it again, i assume that would work either way... though doesn't seem to work with just minors and a different major



Ok so Emil is actually neither Emil OR Aster, but in fact he IS Ratatosk?


WTF, now that I never saw that coming to be honest... they really threw things off using Aster. Very cool indeed.


Though I still wonder where the hell the "real" Emil is in all this?


Ah well onward and upward we go... i think it's almost over, shame I want it keep going and going and going like a duracell bunny :heh:


Might try take my time more and waste time on Katz Quests to extend it a bit more, only ever done all the quests in 2 chapters so far... or might see if i can return to Meltokio never did finish all teh ranks in the colloseum yet either...hhmm


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@Mokong X-C:

I still can't get it to work. Tried various combinations with the Dark & Ligh elements - one time dark as major, one minor as light, then dark and light as minor and dark as major, ...



OK. I just found out what I was missing. You also need to have both (not just e.g. Emil) equipped with the Special Skill.

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hey does anyone know what to do in the Earth temple im kinda stuck in there :S im standing on a bridge now and i can See the woman who i have to save acros the other side how do i get there :S because im out of options



and one more thing they should have made this game online so whe could have some monster matches

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I hope we mean the same point in the earth temple that should be how to do it (read completely before doing anything - just to make sure you don't do something you don't need anymore :) ):

Have you tried going in the other possible direction (from the entrance)?

If so, there you will be able to get down (by pressing A to jump) and if you are down there you will be able to find a possibility to change the sorcerer's ring ability and that new ability you have to use on that bridge to make it collapse.



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@Mokong X-C:

I still can't get it to work. Tried various combinations with the Dark & Ligh elements - one time dark as major, one minor as light, then dark and light as minor and dark as major, ...



OK. I just found out what I was missing. You also need to have both (not just e.g. Emil) equipped with the Special Skill.


Ah i didn't realise you needed the Special Skill too, nice one, good to know for when I do a 2nd play through, haha.


Anyway, I decided to a take a short break from the game, i'm just starting Chapter 8 and from the looks of it, it's gonna be the last (29hours into the game....actually lasting longer than i thought, ToS took me 40 hours first time to finish).


So gonna try holding off playing again until Saturday, I wanna try recreate what happened to me with ToS where I started playing about 10 hours form the end and never stopped till it was over... ending the game as the SUN WAS RISING, haha, a full all nighter.


So yeah, I wanna do that here too if I can (hopefully the last chapter won't be too short...i'll fill it in a bit by going for Katz quests and the meltokio colleseum ;)), plus if i'm near the end I don't wanna play during the week cuz i'll be restricted by time with having work the next day... so Saturday night i'm all free and no work Sunday morning to be rested for.


This is strange having been impatient enough to import the game and install the HBC only to resist playing the last section for 5 days, i'm a strange fellow :heh:




Oh BTW, anyone who hasn't yet, near end of the "building" in Chapter 7, before going up the steps to the final room, wait for a skit called "Sheenas Feeling", awesome stuff : peace: I almost missed it, was about to go in the door but stopped to scratch my nose, haha, and the skit title appeared

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Tnx it worked i was stuk at the bridge part



and again a new Question haha,


why cant i Evolve my Dragon into Blade Rex?

you see its name on it but its stays black so you cant select that option :S i am now the dragon Tiamat and i dont want to evolve Back into were dragon :S

do you have to equip a special item or something to let him evolve into Blade rex?

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Here I am not sure, I can just guess that either the Dragon need to have a higher level to evolve to Blade Rex or it depends on what food you give him - though I believe it is option one (that you might need to have your dragon at a higher level).


Ah i didn't realise you needed the Special Skill too, nice one, good to know for when I do a 2nd play through, haha.


It at least seems that way. Without it equipped it never worked - of course with the correct elements in place at the grid - but since I have it equipped I get it always to work.

Btw.: I think the grid was a nice idea - from what I remember the elemental grid didn't exist in Abyss, did it?

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why cant i Evolve my Dragon into Blade Rex?

you see its name on it but its stays black so you cant select that option :S i am now the dragon Tiamat and i dont want to evolve Back into were dragon :S

do you have to equip a special item or something to let him evolve into Blade rex?


Yeah you need a special item equiped, I think it might be some sort of "statue item" but no idea what i remember glancing at it when reading something the other day... but wanna try firgure it out myself first.


And to get the statue items you need to Synthesyies them, the base item is "...something Object" (maybe cement object?) can't remember full name plus then other items to get different statues.


I'm having the same problem with my Red Ogre, he can evolve to Titan but i need a statue...he's at level 79 now since i'm waiting for the right materials to appear :heh:

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Don't you think you are a bit overreacting regarding the next Tales of for Wii?

I think we should at least wait until there is more information or actually until it is out to judge about it.



Well: That is another qeustion but I hope Bandai Namco "improved" regarding that matter by now (at least regarding the US they seem to have improved already) but I think we need to wait and see.

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Umm, no, it's rather high it'll get a release for the US and Europe. There's no reason why it wouldn't.


There have been what 3 Tales games released on Nintendo systems outside japan. And 2 of them were localized by Nintendo. We've missed what 3 on the DS? Its possible, but I'm not going to get hyped for anything until a North American release is confirmed.

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