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So Bluray is beating HD-DVD then?


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I think it is very much pointless, Blue Ray, HD-DVD....


I have an Xbox360 and I will be getting at HDTV soon.


I will be connecting my PC to that, and streaming my high definition video files such as lost and 24, high definition video files will become more common on PCs and those with the know how will probably not spend hundreds of pounds on equipment which is not necessary.

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Not really, the PS3 can have firmwire updates to improve any faults and the hardware seems fine.


So yes the early stuff will be dogey but that will get iron'd out via updates.


Things like picture in picture simply can't be added by firmware updates. There is a severely finite amount of stuff you can do through software to try and keep up with newer hardware.

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After giving it a long (wich is, with e, three seconds) thought, I think that the format war Blu-Ray and HD-DVD will result into suicide for both formats. Thanks to the war, people will not be able to choose one or another soon and will pick the universal, downloadable multi-media content. Since multi-media PC's and topboxes are getting more familiar everyday, this war might be the war that gives downloads the essential time to become more popular before people choose for one of both formats.


This may result into some problems, I giess. Though I'll wait and see what it turns out.

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HD-DVD Fighting Back?


This might be intresting...


Quite a decent list of titles there as well, coming over the next year. I'll be picking up a fair few.


I don't like this new 'download everything' era, I like owning stuff and being able to see it. I mean, half the point of a games collection is to have it on shelves and display it. I still buy all the cds that I really want. Anything I'm just trying out I'll download from iTunes. Plus iTunes is different since I listen to music all the time and usually on my iPod.

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I see that Circuit city, a major electronics store, is finally selling the new Toshiba HD-DVD player the HD-A20 which can output 1080p for $499.99. Mind you Circuit city has prices slightly higher than those of Best Buy, another electronics store. But Best Buy has yet to receive these players.:heh::blank:

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Split in Blu-ray group?

Blu-ray stalwart Panasonic brutalized LG for its combo at the latest DVD Forum Steering Committee meeting, we're told. From transcripts we've seen, Panasonic accused LG of breach of contract for offering a combo player, and said it should be censured for doing so. LG blithely thanked Panasonic for bringing publicity to its combo -- and said its lawyers would respond. In what seemed an exchange of spite, LG split ranks with its Blu-ray compatriots by voting in favor of all HD DVD measures before the SC -- rather than abstaining, as the pragmatic Korean companies usually had.
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