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Zelda Wii: Not anytime soon!


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So how is that a Zelda game exactly? Replace Link with any other character and it's your standard 360 game...


It'll still retain the third person perspective, z targeting, and the same combat system as previous 3D Zelda games. Essentially everything that makes a Zelda game what it is. The only difference is that Link is put into radically different environments where he needs to do with the offensive/defensive items that are at his disposal in that particular environment. As you progress throughout the game, you will constantly have cutscenes showing the state of Hyrule and Ganondorf constantly terrorising the town and conquering section by section until he controls everything. You feel Ganondorf being a serious foe this time round, it makes you want to defeat him, unlike Twilight Princess where he virtually did not exist until the end. He'd be a lot more violent and brutal this time round, actually claiming a few lives in the game and Link can't do a thing about it, as he is stuck in another time period... Get the pun here, Ganondorf has cut the "Link" between successful takeover of Hyrule for his domination purposes and failure as a result of Link defeating the king of evil by eliminating him via banishment to another time in another place in another world...


As a result of Ganondorf successfully conquering the whole of Hyrule, he develops a power that is SO HUGE, he is virtually invulnerable, he cannot be harmed in anyway, which is where the Links from the various time periods come into play, as you have gained a reputation amongst many people in different time periods, you form a super group that develops an ultra powerful weapon courtesy of elements from each time period where the year 3000 section provides the final touch in creating a weapon capable of harming Ganondorf, you use it in the final battle.

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It'll still retain the third person perspective, z targeting, and the same combat system as previous 3D Zelda games. Essentially everything that makes a Zelda game what it is.
I strongly disagree; a Zelda game goes far beyond the gameplay mechanics the developers choose. A Zelda game is about the atmosphere of the fantasy world it's placed in. I really don't see the merit in a time travel game in which Link just happens to be the main character, it's a different game entirely.
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I strongly disagree; a Zelda game goes far beyond the gameplay mechanics the developers choose. A Zelda game is about the atmosphere of the fantasy world it's placed in. I really don't see the merit in a time travel game in which Link just happens to be the main character, it's a different game entirely.


Exactly, it would give the game an element of freshness not present in Twilight Princess. You see, Link resides in the traditional atmospheric fantasy world we've come to expect in Zelda games, but Ganondorf resurrects and inflicts evil upon the entire town, Link tries to stop him but Ganondorf banishes him to another time to dispose of Link in a convenient fashion and in his mind ensure that he does not return to challenge him. Link is placed into the sterile contemporary world where he needs to escape to restore peace to his beloved homeland. Throughout the game he'd travel to many atmospheric places that don't reflect reality as much as the city portion of the game. The year 3000 for example would be the developers idea of what the world would be like in the year 3000 and thus having a fantasy like setting due to being the work of the imagination. Going through various locales with different conditions to his homeland will create the ultimate test for the ultimate hero, having to fend with the resources that are available in that particular area/time period. This would eliminate any critcisms from players who feel that Twilight Princess was a rehash of recycled ideas with the same style landscapes, enemies etc and that the series is on its last legs.

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Why would you use the Zelda franchise for that? Replace Link with Mario and it makes as much sense.


I don't mind having a different approach like Link's Awakening or Phantom Hourglass, but I would mind having a different game for Zelda. It's like making a medieval Star Wars or having light sabres in Lord of the Rings.

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Link is the hero of time. Having this sort of setting would be the ultimate way to live up to this title...


There are incredible opportunities in having this setting for the next Zelda game. You could have "dungeons" themed to each area, such as a multiple story building for city area where you need to go level by level travelling through multiple hallways, elevators/stairs and having to fend off henchmen of the notorious gang leader at the top that holds hostage one of the key characters of the game that is the guy you meet that is working on the time machine. In the prehistoric area, it can be a giant cave that is 10 times+ the size of the bonus caves in Twilight Princess and the boss is a giant dinosaur, a Tyranosaurus perhaps in which on it has one of the elements required to form the ultimate weapon, you see the guy you rescue in the city also has thought of the idea for creating the ultimate weapon and gives you a list of the items you need to create this ultimate weapon. The year 3000 could have something ultra futuristic such as an extremely stylish floating building or a series of buildings the Jetsons style with an dark orangy/black sky typically found in future representations and you have to fight a huge cyborg like creature that sprays harmful bacteria that cannot be physically seen, you need a special device to avoid it...

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Well, I suggest you buy a 360 then :heh:


Seriously, I don't see how this fits a Zelda game for one second. I guess it would be a good game, but any random character could be the main character.

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Well, I suggest you buy a 360 then :heh:


Seriously, I don't see how this fits a Zelda game for one second. I guess it would be a good game, but any random character could be the main character.


:bouncy: It can fit. It follows the same formula of a Zelda game in every respect, only the environments are radically different. You acquire an important item from each area you clear that is used to reach the final point in the game just like previous installments. You couldn't have other random characters as Link is the only person that is capable of matching the power of Ganondorf in all of Hyrule which is why there is this whole test/ordeal of Link having to survive in virtually unbelievablly difficult unbearable conditions. You could even chuck in an assistant of some kind that is also banished with Link, just like other Zelda games a random that appears to try to jump in front of Link as Ganondorf unleashes his powerful transportation magic and thus also gets banished to the other world/time period as well.

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I'm sorry I also don't think that's Zelda at all.

I also don't understand how TP lacked freshness with the Wolf and all his senses and gameplay changes, Twilight, very different items, refusal to reuse every typical Zelda minigame and Wii controls.

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Link is the hero of time. Having this sort of setting would be the ultimate way to live up to this title.
Actually, one Link is the Hero of Time, the others... not so much!


I really don't think that works at all well for a Zelda game, you can't have him getting mixed up in crime sprees over the city etc... Zelda is NOT and should never be some sort of GTA/Spiderman hybrid!

You can't just rid the game of all the classic enemies/items/scenery/architecture that the series is built on and replace it with common thugs/henceman/dinosaurs/ultimate weapons etc...!!! that could be ANY very generic game, but it's not Zelda!!


To be honest I don't think I'd object to a Zelda that was set in a more futuristic Hyrule, if Nintendo really did want to try taking the series in a different direction like that! After all, whenever Ganondorf appears a new Hero is born; but you've still got to stay true to the series, or else it's just not Zelda anymore!

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Give us Wind Waker, in widescreen, and updated controls, and I'll be happy.


And get shot of that bloody triforce treasure hunt.


We've had a Zelda fix on Wii, is there any reason to get a new Zelda out so soon. I'd not actually mind if the next Zelda appeared on the next Nintendo console - its only 5 years away!

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Right, I was being stupid last night with the last Zelda thing, sorry.

But I highly doubt we will see another Zelda on Wii, bar Virtual Console or a spin-off on Wii Software.


Give us Wind Waker, in widescreen, and updated controls, and I'll be happy.


I'd love for that to come out next year, Aonuma told Nintendo Power he'd love to make one.

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I wish Flagship still existed instead of being split up by Capcom. They could be cracking on with some awesome handheld Zelda games, such as remakes of Oracles and possibly more utilising the DS' features. Ah well. We still have Phantom Hourglass and Tingle RPG to come in September and October.

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Give us Wind Waker, in widescreen, and updated controls, and I'll be happy.
That would be cheap. If they add four dungeons and fill in other gaps in the game (music at night please!), add widescreen and progressive scan, then I'd buy it definitely. Maybe they could throw in some cool stuff like additional shader effects and Phantom Hourglass connectivity :smile:
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Maybe not Phantom Hourglass connectivity, but just DS connectivity. It could replace the GBA-GC thing for the Tingle Tuner, and the in-game Tingle Tuner could be modified to look like a DS. Then they could go crazy with item innovation when someone's using the DS to call Tingle for help.

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Nintendo won't release a new console in 2010 in any scenario. The next Zelda will be on Wii; it'll just take a while. Not a big surprise to be honest.


Thing is though, Nintendo will have issues keeping us happy the next years. Mario is out this year, and usually goes at a rate of one per home console. Metroid will be put in the freezer for some time now as the Prime trilogy ends and Retro Studios gets the freedom to focus on other games. And now Zelda appears a no go anywhere before 2010. The big names will require some waiting, and I can hear the 'fanboys' now.


To replace the big three my hopes are on Pikmin and Star Fox. For the rest, I hope we get some great new franchises from Retro Studios and Monolith that are worthy to be substitutes for the Big Three Adventures.

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