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Soul Calibur IV


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Whats the best way to beat a button masher? If I'm fighting someone that just hammers the same button over and over again I can't seem to get a hit in to break out of the constant attacks.


Keep your distance, go in quick and time you attacks. Try and maintain distance if they are really not giving you a gap close up and go in and back out constantly. They probably have no idea about attack timings and reach, which I'm sure you do if you don't button bash.


I've never had a problem with button mashers, but then my favorite character is Astaroth and I can reach across most of the stage. :heh:

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I did find that it was easier with characters with long range, as I can stand back and attack. I usually use Talim though who is obviously the opposite.


I never played enough of SC1 and 2 to get properly good, so hoping to really get into this one.

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I did find that it was easier with characters with long range, as I can stand back and attack. I usually use Talim though who is obviously the opposite.


Yeah, I'd say just stand off until you see an opening then run in and strike. You can get a lot of solid hits in and then back off until the next opening presents itself.

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This will probably be the first game I get when I get my PS3 next week. Nice to see the characters i used (Maxi, Seigfried, Taki, Nightmare and was learning Ivy in SC3) are still good to use. Really can't stand doing another full week of work but damnit, that's whats gonna pay for the game.

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Whats the best way to beat a button masher? If I'm fighting someone that just hammers the same button over and over again I can't seem to get a hit in to break out of the constant attacks.


I have had really problem with this recently...last night played quite a few higher levels....They don't seem to like losing to lower people and then just end up button mashing when they are losing. I am now up to level 7 or 8 myself and really had a great winning streak...and balanced my average out to 42%.




Can someone make a Lloyd from Tales of Symphonia? It might just sway me to get the game :D


I'll give it a go...got a ton of new characters to show off again once I can be bothered to take some pic...


This will probably be the first game I get when I get my PS3 next week. Nice to see the characters i used (Maxi, Seigfried, Taki, Nightmare and was learning Ivy in SC3) are still good to use. Really can't stand doing another full week of work but damnit, that's whats gonna pay for the game.


lol! Definitly get it you seriously won't regret buying it.

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Why is it we can't download what people create? Does anyone else think this was an oversight by Namco?


Yeah I mentioned it back a few pages...The only reason I can think they did it is because you have to unlock clothing items...so they have done it to prevent you easily obtaining items.


However there is a simple solution to this lock the characters you download much like the Star Wars characters are so you can't edit them. Also if Namco are worried about people not earning the rewards then as I suggested back in the thread...only let people download characters they beat in online.

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Bought this game today... sorry my PS3 buddies but i bought it for the 360...




Do not underestimate the power of the dark side!!


Darth Vader is going to come and kick your greem ass :P



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I bet they let us do star wars characters eventually, for more money. It's a theory i've got, they are holding some features back for DLC. I could see customisable and createable Star Wars characters being bundled with Vader/Yoda and the pack costing some ridiculous sum like 2000MSP

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I am feeling tired of SC4 already. Such a dissapointment. Compared to 3 there is only one new main character and there is alot less content than SC3. The presentation is the weakest in the series. The music is forgetable. Hardly any stages. many stages are plain or the same stage with afew differences. SO dissapointing.



If you only played SC2 then yeah i can understand if you like this. But as a SC3 and SC1 owner its the weakest release so far.

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I've said before and I'll say it again, SC3 was heinous.


I think the fighting is better than 2, not a patch on 1, but the character balance in 2 was much better so I prefer 2 in that respect.


I agree with you on the stages and the lack of new characters. Also the one player mode is pathetic. 1 (and I think 2 had the same sort of one player mode) had the best story/quest mode.

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I am feeling tired of SC4 already. Such a dissapointment. Compared to 3 there is only one new main character and there is alot less content than SC3. The presentation is the weakest in the series. The music is forgetable. Hardly any stages. many stages are plain or the same stage with afew differences. SO dissapointing.


If you only played SC2 then yeah i can understand if you like this. But as a SC3 and SC1 owner its the weakest release so far.


I don't agree at all with regards to SC3 from what I have played of the 3rd...loved both 1 and 2 and think this is right up there to be honest... Whilst yes there are less new characters...there are plenty that have move set revisions etc..


I also think the Tower of Souls has a lot more depth to it than people give it credit for. Having said that I do agree with Daft in that;


I've said before and I'll say it again, SC3 was heinous.


I think the fighting is better than 2, not a patch on 1, but the character balance in 2 was much better so I prefer 2 in that respect.


I agree with you on the stages and the lack of new characters. Also the one player mode is pathetic. 1 (and I think 2 had the same sort of one player mode) had the best story/quest mode.


The Weapon Master modes were awesome.


I think there is a lot to be found online with this game, if you find the right people to play with. I have found a few new friends to add to my friends list whilst playing...


All us PS3 owners should get together and have a 4 player game, its done winner stays on and tracks everyones results and lets you watch each other? Are there 3 other people up for it?

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I don't agree at all with regards to SC3 from what I have played of the 3rd...loved both 1 and 2 and think this is right up there to be honest... Whilst yes there are less new characters...there are plenty that have move set revisions etc..


I also think the Tower of Souls has a lot more depth to it than people give it credit for. Having said that I do agree with Daft in that;




The Weapon Master modes were awesome.


I think there is a lot to be found online with this game, if you find the right people to play with. I have found a few new friends to add to my friends list whilst playing...


All us PS3 owners should get together and have a 4 player game, its done winner stays on and tracks everyones results and lets you watch each other? Are there 3 other people up for it?


I am up for it. I am still upset about the game though. Content wise. I gues si will warm to it though if its balanced well. Its the multiplayer that really counts the most.

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