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A tale of a trip into the world beyond games...


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It is good to be back here after a few months away! I can see plenty of new faces as well as some of the old favourites. I don’t know if this short tale will be of any interest to anyone but we will soon see!


This is my tale of the gaming lifestyle!


There and Back Again, A Gamers Tale By dannbrownn


The wait for the Wii nearly killed me! I literally spent 2 years waiting for it to arrive scouring the internet, discussing it on forums, dreaming about it and so on. The only distraction I ever had from waiting for the Wii was playing on the DS, which I also loved.


So when December 8th came round me and my friend were the first people in line at our local games shop waiting for midnight to get our consoles. When the door opened I was the first person in our town to get one. So off home I ran with a bag full of goodies, I first switched my console on at about quarter past midnight, and from that very first moment I couldn’t believe it using the Wiimote to enter data was amazing!

The 5 minutes later when I served my first ball on Wii Sports Tennis, I knew we were witnessing the start of something big.


December went fine and the Wii made for an awesome Christmas… but at the start of 2007 I had a problem. For the two years prior to the Wii launch I had been a full time eBayer, but due to the reclusive lifestyle I had created I was forced to go out and get a ‘real job’ the only true motivation for me to get a proper job was if I was to close down my eBay shop so I had no choice but to get a job. So I sold off all my remaining stock to a friendly American and that was it… I had backed myself into an awful corner.


Looking at the release list for Wii and DS my ‘to buy’ list was already totalling hundreds and hundreds of pounds… and this was literally a few days into the year! Who knew what titles would be announced and how big my to buy list would become. Seeing this I started to panic, because when it comes to games I have very little control and really do need to buy the latest games straight away, no matter how much money I had. At this time I did not have a job and had no idea when I might have one. So it was that I was faced with a heart breaking choice, sell the DS and Wii which were the centre of my life and that I spent all my time with… or keep them and risk going bankrupt!


It took me a few days to make the decision and it even gave me a nosebleed! But in the end I had to make one final set of listings on eBay. And after more than 700 days of waiting and wondering I had sold my Nintendo Wii just 44 days after buying it.


Then in a cruel twist of irony I had been given a job at a local supermarket within two weeks of saying goodbye to the Wii and DS!




I was gutted! But for the sake of savind money I managed to resist running straight out and getting another Wii and DS and instead started to experiment with the PSP… But after years of using the DS although the PSP was incredibly powerful I just could go back to handheld games without a touch screen!


Within a week I had sold the PSP, but then I regretted it as I wanted something to play videos on and show pictures with… so… a few weeks later… I bought a second PSP… which I still have!


So without any proper games in my life I was being seduced by Microsoft… should I get a quality PC to play Warcraft and Supreme Commander or should I get an XboX 360 for its excellent online features and multi-player? I definitely was not going to get a PC after I remembered how Warcraft had once taken over my life, so I bought a 360! And I love it! Multi-player with the headset was a revelation to me, playing Rainbowsix Vegas team sharpshooter is a brilliant way to pass time!


I had a good few months of un interrupted 360 playing during which I wondered if the wii really had been as good as I had thought. But there was no time to worry about that is at the end of April I couldn’t resist buying another DS and the US import version of Pokemon diamond, which is just an amazing game!


Anyway, skip forward a few months and the Wii was calling me stronger than ever so, just over a week ago I bought another Wii… and after my concerns on whether it was as good as I thought I was relieved to find that after using the standard 360 controller the Wiimote was more magical than ever! And I now firmly believe the Wii is the right direction for games to go more than ever!


So all in all this year I have had everything… lost it all and experienced the emptiness of life without games, then ended up with more than I ever had before!


So what is life without games? The answer… terrifying.


Well that is my short story about the adventures of one twenty year old male and his games, I did have a reason for posting this at the start but I seem to have forgotten it amidst all the memories that this post has fetched back to me!


Anyway that is my tale, and it is good to be back here to discuss games with such wonderful people, please feel free to add me to your friends list on the Wii (I need to repopulate my console with Mii‘s!) and also feel free to add me on xbox live. Just sendme a PM if you add me.


I can’t wait to discuss some games!



PS. My Wii Friend code is: 2596 5743 0045 4458 and my xbox live Gamertag is: dannbrownn

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Woo! *waves a flag*


Surely you lost LOADS of money, from all that selling and buying though?


I have indeed spent quite few pounds more than i needed to!


Not selling the wii at that time probally made a nice profit. :D


The wii sold on ebay for £265 which made up for the losses i made on selling the games that i had bought with it! and there were a lot of games! on launch night i collected £420 worth of stuff! Not to mention all the DS stuff that went with it!

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I have tried that life without gaming , and it really isn't that much fun.


Worse still , I have spent a small fortune buying back games and consoles that I honestly thought I could do without and wouldn't miss. I am trying to avoid doing so again.


Perhaps I need help.

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I have tried that life without gaming , and it really isn't that much fun.


Worse still , I have spent a small fortune buying back games and consoles that I honestly thought I could do without and wouldn't miss. I am trying to avoid doing so again.


Perhaps I need help.


I think we both do!


You stooped so low as to buy a PSP over rebuying a DS or Wii? How could you. HOW COULD YOU?


Please i feel quilty and ashamed enough about it as it is, but at the time i didn't know what i was doing, i was wandering through the world as one caught in a dream!


:shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead:shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead

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Good to see ya back dannybrowny. Would you believe I was thinking about you just the other day? Well, it only took me half a year to notice you werent about lol.


I'll re-add you to my Wii list sharpish, m'lad. Welcome back! :heh:


lol! great i will add you to my list as well!


well half a year is how long it took you to fully come to terms with the loss of me! lol thanks!

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