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Football Season 2007/2008


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Looks like the Baines deal is still on after all. Reading the metro on my way to work and it said he was a lifelong everton fan - I thought he was a Liverpool fan when he was a kid?


Anyway, Moyes looks happy about it



EDIT: Our promising young striker Andy Carroll has been loaned to Sheff Wed, should be really good for them. Looked really promising in the pre-season friendlies, hopefully getting regular games should see him come good.

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Dear Hobbz


I hope you find the following Pictures of use to you..




Look at Roy Keane




Remember this game...




...Just Few of Many examples...Football is full of hypocrits...Don't be another number hobz you have had many thugs down the years playing for you..


Yours Faithfully



I heard it's going to be so big once they add the extension to accomodate Jamie Carraghers monsterous cock that it's going to be declared as a new country and Liverpool are going to win the World Cup.


Just to give you an idea of the scale of the size of how immense it is and just why it is going to be bigger and have more people in it than China, if you printed out every post Ant has made on it, scrumpled them up and threw them into the stadium you could nearly fit them all inside.


Get over yourself you ego-centric tosspot...


The metro are wrong he was and still is a Liverpool fan, its also been confirmed that hes gone to Everton. As I said yesterday hes currently got a hamstring injury so they probably just wanted to take a closer look at it.


Many Liverpool Fans, have gone on to play for Everton and Vice Versa..


Fowler, Carra, Leon Osman, Vaughan to name a few....


More Evertonians played for Liverpool than Everton as far as I know though....

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Right Ant my brother, Keano and Eric got punished....didnt they? What Hobz and every other United fan is saying that Gerrard punched a player he just got a yellow card....for punching a player....yellow card...

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Right Ant my brother, Keano and Eric got punished....didnt they? What Hobz and every other United fan is saying that Gerrard punched a player he just got a yellow card....for punching a player....yellow card...


Ref Didn't See it...


I just find it a tad bit hypocritical when we have had Many players from Man Utd have instances go un-noticed...It's tit for tat it seems


Let's leave it there because as far as I am concerned we have been let off and so have United...


I just find it really hypocritical of some United fan's calling for Gerrard's head when many instances over the past ten years have seen players walk free.


United fans should keep their trap shut when it comes to instances like these because their players aren't no angels either....


Besides Gerrard hasn't done such a thing in quite a long time now, quite suprised at it and it wasn't as if the game was flaring up anyway...

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Get over yourself you ego-centric tosspot...


Funnily enough, that was exactly the message of my post.


Come on, if it'd been gerrard who'd been slapped it'd be black arm bands, "Justice 4 Stevie" t-shirts and outraged letters to UEFA, FIFA, the FA and the Pope all round, you can't pretend you'd accept any excuses of "He deserved it".

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Funnily enough, that was exactly the message of my post.


Come on, if it'd been gerrard who'd been slapped it'd be black arm bands, "Justice 4 Stevie" t-shirts and outraged letters to UEFA, FIFA, the FA and the Pope all round, you can't pretend you'd accept any excuses of "He deserved it".


Your Either really really bitter


Really Really Stupid


Your just down right ignorant...


I think all 3...



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Your Either really really bitter


Really Really Stupid


Your just down right ignorant...


I think all 3...


And you said that was OK by Shearer at the time, that these things happen in football, that Lennon probably deserved it did you?


I never said no-one in a black and white shirt has ever done anythign wrong, or that anyone who's played for Newcastle has escaped punishment for it, nor have I ever defended them when they were clearly in the wrong.


Stop supporting your club like they were a boy band and you're a teenage girl, your fans and players are not infallible, they're not perfect and they're not incapable of doing wrong - and when they do, it's not always someone else's fault.


You know fine well if a player of another club did that same thing to one of your lot you wouldn't be so forgiving.

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And you said that was OK by Shearer at the time, that these things happen in football, that Lennon probably deserved it did you?


I never said no-one in a black and white shirt has ever done anythign wrong, or that anyone who's played for Newcastle has escaped punishment for it, nor have I ever defended them when they were clearly in the wrong.


Stop supporting your club like they were a boy band and you're a teenage girl, they're not infallible, they're not perfect and they're not incapable of doing wrong - and when they do, it's not always someone else's fault.


I support my club, by going the games, singing the songs, yes maybe I have a little bit of blind faith but so what?


Stop being such a ignorant prick and going by what you read in the papers, on Sky Sports or what not, stop being so Anti-Liverpool and being provocative (Not in the nice way) in your responses? "Jutisce 4 Stevie" who the hell do you think you are? Your just a typical little fan who grew up reading the sun beleving Liverpool where to blame for Everything etc etc etc


As Fields said you could be the biggest Tosser on these forums and I grow weary of your snide little jabs at my club...


We are not perfect I've stated it time and time again, but I'll support them I'll defend them, thats just the way I am..


Deal With it

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You bring this on yourself mate by the way you go on. Why do you think this entire thread degenerates into Liverpool vs the World? Before I came on this forum i had a genuine soft spot for liverpool, I've got a good mate from uni who's a scouser and I'd go and watch Liverpool games on Sky with him whenever they were on. I've had nothing but good experiences going to Anfeild, and I could never imagine watching Man U playing Liverpool and wanting anything else but a Liverpool victory. But after listening to you two bairns sqwark on and on and on and on about how great you are and taking huge offense at anyone who suggests otherwise really starts to get thoroughly annoying after a while. Give it a rest.

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You bring this on yourself mate by the way you go on. Why do you think this entire thread degenerates into Liverpool vs the World? Before I came on this forum i had a genuine soft spot for liverpool, I've got a good mate from uni who's a scouser and I'd go and watch Liverpool games on Sky with him whenever they were on. I've had nothing but good experiences going to Anfeild, and I could never imagine watching Man U playing Liverpool and wanting anything else but a Liverpool victory. But after listening to you two bairns sqwark on and on and on and on about how great you are and taking huge offense at anyone who suggests otherwise really starts to get thoroughly annoying after a while. Give it a rest.


Great Offence...


Jesus the only things that would offend me regarding Liverpool


Is references to the 96




Thats about it, Besides I haven't really defended Gerrard I just pointed out that we all have thugs and have had instances go Un-Punished regarding clubs we have supported, theirs no point jumping on a bandwagon which you wouldn't of jumped if it was your player. Plus don't go playing the high and mighty card because it doesn't wash, and It doesn't work.


Football Fans are Hypocrits, I'm no exception to that rule....

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All people in this thread support and love their club and have a biased view of it. How come it's the same common demoninator of the same two scouse fans who are always in a flame war with someone or other? Now I'm sure on some PlayStation or Xbox board in a parrallel cyber universe there are some Chelsea fans, or Man U fan or Toon fans swanning around like a dog with two cocks and getting right up everyone's nose. But here it happens to be the scousers.


I think Fields is a bad influence on you to be honest, if I was teaching you I'd make one sit at the front and the other at the back.

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What an out of proportion to-do.


Gerard deserved a red, and got away with it. A slight injustice in my opinion, the guy got lucky. End of.


There is no need for toys to be thrown out the pram over this.




And just in case, yes Reyes got away with a similar thing a few years back. Yes he should've got a ban after the game.

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I heard it's going to be so big once they add the extension to accomodate Jamie Carraghers monsterous cock that it's going to be declared as a new country and Liverpool are going to win the World Cup.


Just to give you an idea of the scale of the size of how immense it is and just why it is going to be bigger and have more people in it than China, if you printed out every post Ant has made on it, scrumpled them up and threw them into the stadium you could nearly fit them all inside.


You deserve some sort of award good sir :laughing:

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All people in this thread support and love their club and have a biased view of it. How come it's the same common demoninator of the same two scouse fans who are always in a flame war with someone or other? Now I'm sure on some PlayStation or Xbox board in a parrallel cyber universe there are some Chelsea fans, or Man U fan or Toon fans swanning around like a dog with two cocks and getting right up everyone's nose. But here it happens to be the scousers.


I think Fields is a bad influence on you to be honest, if I was teaching you I'd make one sit at the front and the other at the back.


I'm sorry for disagreeing with what people say


I'm sorry for putting my point forward


I'm sorry for expressing my opinion


I'm sorry I'm Sorry


Please Forgive me..


And Field's isn't a bad influence on me I think he is rather amusing he actually says what I want to say because it's the only way some of the nit-wits on the forum actually get the point.


By the way Field's isn't scouse...and Stop being such a tosser putting down Scousers instead of Liverpool Fans I get what your trying to say and frankly...I Don't Like it one bit....

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Ref Didn't See it...


The ref didn't see Zidane headbutt that dude either though..



Also, Rangers deserve to be thrown out of the league because of the chants at the weekend. A clearly audible "F**k the Pope" chant is completely unacceptable. The Rangers fans have be warned about that, and other chants many times now. Many people find that extremely offensive and if Rangers get away with no penalty I will be incredibly disappointed.

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The ref didn't see Zidane headbutt that dude either though..



Also, Rangers deserve to be thrown out of the league because of the chants at the weekend. A clearly audible "F**k the Pope" chant is completely unacceptable. The Rangers fans have be warned about that, and other chants many times now. Many people find that extremely offensive and if Rangers get away with no penalty I will be incredibly disappointed.


Load of idiots. The Celtic fans are no better mind, they behaved like animals in newcastle the other week, walking the streets gloating and screaming about he IRA, September the 11th, 7/7 (to women and little un's mostly), audible "Al Quaeda! (clap clap clap clap clap) Al Quaeda!! chants in the ground nd trashed about 4 or 5 bars rioting. Dunno why we keep inviting them back. All this sectarian shite needs to be kicked out the game up there, but it's so ingrained in it I fear it's never going to be removed completely. The Rangers fans are usually canny to us lot because of the whole British loving fetish, but they're still odious little ***** to their rivials, taking it well beyond football.


EDIT: I should stress some of the Celtic fans. Some of them did stick "Celtic fans against racism and sectarianism" stickers around, quite a numebr of their contingent didn't seem to pay much attention to that though.

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Ur just responding like an idiot to the point I have made and not properly arguing against my point. All Fields could say is "Rooney is a fat bastard" and all you can say is "You have a violent team," your not actually saying anything in relation to what I have said and looking like idiots in the process. You have done it once again in the above post. Just sorta makes you look stupidly biased to the stage where you are blinded in accepting Liverpool can ever be wrong.


Also cant help make me think your age is a big factor in such idiotic responses


Incase you couldn't tell i was being sarcastic, being serious expressing my opinion and then being called some Bias young so and so didn't work.


So why not a little humour..:yay:


Just Fuck Off Hobz with this high and mighty crap lad it's irritating the crap out of me because it's nothing but an act on your part...


Besides I know Gerrard deserves to be punished for it, a red card would of suficed but Jesus christ you lot are seriously over reacting, the game was high tempered during the end and people lost all sense of control, bad on Gerrard's part but it's football isn't it, we see it everywhere...


Not Least at Manchester United which why I find it ironic to see Man Utd fans calling for heads to be rolled when they are probably and have the history of being the most violent football team in England in recent years...

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