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The 2007 Summer Job Hunt

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WAHEY!!!!! Finally, someone has employed me!!!!


As I said yesterday, I had 3 interviews to go to today...at least I thought I had 3....One of my interviews was apparently yesterday and NOT today. So that was a waste of time.


Anyway, the first interview I went to was for a call centre. I met a buff asian girl there but I was bloody nervous. But, after that interview, they rang me up to arrange the 2nd interview, so YAY!! Got through that one.


2nd interview didn't happen as for reasons outlined above.


3rd and final interview was with the Savoy Hotel and guess what............I GOT THE JOB!!!!! WAHOOOO!!!! The only bad thing is that its only till mid December cos the hotel is gonna be renovated. But I'm ok with that as I really need money during the summer primarily for now.


So yeh, its been a long day, but got another 2 interviews tomorrow. Chelsea FC (BOOOO) and the 2nd call centre interview.


P.S Luv wearin my suit around London haha

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3rd and final interview was with the Savoy Hotel and guess what............I GOT THE JOB!!!!! WAHOOOO!!!! The only bad thing is that its only till mid December cos the hotel is gonna be renovated. But I'm ok with that as I really need money during the summer primarily for now.

I can see how a job in December is really going to help you now in summer.


Had my "interview". It was more like a "what are you doing now?" chat. Then basically saying what I would have to do [were I to be employed] and certain perks, like getting a tenner for pouring a J20 properly, or getting an Ipod from the brewery or something.


It was like he was flirting with me. Can't blame him, I am easy on the eyes.

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One of the regulars who works the Ukrainian club bar on odd days is getting an Apprenticeship in joining.

Means that no-one will be working most of those days.

Looks like I have a temporary/full-time job for the holidays.


I don't really want to be there every day though. I'm sick of the place.

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I can see how a job in December is really going to help you now in summer.



The job is UNTIL December, starting this Summer. :)

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The job is UNTIL December, starting this Summer. :)

I acknowledge my mistake. Bad EEVIL... However I don't see the logic in closing the place down mid December. Christmas will be the busy season!

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The job is UNTIL December, starting this Summer. :)


Thanks for clearing that up linky. Despite eevilmurray's mistake, my mum made the exact same mistake when I told her I got the job at the hotel!


IT IS summer work but will finish in December, when the hotel is gonna get renovated. :smile:

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I'm on the hunt today. Gonna go round quite a few cafes and shops for applications...sure gonna be fun....


Wish me luck.

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I'm on the hunt today. Gonna go round quite a few cafes and shops for applications...sure gonna be fun....


Wish me luck.


GOOD LUCK!!! :bouncy:

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I'm on the hunt today. Gonna go round quite a few cafes and shops for applications...sure gonna be fun....


Wish me luck.


gd luck m8!!:smile:

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^Thanks again :)


So I managed to apply for HMV, Some random health food shop (the lady seemed pretty desperate for fresh meat) and JD Sports (Which I will only take as a last resort because chavs love to hang around in there)


I might try and apply for GAME but I can't see them being interested.

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I have applied for a job at Game and Gamestation at Liverpool City Centre, be amazing if I get it because it goes hand in hand with my further education at Liverpool Community College.

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I tried applying for GAME but they weren't taking on anybody for summer jobs as they didn't need extra staff. It could be different where you live though. :D

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I tried applying for GAME but they weren't taking on anybody for summer jobs as they didn't need extra staff. It could be different where you live though. :D


They were both taking people on but they weren't advertising, I just handed in my CV's and References and they said, we will get back to you

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^^Good Luck. I hope you get in to at least one. :D


I have been rejected by the following:



WH Smiths



Ah well, still banking on the job from Sainsburys. Bet they ring while i'm on holiday though and give the job to someone else.

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I also have applied for one at Liverpool Empire Theatre so fingers crossed once more...


Money Money Money

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Chelsea interview went too well...I wouldn't even call it an interview. We just chatted. The guy even swore while speaking to me (in a nice conversational way though). He just asked me stuff like what are you doing now, and why you want to work at Chelsea. Simple as. He even wrote "very smart, very good" in his little sheet he was writing on. Hopefully I'll get that too!

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Today, me and my friend will be hitting the agencies in Brighton to see what is on offer. Hope it goes alright. :D

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Been to a few agencies. I printed off 5 CVs and they've all been handed in somewhere! Have a few good looking prospects, so fingers crossed.

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I have another interview at another pub Friday morning. Tis alot nearer than the other, but will put me at the mercy of a fair few shitheads whom I know.


IE My brother and his friends.

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They were both taking people on but they weren't advertising, I just handed in my CV's and References and they said, we will get back to you

That's what happened to me. My mum asked at the tills if there were any jobs and the guy said there was, there were no advertisements for it though.

Handed in my CV, got an interview then wasn't even told if I had it or not. I had to go in and ask..well not had to my mum forced me to go and inquire.

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Well that was pretty damn quick! Only went into agencies earlier today, and they rang me back about an hour or so ago offering me a job!




I'll be doing telesales again, though. A word of warning for you guys: If you have the opportunity to do telesales, do it. It looks great on your CV, and plus you'll find it much easier to do customer service or future telesales work when you're strapped for cash later on in life. Wisest move I ever made.

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Got an interview 2moz morning, at 9:00! I don't usually get up till after 11:00! Sheesh. It's for a dispatch operative role at a food factory. No idea what the job involves really, but did say that I was up for other jobs if they have any on offer, so hopefully I get something easy.


Also sent CVs and letters out today, for a job at a warehouse for The Book People, a receptionist for a Dentist and a customer assistant for Stena Line. Fingers crossed one of them will be a success.

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