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Saw this whilst browsing t'internet on lunch today, and have to admit its possibly the best looking case mod I have seen to date:






Nice mirrored finish, but was a bit peeved to find out it is coated plastic, but still imho, infinitely better than the stickers if you dare go that little bit further in voiding your warranty and a steal at approx. £25.


Read all about it (review):



Company Site:



That's painted plastic.

I saw a can of chromepaint in a biltema store here in sweden. The can said: will come of if touched.

We allso got this free coffeemixer with a post order company. The paint started flaking after just 2-3 uses. It looks awful after no time at all!


If you put that on a wii, you'll have to repaint the disc ejector like once a week.


From the review, I figure its a pretty sturdy coating (although there are mentions on the chrome being damaged where the sheets were snapped) whether its painted or true chroming is not mentioned.


Suppose its still ok if you dont tend to move the setup around often.


For the record the same company also does black cases (for the ones who cannot wait)


Styling is always going to be an opinion driven thing.

To me it Doesn't look bad at all and is light years ahead of the Decalgirl style modding.


If it was down to me everything would be Matt black and rack-mount...

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